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About Wombat

  1. 71. still buying green bananas.
  2. OT: For our friend HouseHobbit

    I like the part where they got their lumber from salvage and "other construction sites?" Hmmmmm. Also, while the hay for insulation may be a really green solution, it also is an invite to all sorts of creature infestations and, of course, fire. Owen: You should evaluate these things carefully.....
  3. The fundamental problem with most tin foil hat designs is that none of them provide a proper earth ground. One must use several lengths of high grade silver chains which contact the ground, or can be attached to your cold water pipes. Unobtanium-239 would be preferred, but I'm not sure it can be fashioned into a chain. Others might have more information on that. Beware of the water pipe solution because there have been reports of reverse signalling through urban water supplies; private wells are ok, if properly monitored. Be safe out there. They're watching and listening.
  4. Not sure if they do it anymore, but many American railroads mounted surplus jet engines on modified flat cars and used them to clear snow from the tracks, mostly around switches. I saw one in action in Syracuse, NY in the early 60's. I never heard of one running away and taking off down the tracks, nor setting fire to the cross ties, but maybe I just missed it.... Given an opportunity, some will mount any power source on any vehicle, with mixed results.
  5. Gentlemen of the skies

    Could be one frame from a movie? Just guessing.
  6. The wonderful part of Joseph Plumb Martin's accounts of his experiences is that it is the only known day-to-day sort of account from the enlisted man's point of view. One of the wonderful things about his observations about the follies of the military is that they have a lot in common with more modern accounts coming from WWI and II in terms of what the soldier's life is like. I have actually paid my respects to his grave in Stockton Springs, Maine on the Penobscot River. A simple stone marks him as "A Soldier of the Revolution" Hope you enjoy the read.
  7. You need to realize that had this happened to you outside the hospital, it would be called a massive trauma which you would ordinarily not have survived. As it is, the surgeons and Nurse Gladys have made sure you did survive, but you really need to be good to yourself and do what your body is telling you to do -- REST! BEHAVE AND LISTEN TO NURSE GLADYS! Best of luck in your recovery.
  8. That is a truly interesting video. Thanks for finding it for us!
  9. My Son is a lucky lad!

    I hope he has the same sort of experience I had as a boy when we went on a Boy Scout field trip to Fort Ticonderoga in upstate NY. I was only eight or so, but being there made what happened there all the more real and got me interested in history. Just to add to the day, there was a man working there in the restoration projects who was a history teacher in a nearby high school and he gathered a bunch of us to go on a walkabout outside the fort, down towards the lake. We dug about as he instructed, and found arrow heads and musket balls ourselves! What a day it was, and I wish the same sort of thing for your son. One day I should very much like to visit England and France to do the same thing there.
  10. Ouch...OUCH!

    Yeah, this stuff really gets very old very fast. (the older I get, the older it gets). The irony of this stuff is that it usually doesn't happen when bending down to lift; it happens after that when the joints try to go back into column and hit a nerve on the way or a disk gets squished even slightly. So a sneeze at the wrong moment really is enough to set it off! Time and the obvious loving care from your pooch (and perhaps the missus) will set it right, and then, yes, you have to do all those damned exercises to help strengthen the stabilizing muscles. I'm told that for this purpose, low intensity, many reps (like 60 or so) are the way to go to build endurance. Take care, sir, and feel better.
  11. Devil Dogs of the Air

    Just watched a documentary on Bikini today, and it reported that even after the two blasts, Able and Baker, it took 8 hours for Saratoga to go down! She would at the very least allowed her crew to leave her in an orderly manner. What a lady!!!
  12. An extraordinary discovery! The preservation after nearly a century should give historians and others lots of info about how the soldiers lived in those God-awful trenches. I agree about not showing the skeletal remains; like Pompeii, it would add the human element to the scene which is what makes it important in the first place.
  13. Joystick

    Thank you, sir. Never would have found that by myself.
  14. Joystick

    I have done due diligence and searched everywhere I can think of but I can't find out how to map the buttons on my Evo joystick. In other versions of cfs, there is a place to place keyboard assignments on joystick buttons, but I cannot find it anywhere here in OFF. Am I just blind, or is is not there? THX
  15. Merry Christmas

    My wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous, new year!

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