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Everything posted by Bard

  1. put up a ladder on our website for 1.02 - http://taipans.dyndns.org - click the ladder link. registrations are open. Will need to put together some simple rules (already have some from and il2 ladder i am running - copy paste ;) ) and then create a few missions. it's a pity LOMAC doesn't allow us to create a mission where players can pick their aircraft and from an included list of loadouts. nor allow you to run the same encounter over and over again (like falcon's matchplay).
  2. the ladder is for post 1.02 release.
  3. Close but no cigar. We found a big problem today. Still trying to get it out as soon as possible but not with problems like the one we found today. Please be patient. Carl ******* bugger.
  4. ... I'm trying not to influence things too much - its a jedi thing you know what, johnny walker?
  5. i have a few recommendations of my own...
  6. well you're in good company ;)
  7. I'm not one to back down from calling a spade a spade because someone's going to start crying in their beer if i do. If asked I will respond. In the end it's my opinion, which can be either ignored by those who don't understand, taken with a grain of salt by those who are skeptical, or thought about by those who have some expertise in what i am commenting on.
  8. Who's saying anything about perfect? we'll never get perfect. My opinion is what I think is acceptable in a retail product. I would find acceptable any product that is developmentally complete. All further work past retail release consisting of bug fixes and additions, not redesigning or rewriting of features that didn't work properly or to replace "placeholder" sections of code. I would find unacceptable any product that required further development to be complete after retail. Of course, just my opinion ;)
  9. indeed. i hope we never see another sim released in such a state from anyone in this genre, not holding out much hope though :(
  10. uh.. i think the general consensus is this is likely going to be the last patch for LOMAC we'll receive for free, not expansions or any other payware. would you agree with that?
  11. some of the posts make me wish i could get some of the drugs the posters are using ;)
  12. I don't think you understand the difference between unfinished and broken, and are equating the two. Here is an analogy that might help you understand. 1) You buy a car and there are no doors manufactured for it. 2) You buy a car and a door won't open because the lock is broken. 1 is an unfinished product 2 is broken product Developing software isn't much different. A product can be finished but have bugs - All the features are present but some may not work correctly due to design or programming errors. here's the english language definition of the word patch in relation to computer science: "patch ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pch) n. Computer Science. A piece of code added to software in order to fix a bug, especially as a temporary correction between two releases. " bug <> stuff not implemented yet - ie missing doors. Patches are for fixing stuff already implemented that are not working correctly because of programmatical or design logic errors.
  13. aah... polish. yes - i agree, little things like that which shouldn't require much effort to implement but add so much to function would be great. that's why i like to see software released in great shape from 1.00 - more likely to get some polishing :)
  14. No they won't. You know it and I know it, the next big sim that comes out (regardless of producer), we will rush down to the closest store and buy it, then whine when it doesn't work right again. This has been going on for years and every time we SAY we will wait, but we never do. That's the sad thing about it, the whole system is geared to crank stuff out the door and patch it afterwards. The producers/distributors do it because they know they can, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. :D This goes for just about all software, not just flight sims. ;) Now with that being said, I still think ED is doing the right thing by getting this patch done right and then released, and I am grateful for their dedication on working towards getting it done correctly. There is a ton of good stuff slated in this patch, and while a lot of companies could have just walked away and not tried to get things fixed, they have been working hard to make the sim better for us. Not this little black duck - and i can see from the UBI boards that there are a hell of a lot of other people sharing the same thoughts as I. There's just been a SLEW of incomplete sims pushed out the doors the last few years and i've had enough of purchasing something then waiting a further six months for it to work properly. Not everyone has the money spare to buy games on a whim - you know, married, children, mortgage etc ;)
  15. you're not kidding. luckily there are plenty of boards out there that they don't moderate, and all they achieve by banning someone like zzzspace from their forums is to make them a lesser place to visit. I just wish i had purchased the same version of LOMAC that most of the UBI posters got ;)
  16. I think it's more finishing an unfinished product than anything else. If LOMAC was left in 1.01 state i think there are many people who wouldn't purchase another ED developed product. As it is I think many people are going to be more cautious next time around.
  17. My guess is that the intention is to make this the last patch, all indications are that it will be (the effort being made, matt's statements upon leaving ubi etc.). from the fix list it looks like a lot of work has been done to get the sim in shape and a lot of (in my personal opinion) things that hadn't been completed development wise upon release have been implemented. hopefully we won't NEED another patch after 1.02. It's been a long time coming, but i really hope 1.02 allows LOMAC to live up to it's potential.
  18. the falcon4 manual has a lot of good stuff, as does the flanker 2.5 manual.
  19. hey zzz, I'm not familiar with these sounds, but are they simply "art" or did you put them together to improve sound performance in the sim?
  20. not to mention everyone that bought it :)
  21. looking forward to it. very much hoping that the network code will support the kind of missions we were trying to create and fly with 1.01.
  22. yeah definitely a lot of development work in there in addition to the bug fixing. looks very very promising. didn't see anything about the sound problems - all is not lost though - those who's systems choke on the sounds can purchase a new one if the turtle beach results from last time around were accurate :)

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