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Everything posted by Skydog

  1. I'm the newset noob now.

    Hi guys, Looks like I'm the newest noob on the blocks at the moment,I've had SF pj1 for awhile but it kind of just languished between my hardrive and bookshelf.I want to get into it a bit more.Just wanted to know if i need any updates or patches for it.Its got "fully updated edition" printed on the front cd case.Again I say hello.
  2. I'm the newset noob now.

    Charlielima,thx for that.Er,I've done most of chores now,can I go fly now?LOL!!Happy new year.
  3. I'm the newset noob now.

    Migbuster thanx for the info,getting the patch from Thirdwire,is this free or what?Thnx for the welcome.Oh and where does every1 fly?Happy New year!
  4. I'm the newset noob now.

    Thanks for the warm welcome Nesher.Be seeing you in the virtual skies somewhere.

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