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Everything posted by Happymeal

  1. Hi again, I've noticed that some aircraft in WOE & WOV tend to pitch nose up early in the takeoff roll, F-100 & A-10 spring to mind. Is there anything I can do to stop this? I'd expect the nose to go light but I think this effect seems way overdone. Thanks.
  2. OK, found and done the trimmer tweak. Thats better. TY
  3. Woah, you can set up pitch trim in this game!? thats what I need, any linky??
  4. Hi all, I'm new ti WO* series after just recently getting copies of WOE & WOV. Pretty pleased with both so far, nice and easy to get into ( I don't get that much time to play with) and something different to fly compared to most jet sims. Anyway, one thing i've noticed comparing WOE and WOV is the tendancy for WOV to drop to some crazy low frame rates when there are alot of SAM's and/ or units in the air (not necessarily on screen, so I guess it's a CPU and not graphics issue). Is there any way I can reduce the number of SAMs/ SAM fire rate and/or the number of units in the mission somehow, to reduce the burden on my PC?? This is on the Linebacker 1 & 2 campaigns mostly. Cheers.

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