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About Tarl

  1. Hi all, my first post. I was an avid flight sim guy long ago and have been away for some time. I love the WWI era and didn't really think about getting back into it till I read about OFF and what was supposed to be "Knights of the Sky" (even thou back in the day for us old guys, there already was a WWI Flight Sim by that name released by Microprose prob 20 years ago....and it had online play also. :) The new "Knights" or Rise of Flight, looks pretty good....but in the mean time I was turned on to OFF Phase 2, which in my book, even thou ruff around the edges, has given me hours of pleasure. Hec, I never liked or even played CFS3 much, but now with OFF, it becomes a whole new game and I'm playing it daily. I will order my "phase 3" or OFF: BHAH here shortly. I haven't seen BHAH (phase 3) yet, but I have read from people that have and sure it's initial engine my be CFS3, but to me it looks much, much better than that game ever dreamed of being. I will spend the $50 and look forward to many more hours of pleasure with this sim. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post. <salute> Tarl

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