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About berhorn

  1. well, everything worked out fine, thanks
  2. Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help me out here. I'd like to know how to use that huge air to ground missle which can be equipped on an Su-33. I got Lo-mac, the 1.0 version (for some reason the patch f***ed up with my missle launching). What I already tried to do was to press 7 for air to ground mode and turn on the radar, but nothing happens really. I'm not able to lock onto anything, nor can I fire the missle. mby the missle wasn't built for that kind of mission? can someone help?
  3. Tem muitos brasileireiros ou lusófonos aqui ?

    São paulo, sp. n sou brasileiro, sou alemão, mas depois de 8 anos aqui deu pra aprender a falar/escrever^^

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