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Everything posted by Wombat

  1. I have one of these compasses in a plastic (bakelite?) box. I have no idea where it came from originally; it was given to me by my father-in-law many years ago. I have often wondered how exactly it would have been used, given that there are levelling feet and bubble glasses which I can't imagine being very useful except on dry land.
  2. AAARRRRGGHHHHH! I quite agree. I've always believed that if you don't like whiskey, don't drink it! But don't destroy it with fruits and vegetables!!!!!
  3. Life in the Country

    30+ years ago, while riding the Long Island Rail Road to and from Manhattan from suburban Long Island, I said to myself, "Terrence, this is stupid stuff!" Got a job at the University of Maine, moved up here and never looked back! Have always lived here in a small rural setting which is better for me, better for the kids, and even somehow better for the dogs and cats we have had round us. If that's what you want do do, is get away from the city, then yes,man, run for your life!!! You won't regret it. Now about renting houses.....make damned sure to vet your tenants is all I can say. Good luck, sir.
  4. Yeah, but they aren't from around here; they're stowaways, like Asian Carp and Zebra Mussels, and snakeheads! We really do need to get illegal immigration under control.........
  5. OT..You just cannot get the Staff!

    I loved it! It's good even with the sound off; you can make up your own dialogue!
  6. Flight Simmers

    Oh my. You don't believe it's real??? I do. I believe everything I see, don't you? I suspect a bit of cgi. Cool to watch tho.
  7. Hurricane Irene

    Up here near Bangor, ME so far so good. Tonight will be somewhat more wild and wooly I expect. More worried about our 32ft ketch in Stockton Springs. Did everything I could on Friday to pull canvas and batten down the hatches. So now we wait.
  8. extreme flightsim

    Just one more thought If you go to the site, and then disable adblocker altogether, what happens?? I had to do that for our forum in order to see all the nifty screenies and such.
  9. extreme flightsim

    blo I'm doing a bit of guessing here, but... If you right-click the ABP logo at the upper right of the screen, it will show you several selections, one of which is "Preferences." If you then click normally on that selections, it brings up a list of exception rules and blocking preferences. Unfortunately, there is no date stamp, so you'll just have to guess at which one is the one you want to clear. It might look like this, which is the address for the video. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/click_online/9567040.stm Good luck.
  10. OT: WW2 dioramas

    This is some damn fine work. If it weren't for the subject, you could call the detail exquisite. Thanks for the find.
  11. For some reason, I am not seeing many of the images attached in posts. I see a line which indicates "attached Images" but that's all? Sometimes I just peek in at the forums without logging on, and I can understand not seeing images then. But if also happens when logged on. What am I missing??
  12. Yes. I was aware of the need to be logged in, and that made sense to me. What had me buffaloed was that even when I WAS logged in, I couldn't see the images, and that was my overzealous adblocker at work. Again, thanks to all for jumping in with help; it's what makes this forum great! (and of course the screenies lol)
  13. I found it! It was adblock plus settings. Once I disabled it for the forum, presto! there are the images. Thanks for the replies. I have now setup to clear the internet cache on exit, so that won't be a problem in future. Thanks for the idea.
  14. I am just such a new guy who got slammed by UncleAl for asking a question after saying that I had searched the databases for the answer. Got the answer from several helpful fellows, and one snotty admonition to search the databases from UncleAl. I asked his forgiveness for bothering him, thanked the others for their help, and moved on. His insight was not so unique that it will diminish my experience with this forum...
  15. What determines whether an aircraft is available in either Quick Scenarios or Quick Combat? It would be neat to be able to do an "Orientation Flight" in all of them, if that's possible. Couldn't find anything on the subject on the forum or in the help files. Thanks.
  16. Quick Scenario aircraft

    I did a search of the help files and found nothing relating to my question. Perhaps it's there, but it didn't leap to my attention after doing due diligence. pardon me.
  17. Quick Scenario aircraft

    Bingo, Olham. It was the nationality limiting my aircraft selection. Back to flight training. Then on to destroying the Luftwaffe to be! Thanks.
  18. I didn't mean to mislead...I'm actually just outside Bangor, Maine, USA. I also finally found the location of the viewui files; one in the root game directory, and the other right where it's supposed to be in C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\M$\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields. Not sure how I missed it before, but... And yes, drinks are on me!!! Thanks to all for the help
  19. Thanks folks. Here's the only path I can see for OFF's viewui C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\viewui.xml CFS3 stores it both in its own directory and in the Application Data folder under the user name. I have to guess OFF sets its own directory outside Microsoft Games and only stores it there.
  20. Brand new to this sim, and truly impressed so far! These planes really require you to fly them, don't they?!? I'm puzzled by your path for the viewui file. I cannot find such a pathway. I am running XP pro 32bit, and would have expected to find the files under C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\OFF .... but I don't find folder for OFF under the app data. What am I missing??? Is your reference for Vista or Windows 7? Thanks.
  21. I am presently running a lower end machine by the standards shown on the requirements page. That said, I fly fs9, CFS3 ETO 1.4, BoBII with acceptable frame rates and performance. Yes, I'd like better, but... Given 30 or so fps with those sims, could I expect reasonable performance with OFF?? Thanks.
  22. Computer specs

    Thanks for the pointers. OFF I go to enlist... I'm sure I'll be back to video #13

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