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Everything posted by howling1

  1. What might be a better idea would be for a flyable Northrup Flying Wing, both Jet & Prop versions...
  2. From what I've gleaned, Ubi screwed up & released an earlier version of the "Final" patch. ( Thanks guys after I DL'd & installed the sucker :roll: ) Supposedly, the correct patch will be released Monday...
  3. I want to play the harpoon 4

    Are Sub Commander & Silent Hunter any good?
  4. I want to play the harpoon 4

    Last I heard, Harpoon4 had a later October target for a release date. But, I emphasize, that was a while ago...
  5. There's still some ambiguities in the Readme. I still haven't been able to get the gun pod to show up, let alone work...
  6. Can you successfully add CFS2 & CFS3 aircraft to this sim? And can anyone tell me how to do it?
  7. Adding CFS Aircraft to M/S FS 2004?

    Thanks, I just bookmarked it. :)
  8. The Movie's due in '05? 8) BTW, the way FPS technology is going, by the time AvP3 gets here, we probably will be able to fly the dropship...
  9. Lol, I have a Nice Stargate and DHD to add to the desert terrain. the Gate itself is about 180,000+ poly gons though. So when Ya'll gonna release the Death Glider? :shock:
  10. ^ ^ It's in Alien vs Predator 3...
  11. My picks for aircraft I'd like to see in SFP1 : 1. A *real* MiG-15 to replace the placeholder that came with the Sabre Pack 2. Folland Gnat ( for India-Pakistani Wars ) 3. Hawker Hunter 4. Mirage IIIC 5. F-80C 6. Vampire 7. F-7U Cutlass 8. F-102/F-106 9. MiG-23 10. Yak-23 Flora
  12. For a listing of what's currently being worked on in the Strike Fighters Community, check out my "Filling In The Blanks ( With Planes )" thread over at the SimHQ Strike Fighters General Forum. I try to keep it up to date with those aircraft that are currently being modded as a service to the community ( As I can't mod worth a damn myself )...
  13. Adding CFS Aircraft to M/S FS 2004?

    Well 'Chief, thru trial & error, I've found that CFS1 & CFS2 aircraft will work. However CFS3 aircraft will not. Maybe someone knows how to get them to work, cause I sure don't... :roll:
  14. And definately update to either the Omega 44.03, or the Nvidia WHQL 45.23 drivers... Makes a big difference with this game.
  15. From what I've heard, there's supposed to be an add-on aircraft pack released in a couple of weeks.
  16. Another thing to try is to go to Intel's site & download the current version of their Applications Accelerator. This helped me when I was having bigtime stutter problems with CFS3...
  17. Word is, the patch will be out sometime this week... However, Ubi has Site Maintainance scheduled for August 5th & 7th. this may not bode well for a timely release before Friday...
  18. I'm very pleased. So what if it's taking longer than some would like to get it out, it sounds like it's being done right. That's what counts...
  19. If all else fails, http://www.cdmag.com/cgi-bin/order.cbi_home? Chips & Bits has it in stock for about $32...
  20. Same here, there's also an error code : Warning: Division by zero in /home/virtual/site57/fst/var/www/html/modules/downloads/dl-catagories.php on line 764
  21. What he said. I just checked Ubisoft, & Oleg's Ready Room & it's not up over there... Anybody got a URL?
  22. Flight Simulator 2004 goes gold

    I bought FS2K Pro, but this one I'm gonna wait on reviews to see if they got it right, or released CFS3 w/o guns... :roll:

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