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Everything posted by guyran

  1. Version


    Historic mission: First jets kill over Israel After IDF attacks on terrorists bases (Fedayoon) in the Gaza strip on August 1955, the EAF start penetrating the aerial borders of Israel. On September 1, 1955, a formations of four Vampires has crossed the border into Israel, northern to the Gaza Strip. Captain Aharon Yoeli in a Meteor FR-9 (no. 36) and Captain Yoash Tzidon his wingman, from the 117 first jet squadron, were inside the cockpit, on the runway of Hatzor AB, in an intercept standby. As soon as the aerial control unit has identified the invasion, the two Meteors were scrambled. They were vectored into an intercept course with the approaching EAF Vampires. During the airfight that follows, over the Mediterranean Sea coast, near Ashkelon, two Vampires were killed by Aharon Yoeli in Meteor 36. The EAF command soon announced that, two Vampires on a training mission had mid air collision. This was the first jet kill ever, by the Israeli Air Force, and the first air kill since the 1948 war of Independence. Flyable aircraft: IAF Meteor F-8 EAF Vampire FB52 To install: Unrar into a separate folder. Drop everything into the similar folder on the SF2I Exp1 mod directory, overwriting files if asked to. Enjoy Guyran
  2. Meteor F-8 vs Vampire FB52 dogfight.
  3. No problem Dave, you can always do an update later, after first release. Anyway, we must keep in mind that the 1948 WOI was not one continues campaign, like the Suez-Crisis, 6DW, YKW or even Lebanon. Actually it was a series of short term operations, with remissions in between. BTW Sorry for my non-fluent English, but what the hell (oops...) is the 'KISS method'?
  4. We can overcome this problem by splinting the war (WOI), into few sub-campaigns as actually did happen (the remissions). Each sub-camp can have its own oob and it's own nature of air activity. So, instead of one boring long war with similar sorties, we can get few campaigns, different in nature. If you think this idea is too complicated to implement, we can do 2 sub-camps alone using your date (sept 1948) to separate between them. guyran
  5. Historically it is wrong to start the campaign on September 1948, at the middle of the WOI. The IAF was founded on 31 may 1948, and this is a better starting point. In the history of the Israeli WOI, a significant period is called "the battle of the ten days". During this period, on 9-18 of July 1948, until the second remission, the IAF had fly 164 sorties, and drop 58 tons of bombs (fifth of them by the 3 B-17 bombers). The Egyptians have lost one spitfire, and the Syrians have lost one Harvard at this period, while the IAF have lost two S-199 attacking targets at Egypt. It is true that there were very few air clashes at this time, but there was a very intensive strike and cas activity by both sides.
  6. This is a furball mission between 8 P-51D Mustangs to 8 Egyptian Spits taking place on 1948 war of independence. For the challenge purpose, I've changed the training level of the Egyptian pilots to experts. You need SF2I with exp1 to fly the mission. Please set the simulation difficulty for hard before starting the mission (HUD only can be set to normal). Try to survive the furball, and report how many kills. To install copy/paste this mission into the missions folder on the mod directory. P-51D Mustang vs spit.rar
  7. In order to take the AI out of the equation, I've reduced the furball into one vs one dual. One P-51D Mustang me, against one Ace SpitfireIXc. Seems to me that the P-51 is not so helpless against the superior Spit. Here is the 1x1 mission. P-51D Mustang vs spit (1x1 Ace).rar
  8. As an Israeli, it gives me a great satisfaction to realize, to what depth did the CA community has learned about the history of my country, and about the Arab-Israeli conflict through merely a flight simulator. As for the moment, many CA members know this history better than the majority of my fellow countrymen. Thank you Thirdwire, TK, and the CA community.
  9. Thanks Slartibartfast, I'm appreciate your ideas about Israel.
  10. This is one of the reasons for the trimmed wings in the Israeli variant SpitfireIXe. BTW Try to lure the pack up to 20,000 feet. I think this can give some merit to the P-51 AI over the spits.
  11. The main problem with TK's AI for the Mustang is that, instead of applying energy air fight tactics, as 'normal' P-51 pilot would do, the AI pilot play into the advantage of the spit, starting a slow turning fight. No wonder than that the P-51 is like 'meat on the table' in this sim, unlike RL I believe. I myself couldn't survive my first unbalanced mission like Gr.Viper and Stary did and RTB. In the second balanced missions, when I've changed the AI only, but not my dogfight tactics, I could survive the mission to tell the story. You can learn a lot on the AI problem in SF2, if you do try the first mission.
  12. Agreeable, Gocad. What do you think on wingmen's AI. Did you try the first unbalanced mission?
  13. From the video clip I understand from where did the S-199 get his nickname Mezek (mule)
  14. Lets 'rock and roll' it, Norbert. Brush and polish your Netz skins ready for the OPERA... :wink2:
  15. Thanks Gepard. This is exactly what I was looking for.
  16. The meteor F-8 was not the only variant on 1956 Kadesh op. There were 30 Meteors in 117 Squadron at Ekron AB, about 7 of them were of the FR-9 variant. Based on the F-8, it was 20 cm longer with a new nose incorporating a remote-control camera and window and was also fitted with additional external ventral and wing fuel tanks (from wiki). Squadron 119 at Ramat David had 2 Meteors NF-13, the night fighter variant.
  17. You are welcome ordway. Do you think 'as cockpits specialist', that updating the spit's pit into SF2 standard, including moving stick, throttle, and other handles is possible? The spit has a very unique stick as you can see.
  18. Opening score for the second mission: Spitfire9c vs P-51D Simulation difficulty set for hard except HUD set for normal. 4 kills + 4 AI kills. Scoring 2400. Accuracy cannons-6.6% MG-3.0% RTB without damage. Losses: 4 AI spits were damaged.
  19. This is my 'opening bid' for the First balanced mission: P-51D vs Spitfire9c. Simulation difficulty set for hard except HUD set for normal. 3 kills + 4 AI kilss. Scoring 1300. Accuracy 8.1% hits. RTB without damage. Losses: 4 P-51 killed, 2 damaged.
  20. Gr.viper and Stary: From our discussion here I've realized that this mission was impossible and suicidal. For this reason, just Aces pilots like yourself could survive it to tell the story. I've balanced the mission now, and added the mirror mission from the 'bad guys' point of view (same mission). I hope that now, others can join us in this kind of ladder. The new missions: Missions.rar
  21. I can't apply this patch to SF2 Exp1 May 2010 (A). This patch suppose to fix the freeze problem after hitting the esc key. But in MAR 2010 there was no such a problem. Go figure that...
  22. There were many paint schemes for the 'Sakeen' over the years, including the black spit. Both my pics are taken from the 'Heil Ha'avir' museum in Hatzerim. While the second colorful pic is taken from the current exhibition, the first black&white pic I think is a genuine pic from the era.

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