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Everything posted by guyran

  1. Version


    Fictional Wings over Israel missions: Israeli F-15A Baz vs. Syrian Mig-29 The year is 1988. Such a dogfight between F-15 and Mig-29, was never happened over Lebanon. Nevertheless, in the sky of 'wings over Israel' are two Israeli F-15s engaging 2 Syrian Mig-29s. A special issue in these missions is evading the long range semi active radar homing missiles. Who will win this battle – is for you to decide… In order to play this mission you must have the latest weapon pack and the Mirage Factory Mig-29 for WOI installed. Link to Mig-29 You can select either the Israeli F-15 or the Mig-29 mission. To install: Copy the 2 msn files into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. For comments or suggestion just send me a massage Enjoy Guyran
  2. File Name: The Ace - Historic mission for woi File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 23 Apr 2009 File Updated: 26 Apr 2009 File Category: User Made Missions Historical Wings over Israel missions: The Ace of Aces First fighter squadron 101 Neshers vs. Egyptian Mig-21. Colonel Giora Epstein is a retired colonel in the Israeli Air Force (IAF) believed to have shot down more jet aircraft than any other pilot. Epstein was credited with 17 kills, all against Egyptian aircraft. With seventeen confirmed kills, Giora Epstein remains the world's top scoring jet fighter pilot making him the "ace of all aces". During Yom Kippur War, October 20, 1973; already a double Ace with 10 kills, Giora Epstein maneuvers his 101 Squadron Nesher after a decoy of 2 Mig-21 Egyptian aircrafts. On the deck are 16 Mig-21s waiting under the Israeli radar coverage, in a perfect ambush. After 3 of the Neshers had to return to base, Epstein fought alone against 11 Mig-21s. The results of the battle were: 4 Mig-21s downed by the Israeli Ace. The full story of this battle is in the Giora Epstein Story.txt file. There are also links to 2 video clips from the history channel, describing this battle. Links to the video clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRHjFxg0jMQ Clip 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js4sW9XZVUY Clip 2 To install: Copy the 2 msn files into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. You can play either the Israeli side, or the Egyptian side, if you have the Mig-21 add-on installed. Remember if you are playing the Egyptian pilot, don't engage the Neshers immediately on sight, but lure them first into the waiting ambush first. For suggestions or remarks just send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    Historical Wings over Israel missions: The Ace of Aces First fighter squadron 101 Neshers vs. Egyptian Mig-21. Colonel Giora Epstein is a retired colonel in the Israeli Air Force (IAF) believed to have shot down more jet aircraft than any other pilot. Epstein was credited with 17 kills, all against Egyptian aircraft. With seventeen confirmed kills, Giora Epstein remains the world's top scoring jet fighter pilot making him the "ace of all aces". During Yom Kippur War, October 20, 1973; already a double Ace with 10 kills, Giora Epstein maneuvers his 101 Squadron Nesher after a decoy of 2 Mig-21 Egyptian aircrafts. On the deck are 16 Mig-21s waiting under the Israeli radar coverage, in a perfect ambush. After 3 of the Neshers had to return to base, Epstein fought alone against 11 Mig-21s. The results of the battle were: 4 Mig-21s downed by the Israeli Ace. The full story of this battle is in the Giora Epstein Story.txt file. There are also links to 2 video clips from the history channel, describing this battle. Links to the video clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRHjFxg0jMQ Clip 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js4sW9XZVUY Clip 2 To install: Copy the 2 msn files into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. You can play either the Israeli side, or the Egyptian side, if you have the Mig-21 add-on installed. Remember if you are playing the Egyptian pilot, don't engage the Neshers immediately on sight, but lure them first into the waiting ambush first. For suggestions or remarks just send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran
  4. File Name: 'The Hunter is Hunted' - Historic mission for woi File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 22 Apr 2009 File Updated: 26 Apr 2009 File Category: User Made Missions Historical Wings over Israel missions: Bat squadron 119 Mirage IIIc Shahak vs. Jordanian Hunters On November 13, 1966 a flight of 8 Jordanian Hunters attacked Israeli ground force near Samoa village in the southern Hebron mountain. Two Israeli Mirages from the 119 Bat Sq, leaded by Ran Ronen engaged the Hunters. After a prolonged low level pursuit, Ronen shoots down the Hunter. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ2M7ceCD14 The batlle clip 1 The batlle clip 2 To install: Copy the msn file into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. For comments or Suggestions send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    Historical Wings over Israel missions: Bat squadron 119 Mirage IIIc Shahak vs. Jordanian Hunters On November 13, 1966 a flight of 8 Jordanian Hunters attacked Israeli ground force near Samoa village in the southern Hebron mountain. Two Israeli Mirages from the 119 Bat Sq, leaded by Ran Ronen engaged the Hunters. After a prolonged low level pursuit, Ronen shoots down the Hunter. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ2M7ceCD14 The batlle clip 1 The batlle clip 2 To install: Copy the msn file into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. For comments or Suggestions send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran
  6. יש תופעה מעצבנת בכנפיים מעל ישראל. כאשר מבצעים משימה מול אויב ערבי, צצים מטוסים מצריים מעל סוריה או ירדן ולהפך. אני מבין שלמפתחי הסימולטור אין הבדל בין אויב מצרי ירדני או סורי, אבל לישראלים שמכירים את ההיסטוריה של קרבות האויר זה מבאס. האם יש המלצות לפתרון? רן
  7. בשלב זה אני מנסה לשחזר קרבות אויר היסטוריים של חיל האויר. שניים מהם כבר פירסמתי בפורום משימות משתמש האתר זה. הכנסתי גם כמה קליפים של קרבות אויר ל-TOYTUBE http://www.youtube.com/user/guyran2000 לי חשוב מבחינת הדיוק ההיסטורי לא להיתקל במטוסי קרב עם סמלים מצריים מעל טריטוריה סורית. יכול להיות שזאת רק בעיה פרטית שלי... לא אהבתי את כוכב כחול בזמנו - משחק ארקייד לטעמי ופחות סימולטור טיסה. רן
  8. File Name: 'First Mig kill by Nesher' - Historic missions for woi File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 20 Apr 2009 File Updated: 26 Apr 2009 File Category: User Made Missions Historical Wings over Israel missions: First Mig kill by Nesher In 1973 The 101 First Fighter Squadron has got its new Nesher aircrafts from IAI. On January 8 1973, a flight of 4 IDF Neshers was directed, in an intercept course towards a flight of 4 Syrian Mig-21s, over the mountain of Druze, an elevated volcanic region in southern Syria. The Neshers engaged the Mig-21s in low altitude and low speed. One of the Neshers had shoot down a Mig-21 using a sidewinder missile. This was the first Mig kill by Israeli Nesher. Many to come in the future. To install: Copy the 2 msn files into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. You can select either the Israeli side or Syrian side. In order to play the Mig-21, you must have the Mig-21MF add-on installed. For comments or suggestions send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    Historical Wings over Israel missions: First Mig kill by Nesher In 1973 The 101 First Fighter Squadron has got its new Nesher aircrafts from IAI. On January 8 1973, a flight of 4 IDF Neshers was directed, in an intercept course towards a flight of 4 Syrian Mig-21s, over the mountain of Druze, an elevated volcanic region in southern Syria. The Neshers engaged the Mig-21s in low altitude and low speed. One of the Neshers had shoot down a Mig-21 using a sidewinder missile. This was the first Mig kill by Israeli Nesher. Many to come in the future. To install: Copy the 2 msn files into: \simulators\Wings Over Israel\Missions. You can select either the Israeli side or Syrian side. In order to play the Mig-21, you must have the Mig-21MF add-on installed. For comments or suggestions send me a massage. Enjoy Guyran
  10. Hi all There is a problem of alternating nationality within woi. Syrian aircrafts are operating from Egyptian airports and vice versa. Egyptian airplanes can take of from Syrian or Jordanian airport. Is it a bug within woi?
  11. File Name: Enhanced gun sight for Mirage IIIc Shahak in woi File Submitter: guyran File Submitted: 13 Apr 2009 File Updated: 5 May 2009 File Category: Jet Cockpits Enhanced gun sight for Mirage IIIc Shahak In Wings over Israel The original gun sight of the shahak was too dull, especially against brighter sky. I made the moving gun sight more solid against the background, by repainting it. To install: Copy the included cockpit folder into Wings Over Israel\Objects\Aircraft\Shahak directory To restore the previous gun sight just delete the file MIRAGE3_SIGHT_MOVING.TGA Included are some screenshots of the enhanced piper Enjoy Guyran Click here to download this file
  12. I'm using Ca_Stary's excellent gunsight myself. The only problem was with the Mirage Shahak. guyran
  13. Is it possible to takeoff vertically in wings over Europe using the thrust vectors of AV-8 Harrier? I had tried the VTO few times without success. There is no stability after vertical takeoff, and the Harrier eventually crushes.
  14. No matter how much I try, I couldn't complete the VTOL without using the wing leveler. Is it true that in real, non virtual, Harrier the stabilization during VTOL is achieved by computer controlled fly by wire, which is the equivalent of using the wing leveler in the sim?
  15. Only after a lot of practice and with 75% of fuel loaded, I could takeoff vertically with the AV-8A. I couldn't do the VTOL without using the wing leveler at all, due to instability. Here is the link to a short video clip in YouTube of my VTOL. Can someone make a similar demo clip of VTOL in WOE without using the wing leveler?
  16. Hi all, I want to change some details in one of the aircraft data.ini extracted from objectdata.cat and save it back to the cat file. Is it possible?
  17. I have realized that some aircrafts bleeds energy much faster than others during high G turns in WO*. Is it possible to compare the flight model of different aircrafts in WO* according to any *data.ini file? Which single (or multiple) data item represents mostly the energy loss during turns? From which file can it be extracted? Thanks,
  18. I have installed the Super Mystere SMB2 on WOE and WOI. Its works fine with WOE, but no cocpit in WOI. Is it because it uses the F100D super Sabre cocpit which dose not exists on WOI. How can I fix it? Thanks

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