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Everything posted by guyran

  1. A lot of switches in WoX cockpit are not moving, Just 2D pic.
  2. I can shorten the name for you. WoX/SF2 General Discussion. But, it is indeed for Dave to decide. Maybe others have suggestions regarding the name?
  3. Does someone know if and when SF2-Israel will be released?
  4. Great, thanks Do you know some details about the new SF2-Israel?
  5. Here is more detailed and cockpit specific F-4E video clip. Nice functioning radar in hard mode, especially the lock on process for radar guided missiles.
  6. The best way to fly undetected in the sim is 'Nap of the earth' kind of flight. When you fly in close proximity to the earth, most old airborne radars without looking down capability will not find you. It is also an excellent way to fool ground radars, when you fly under the radar's rays behind earth ridges.
  7. Hi Wrench Excellent job, I didn't get the RWR tone in both Mig-17 and Mig-17F, until I have copied the MIG-19_avionics.ini file from Mig-19s folder to both Mig-17s folders. Without it there is no audible tone. Thanks, guyran
  8. The 3 30mm cannons were one reason why the Mig-19s was so a formidable opponent in dogfights, although lack of air to air missiles. One short burst from those cannons could shred the rival into pieces. Working now on the 1973 Yom Kippur war. Take care, guyran
  9. File Name: The Ofira Air Battle - Historic mission for WOI File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 28 Apr 2009 File Category: User Made Missions Historical Wings over Israel missions: The first air battle of Yom Kippur war The Ofira Air Battle was the first air battles of the Yom Kippur War. It took place near the Israeli Air Force base in Ofira, Sharm el-Sheikh in South Sinai on 6 October, 1973, around 14:00. It involved two Israeli Phantoms from the 107, knights of the Orange tail squadron and, 20 Egyptian MiG-17s, that were on their way to attack Israeli Defense Forces in the area. They were supported by eight MiG-21s fighters. By the end of the brief six-minute battle, seven MiGs were confirmed to have been shot down. The remaining MiGs disengaged and the Israeli Phantoms returned to their base. The crews of the Israeli F-4 were awarded with The Medal of Distinguished Service at the end of the war. Link to the story of the battle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ofira_Air_Battle To install: Copy the 3 msn files into: \Wings Over Israel\Missions. Folder You can play either the Israeli side, or the Egyptian side. In order to play the Egyptian side, you must have the Mig-17 and the Mig-21PFM add-on installed. For suggestions or comments just send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran Click here to download this file
  10. Do you know if those missions are based on true events? If yes, I need more details, like dates, squadron, number and kind of aircrafts involved and so on.
  11. Interesting, but there are very limited details about op. orcherd for an historic mission.
  12. File Name: Scramble at Dawn - A mission for Wings over Israel File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 29 Apr 2009 File Category: User Made Missions A mission for Wings over Israel Scramble at dawn On the dawn of October 15, 1973, at the Yom Kippur war, two A-4 Aight IDF aircraft are awaiting on the runway of Etzion airbase near Eilat, fully loaded with rockets and fuel, ready for a cas mission near Suez, when the alarm goes on. Scramble, Scramble… Flights of Egyptian Migs are attacking Etzion airbase with dawn. Try to take off with your A-4 Aight, and try to shoot down as many of the attackers, as you can. Just keep in mind that the A-4 Aight is a close support aircraft and not a fighter. To install: Copy the two msn files into: Wings Over Israel\Missions folder In order to play the Egyptian side you must have the Mig-17 add-on installed For comments and/or suggestion send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran Click here to download this file
  13. Until someone will do the liberty mission, you can always play red side in my missions.
  14. I did consider operation Opera, but most of Iraq map is outside IsraelME map.
  15. Yes I do, please send me the info about those 18 missions.
  16. Sorry, but I'm not familiar with EA IAF game. Do you mean the 'Blue Star'? I had a problem to start this mission on the runway, because the ofira airbase is not on IsraelME map. Anyway, this gave me the idea for 'Scramble at dawn' mission in Etzion airbase, But I didn't marked it as an historic mission for this reason. I be glad to consider other EA IAF missions, if you will send me the details of those missions.
  17. Based indeed on real life events, but I changed some of the details. For this reason it is not marked as an historic mission, unlike others missions by me. Thanks, Ran
  18. Version


    A mission for Wings over Israel Scramble at dawn On the dawn of October 15, 1973, at the Yom Kippur war, two A-4 Aight IDF aircraft are awaiting on the runway of Etzion airbase near Eilat, fully loaded with rockets and fuel, ready for a cas mission near Suez, when the alarm goes on. Scramble, Scramble… Flights of Egyptian Migs are attacking Etzion airbase with dawn. Try to take off with your A-4 Aight, and try to shoot down as many of the attackers, as you can. Just keep in mind that the A-4 Aight is a close support aircraft and not a fighter. To install: Copy the two msn files into: Wings Over Israel\Missions folder In order to play the Egyptian side you must have the Mig-17 add-on installed For comments and/or suggestion send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran
  19. Hi Mike I'm living in Hod-Hasharon, Israel. Unfortunately, I don't have any relationship with IAF pilots. Under which force did you been stationed here in Israel? Is it true that Afghanistan is going to fall into the hands of the Taliban? Take care, Ran
  20. Version


    Historical Wings over Israel missions: The first air battle of Yom Kippur war The Ofira Air Battle was the first air battles of the Yom Kippur War. It took place near the Israeli Air Force base in Ofira, Sharm el-Sheikh in South Sinai on 6 October, 1973, around 14:00. It involved two Israeli Phantoms from the 107, knights of the Orange tail squadron and, 20 Egyptian MiG-17s, that were on their way to attack Israeli Defense Forces in the area. They were supported by eight MiG-21s fighters. By the end of the brief six-minute battle, seven MiGs were confirmed to have been shot down. The remaining MiGs disengaged and the Israeli Phantoms returned to their base. The crews of the Israeli F-4 were awarded with The Medal of Distinguished Service at the end of the war. Link to the story of the battle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ofira_Air_Battle To install: Copy the 3 msn files into: \Wings Over Israel\Missions. Folder You can play either the Israeli side, or the Egyptian side. In order to play the Egyptian side, you must have the Mig-17 and the Mig-21PFM add-on installed. For suggestions or comments just send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran
  21. File Name: Modern era dogfight - Fictional mission for WOI File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 25 Apr 2009 File Updated: 26 Apr 2009 File Category: User Made Missions Fictional Wings over Israel missions: Israeli F-15A Baz vs. Syrian Mig-29 The year is 1988. Such a dogfight between F-15 and Mig-29, was never happened over Lebanon. Nevertheless, in the sky of 'wings over Israel' are two Israeli F-15s engaging 2 Syrian Mig-29s. A special issue in these missions is evading the long range semi active radar homing missiles. Who will win this battle – is for you to decide… In order to play this mission you must have the latest weapon pack and the Mirage Factory Mig-29 for WOI installed. Link to Mig-29 You can select either the Israeli F-15 or the Mig-29 mission. To install: Copy the 2 msn files into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. For comments or suggestion just send me a massage Enjoy Guyran Click here to download this file

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