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About sesamest

  1. Thank you very much for all of the helpful information. Also, I'm downloading the campaign right now for the pdf manual. Thank you all of you once again~~
  2. Tried to search this manual before, seems it is not available on-line. Is there any other way to learn the F-14A HUD format? Thanks!
  3. Hi all, I have installed the awesome ODS mod, but when i was flying the F-14A for the campaign, the hud info seems different from other modern fighters and i really don't know how to interpret those info. (e.g. during a/a mode, all waypoint heading vectors are gone and the altitude ladder becomes the range with the bandits, also the speed ladder just display 3 readings +1,0 &-1) Is there any reference / website that could guide me on interpreting the F-14A hud infos in different mode? Thanks.

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