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Posts posted by ClutchCargo22

  1. The jets gases on the tail are from the reverse thruster ........dooo hickies....which cover the engines and direct the jet exhaust forward.........which is a cool effect on this newer Tornado download.........not on the column5??? nato fighters ......at least I don't get it on my column5 tornado


    so you would have to wash the plane every time it landed.........


  2. I am lost in the questions.........


    I have wanted to fly a strike carrier aircraft in "Create Mission" Single Player but can't get the random mission creator to make waypoints that originate and return to a carrier.


    From what I have read in the forums...........that is not possible???? The Random Mission Creator will not do that ......no matter what?????


    Is that the issue here............or am I not getting the right thread......


    Is it possible to get the random "Create Mission" builder to automatically create a strike mission that starts from a carrier with return waypoints -----yes or no


    .....I still think I am missing a yes out there in the forums somewhere???


    I can get KMD to create one ............with all the addon on carrier materials in the download section.


    Yet, I have been unsuccessful at getting random "Create Mission" generator to make a random theater (terrain) one.

  3. G.I. Joe ...........was standard issue. Can't go wrong with an old 12" Joe and field box equipment.


    Yet............I think they should re enlist Chip Hazard. Tommy Lee Joes ..............


    He could come back like the terminator..................for the good side. I still like the chipster........even if hollywood used that as a subtle .......anti G.I. Joe dig.............


    who where the small soldiers and what was the real message??????


    I have to say the rest of the outfit was a nightmare............But I liked Tommy Lee's charater....



  4. Don't do it.................


    Yea first it seem innocent..............joystick


    Soon you'll be making models and painting skins.................


    Eventually you're strung out on discount sim's and posting pics in the gallery......


    Hee Hee........


    If you got the bucks .........Thrustmaster Hotas..........but I had to replace potentia.....what cha ma call its too ....twice.........


    My CH Pro products still are working fine............ but I dont fly with joysticks anymore.....just because I have to share the computer .......and wires everywhere was a mess for the other users...I use mouse and key board..........and I can trap just fine.........but then I have been doing this for sometime.


    Helicopters ..........need a joystick, throttle or collective, and rudder

  5. post-43439-1231978806_thumb.jpg

    Just another thread with wording so that someone doing a google or net search can pick up what Wings Over Europe Nato Fighters has to offer for Air to Ground flyers like myself.


    Check out the "Members Gallery" for some pics of results.......


    And I always include the disclaimer with blow em up stuff.............No animal, mineral or vegetable was harmed in this simulation. Any similarity to past, current, or future events are purely coincidental, no disrespect to any nation or creed intended, and does not reflect the views of major leauge Baseball...........It tends to raise the hair on some necks..........so please relax.........its just zero's and one's............I think?


    I have now posted some of my flights in screen shots of what Wings Over Europe has to offer in close ground cold war era strike aircraft (F105, F4, and Su17) as some examples.


    I was interested in what type of bridges, SAM/AAA, and Port Harbor looked like in this new version of Strike Fighters..............and its not your dad's original SF.


  6. It should also be stressed of the incredible contributions by CombatAce members and thier Addons:


    1. Libya Terrain

    2. Bearing Straits Terrain

    3. American NW Terrain

    4. Black Sea Terrain

    5. Weapons Pack by Bunyap

    6. Aeronautica Militare Italiana - Tornado GR1 Desert Storm Skins

    7. Tornado -Emmeria Air Force- "Ace Combat 6" Skins


    I would say that these addons greatly enhanced the Panavia Tornado GR1A and should be included as necessary for the Wow! experience of WOE. Without these above and many others I have yet to mention..........my screenshots would not be nearly as impressive.


  7. I've been looking for a flyable Tornado and was told Wings Over Europe had a Nato Fighters Addon that has a good Panavia GR1A.


    I couldn't find much on the internet (visual) review and screenshots or youtube of the GR1A. So I just bought WOE and added Nato Fighters and Nato Fighters II. I have beem busy plastering virtual targets all over the virual globe and will say that WOE has been worth the purchase and Column5 Nato Fighters is a great addon.


    I have Posted Screen shots for anyone else with question sabout the look and feel of the Panavia Tornado GR1A in Wing Over Europe. For those..... wondering ........What is with all the Tornado screens????


    Most of CombatAce memebers have been on this since 2006........and I know I am two years late and a dollar short............but better late than ......you know


    So, If your like me and........if you are a Panavia Tornado enthusiast and haven't seen what Column5 has done with Nato Fighters Tornado addon......go to the gallery here at Combat Ace and look for my Tornado Screens.


    As most of you who are main line Tornado flyers.......... this has been the best flyable Tornado since Digital Integrations/Tri Marks 1990's Tornado Sim.


    I do miss ....... (as most of you have probably have)....


    1. A topographic high resoultion, interacitve mission planner like the ones Digital Integration use to include....


    2. CCIP, Level Bombing, waypoint assign, Dive toss.....etc.........Headups piper bombing avionics


    3. More ground targets......... and easier adding ground targets and Sam sites


    4. A little smarter Wingmen......... who can fly below 1500 ft, stay in formation over target, and release on target in formation or release on your cue in level flight.


    Still, its a great visual use of the new computer memory/graphics of today. And given the memory/graphics of the 640x400 pixel/sprite/cockpit from the Digital Intergrations, Spectrum Holybyte's of the 1990's, Tornado - Operation Desert Storm was amazing for the times!


    P.S. ..... Conan Obrian wasn't the first to use static cartoons with a graphic imposed mouth.......Here's to the Adventures of Clutch Cargo........



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