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Everything posted by guyran

  1. Is it possible during a campaign to prevent the random weather to change into overcast and inclement? This is especially significant when the campaign take place in the summer. Thanks,
  2. Thanks stick, But I want a local effect in one campaign only, not a global effect in the terrain map.
  3. There is an excellent tutorial for take off and landing in Microsoft Flight Simulator series, for props and jets.
  4. Nice Video clips. BTW - Most of the airplanes in WOI have LCOS (Lead Computing Optical Sight) gunsight, especially the Mirage IIIc in your video clip. You can achieve better gun aiming using this mod.
  5. Looking forward with great anticipation for the upcoming SF2:Israel. The Suez crisis is historically insignificant in terms of air fights, compare to the other Arab-Israeli wars. It is redundant, as a stand alone release. I hope it will be merged into SF2:I, as an extra campaign. WWII (Europe and pacific) and the Korean War are also preferable, from my point of view.
  6. On August 12, 1968, two Syrian Mig-17 had landed in Israel by mistake. The Mig-17 has been thoroughly examined by the Israeli Air Force. Dani Shapira the chief test pilot of the IAF revealed: The Mig-17 has superb maneuverability at low speed, better than any other airplane of the era, up to 350 knots. Above that speed the stick becomes stiff, and above 600 knots it was nearly impossible to move the stick at all. Dani Shapira had advised the IAF pilots to engage the Mig-17 only above 400 knots.
  7. NV aces like Colonel Tomb preferred the Mig-17 over the more advanced Mig-21, for a good reason… I believe he could choose any Mig as desired. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nguyen_Toon
  8. Historically, no one in the 80's or later dared to perform carpet bombing, anymore. So, AGM-142 it is. Proper disclosure: AGm-142 is an Israeli missile, so I have a special interest here...
  9. Fubar, I think I'm not the only one to be interested in such FM. Can you put it in the downloads sector and give us a link?
  10. I wonder if I change the Mig-17 FM by replacing the ...data.ini file with modified one. Does the change take effect only when I fly the Mig-17, or also for AI driven Migs, when they are my enemy?
  11. Siberia is not far enough. I had the far side of the moon in mind....
  12. Welcome Ali to the forum (Marhaba). This is your first post here. Maybe, as an Egyptian, you have some records of EAF Mig-17 pilots, who actually flight the Mig-17 in the 60's, regarding the behavior of the aircraft at high speed. BTW, is it a Mig pilot's helmet or Mirage?
  13. FM revision was made recently by Migbuster. I'm waiting his response.
  14. Regarding most of the IR guided SA missiles, you can avoid them by flying high, the IR seeker can not lock-on from distance. But, as far as A-A IRM are involved, the credit goes to the aircraft who fired them, not to the IRM itself.
  15. Maybe different FM for each variant. You can easily change the variant in my head on mission, using a simple text editor. You can also confront Mig-17F vs Mig-17PF, in order to test your observation.
  16. Pretty tied results for the Mig-17 and Mig-19 as the formidable opponent of the 60's. A head to head engagement between these Migs can be interesting. I just uploaded here such a mission: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9389 If someone has changed his mind after this mission, just post here.
  17. File Name: Mig-17PF vs. Mig-19s- Test missions for the poll File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 6 Jul 2009 File Updated: 7 Jul 2009 File Category: User Made Missions Mig-17PF vs. Mig-19s Test missions for the poll Drop the two missions into C:\...\Wings Over Israel\Missions folder In order to change the mission challenge you can change this line, using any text editor. [AircraftMission002] … PilotTrainingStandard=Ace ;PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT …. Click here to download this file
  18. The original missions were too easy. I just updated the difficulty level.
  19. Version


    Mig-17PF vs. Mig-19s Test missions for the poll Drop the two missions into C:\...\Wings Over Israel\Missions folder In order to change the mission challenge you can change this line, using any text editor. [AircraftMission002] … PilotTrainingStandard=Ace ;PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT ….
  20. For me the worst rival in the 60's flying as blue is the Mig-17, due to his unparalleled maneuverability in dogfight. The worst rival in the cold war era when flying as red, is the F-4 phantom, due to his long range radar guided missiles, which make it difficult to close the range unharmed.
  21. If you know the 9B limitations you can significantly increase their PK. Shoot 9B in 6 o'clock only from the center-line, when the range in under 1.5Km, and when you and the bandit do not pulling G. Otherwise use the guns. The IAF used this method to increase the PK of the Shafrir 2 missiles, in the early 70's.
  22. It can be interesting. Let's give it a try. Nothing to lose.
  23. Is it technically possible to make a poll on the forum and choose the most formidable opponent?
  24. To our American friends. Happy Independence Day – the Fourth of July. Congratulations.

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