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the norm

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    still trying to find out
  1. steel fury

    does any one here know of a active steel fury forum? The ones i have found appear to be dead.
  2. First thing your doing on JET THUENDER

    i see if i can get the friggi'n harrier of the deck.
  3. tanking

    can some one walk me through re-fuling, because when i do it in a f-16 or Sukhoi, i get stuk in after burner, and lose responsiveness.
  4. is it normal that after coming off the tanker that my airbrakes wont open?
  5. the official free 4.09 extension is about to be relased, and it's going to be huge. more info
  6. radio coms

    i nead ansers about geting the d*** game to open!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. go to eddit the mission, and slect his aircraft, if he is in your flight, you will need to fine the one in the listand slect the skin from the drop down list.
  8. i just anserd my self with out noticing. wow.
  9. heres an asner that i gave over at the thread for the f-86 "these only work in 1946, and i would recomend first downloading the unified installer, wich adds all nessicary files/folders, and makes all ai only plains flyable. to install a new plain, use the seach funtion, afterinstalling unified, and shearch the il-2 1946 folder for air.ini, plains_ru.properties, and weapons_re.properties. you need to be pached up to 4.09 ( the beata pach will do untill the new one comes out.) also the planes/air info needs to be in the same slot ie. if you are adding a plain listing below the TB-3 in one, it must must be below the same TB-3 version in the other, it dosent matter where the weapons info goes, i always put it at the top. also if you dont have il-2 1946, get one, you can get it for $20 on amizon, and it is the only version beeing modded at AAA." hope this helps, norm edit, pacman, there is a Gloster Meteor in the works an all aircraft arcade
  10. in the read me there should be some info listed as Air.ini, planes_ru.properties, and weapons_ru.properties, search for these, and add the info listed under neath to each respetive file. note for plane/air info, they will nead to be in the same place on each list, but it dosent matter for weapons.
  11. these only work in 1946, and i would recomend first downloading the unified installer, wich adds all nessicary files/folders, and makes all ai only plains flyable. to install a new plain, use the seach funtion, afterinstalling unified, and shearch the il-2 1946 folder for air.ini, plains_ru.properties, and weapons_re.properties. you need to be pached up to 4.09 ( the beata pach will do untill the new one comes out.) also the planes/air info needs to be in the same slot ie. if you are adding a plain listing below the TB-3 in one, it must must be below the same TB-3 version in the other, it dosent matter where the weapons info goes, i always put it at the top. also if you dont have il-2 1946, get one, you can get it for $20 on amizon, and it is the only version beeing modded at AAA.
  12. go here,http://www.allaircraftarcade.com/forum/. sign up, and you can down load plains, maps ect. the thing is the only korean war planes that are actualy finished are the panther and a so/so mig 15 with a few mistakes. the f-80 and f-86 are avalible, but still in the beata stage, ie no flight models yet, and there are many more on the way.
  13. radio coms

    i have worked out all the radio and that all that sort of thing, but now it wone evean open.
  14. radio coms

    great now it woun't even open. when i click the icon the tab apears on the bar, and i can hear the menu sound, but a few moments later a problem report screan appears.

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