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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

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About sts

  1. OK great thanks a lot for your help. I only want to remove said aircrafts from player use, so I will stick to the cockpit method. Any idea where I can find info on flying the helicopters?
  2. Ok, so first off, I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong forum section.... I recently installed the standalone SF2 NA Expansion mod, with RSR, North Cape, & Med Crisis. I really like the idea of the third party fullmod installs for the respective theatres, as I find they are more in-depth as far as equipment, campaigns, and general sim/game-play as opposed to a full merged install with lots of addons. So my question is this - in the SF2NA Expansions, there are lots of erroneous aircraft that I'm not interested in flying. For example, B-52G, Buccaneer, etc, and all the helicopters (I can't figure out how to fly them anyway.) I would like to know how to remove these aircraft from the list of player flyable aircraft without affecting them in the game for the AI. I've discovered if I go to the respective aircraft .ini file and omit the cockpit reference, it will remove it from the list. Will this affect it for AI? Is there a better way of doing this? Thanks and I hope this isn't too confusing.
  3. sooo.... I am curious - which Vipers do you guys find are better modeled - the Mirage Factory Vipers or The Viper Team's Vipers???
  4. hi guys, just need a little guidance here I've just made a clean install of merged WoV/WoE, and installed the Oct2008 patch. When I install Nato Fighters 1, I no longer am able to select weapons to arm my plane. I think i'm missing a simple step, any help would be appreciated. thanks!

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