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Everything posted by Nightshift82

  1. Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect

  2. I just redownloaded the 4-part pack. Do I need to download the updates above as well to be up to speed?
  3. Freelancing...

    Big time guilty with A-4's
  4. Snowpocalypse 2011

    Closed all schools and stuff here in Buffalo...still going to have to go to work though... :(
  5. The confession of a troubled mind

    That's very brave of you to write that, it takes courage to not only admit it to yourself, but to share it with others. I think your healing starts here with sharing, you have the potential, just look at the wonderful things you create for our community. I think if you can put in at least half the energy you've put into the mods you've gave us, into yourself and digging your way out, you'll be on the right track. I don't hate you after reading what you shared with us, I'm proud of you for doing so.
  6. That's a sweet skin for the hun! Is it going to be released?
  7. It's a funny thing as I did the same as Lt. but with only one four-ship flight. 3 May 1966 VA-55 'Warhorses' 4 A-4E (65) Loadout: #1 and #2 8 M-117 750lbs. bombs 2 AGM-45A Shrikes #3 and #4 8 CBU/24 2 AGM-45A Shrikes Our target today was the Power Plant Stuctures at the Ben Thuy Thermal Power Plant. Due to Ben Thuy being so close to Yankee Station and being so south, I didn't antisipate much fighter activity I decided to leave the drop tanks on the ship and load up some extra firepower instead. But I have not forgotten that the NVA wasn't lacking in anti-air defences. Also I wanted to ensure a total kill on the whole power plant. Take off was a routine affair, joining up at 3,500 ft. to begin our climb to 10,000 ft. Ingress to target was smooth for us for awhile, but the radio almost instantly opened up with hearing the phantoms letting lose with their AIM-7's. This made me a little uneasy to be honest, as it ment that there were MiGs this far south! About 30 miles from the coast, Red Crown called badits 11 o'clock, 5 miles heading Northeast! That was right for us! Instinctively I called for assistance before we had to abort and fight for our lives. A four ship of F-4's came to our rescue just as we got visual on the bandits....MiG-21's! While the F-4's kept the MiG's busy, we deviated to the southwest at the river delta to follow the river all the way to the target. The MiGs weren't a factor anymore now, but the AAA was, flight lead Ens. Sekuterski ordered 3 and 4 to engage ground threats to suppress ground fire. There was a flak burst that popped right between me and number 2, I bet I could have reached out and touched it as I flew by, scary and mesmerizing at the same time. Finally reaching the target, we had a nice line up on the station, I ordered number 2 to go in first and I would take clean up. I salvoed 3 at 100ms and let them loose... We both hit both sides destroying the entire station. Great attack. It was a beautiful sight flying away from our work of art, egress was a thing of beauty, we got lucky and slipped through a gap in the air defences. Not a scratch on anyone, Power plant shut down and a promotion! Ens. Sekuterski is now LtJg. Sekuterski! He was also awarded the Air metal. Mission success!
  8. Getting a little hot! MiGs! MiGs! MiGs!
  9. 7 March 1966 VA-55 'Warhorses' 2 A-4E (65) Loadout: 2 LAU/3 rocket pods 2 AGM-45A Shrikes 1 300gal drop tank This afternoon's mission breifing brought the worries that I had after the previous mission but worse! We were assigned to suppress enemy air defences around the Vinh Son Army Supply Depot. It was exciting to carry the Shrikes and couldn't wait to silence the audio RWR with some firepower. After we launched from the carrier we joined up at 3,000ft. to begin the big climb to 10,000ft. Finding our targets was a tough task at first, but got easy to spot, but then the guns were firing at us and nearby firendly flights, the tracers were a flying! Number 2 Ens. Hayes had his fangs out on this hop, taking out 5 AAA enplacements and one fire can radar, flight lead Ens. Sekuterski only bagged 3 AAA emplacements. On our way out I climbed above the gunfire to see if I can get picked up by radar to use at least one of my shrikes. I got the beep that I was being spotted on radar. I didn't know what direction it was comming from so tried to locate him on my radar, I got the in range que, but to no aval, didn't hit a thing with either shrike. I drifted to a lower altitude when trying to score with the shrikes, AAA became a factor and it was time to go home. Nevertheless we both got home without a scratch, mission success!
  10. Great job Lt.! Nothing like screaming HA HA at the MiGs while they try to reach you. But better when you get show them up and take one out!
  11. The A.I. in fact did, but I think it was that he lost his engine at the time and called out the generic 'I'm Hit!' and bailed, or maybe the A.I. is programmed like that when an aircraft cannot land on a carrier? With the dumb bombing without advanced avionics thing. To make it simple as possible (I A.D.D. out everytime I try to read the simhq article), it's all about practice, hight and angle. My whole concept is that the steeper the dive angle, the closer to the center of your gunsight you aim. And the closer you are to the target, the more accurate you are going to be. It's a risk/rewards game. How I like to do it is to come in at least 5,000ft. under me, nose in at about 70 degree angle at my target. With the target about 1/4 of the way from the lower edge of my gunsight drop my bombs at around 1,500ft. Salvo and ripple times play a big factor as well, with the A-4E loadout of usually 6 mk82's I like to salvo 6 and ripple 100ms for large targets and 140ms for targets like airfeild fuel tanks, hangars and runways where multiple targets will be hit if lined up. I guess you can say it's like kentucy windage of a sort, but the best way to practice is to setup a strike mission in single missions with your aircraft of choice with enemy air and ground defences to light, weather to clear, and time of day noon. I acually have a pilot I use just for practice bombing when I want to try out a new plane type. I'll try to take screen shots right when I drop my bombs to give a better idea of it.
  12. Thanks Lt., it's a good feeling to save the pilot, and he will be going to spend time with the nurses anyway. I'm starting to get a little nervus for the next hop as the air defences are growing, and we've haven't been going in too far from the water. It's only going to get worse from here on.
  13. Thanks Slartibartfast and xclusiv! Now for some more business! 4 Feburary 1966 VA-55 'Warhorses' 4 A-4E (65) Loadout: 6 Mk82 bombs 1 300gal drop tank Today's target was a warehouse near the Bai Thuong barracks. It was a warm morning at Yankee Station where the sun was rising like in a painting. Forming up feet about 10 miles from the carrier with everyone good to go. Ingress was smooth and there was no enemy air activity in our area and AAA was nearly non-exsisting. It was a good morning to be flying in Southeast Asia. Cloud cover was light making the warehouse an easy spot comming in. Flight lead Ens. Sekuterski dove in dropping his ord right smack on target! With no MiGs in the area and AAA being light Ens. Sekuterski ordered a second pass taking out targets of opportunity. Number two took out a triple A piece while flight lead drew fire, three and four went in knocking out a MG nest and another triple A piece. Fire and smoke were on the menu today for the NVA. After the second run flight lead called to rejoin and egress following a river to lead the flight to the sea. Triple A then opened up in anger at our flight as if they were angry that they were woke up so early in the morning. After reaching feet wet, number three called out that he had suffered heavy damage to his aircraft and limped it with in two miles of the carrier to eject. He is wounded and will be recieving the purple heart. All in all the mission was a success despite losing an aircraft, but saving the pilot.
  14. Those A-4's sure are a wonder when you are in a jam. Nam '65
  15. 13 December 1965 VA-55 'Warhorses' 2 A-4E (65) Loadout: 6 Mk82 bombs 1 300gal drop tank The target was in Haiphong again, but our task this time was taking out a rail bridge crossing just north of the delta. Since the last mission went so well and the AAA and MiGs were not much of a factor we decided to take only 2 A-4's in our flight. Ingress was once again a smooth one, joining up feet wet at 10,000 ft. The target was easily visible just before reaching feet dry and there was no harassment, it was going to be another text book hop. We decided to deviate about 5 miles to the north to get a straight north-south line up on the bridge. Then the AAA started to warm up, it was considered light, but still made us grind our teeth. But the deviation paid off as an easy run by flight lead Ens. Sekuterski dropped dead on target destroying the bridge and taking out a train running through it. Then it got interesting, MiG calls were just as heavy as the last mission, but some how a MiG broke through the TARCAP and escorts. It's a good thing that the A-4 turns well and Ens. Sekuterski had enough airspeed to dodge the MiG-17, not giving the communist flyer an easy target. After 3 turns in a rolling scissors, Ens. Sekuterski got a snapshot opportunity on the MiG-17, knocking out it's tail. Number 2 was lagging behind and formed up while still holding his ordnance over feet wet. Both A-4's returned home with out a scratch, but one came home a MiG killer! Mission success!
  16. 1 December 1965 VA-55 'Warhorses' 4 A-4E (65) Loadout: 6 Mk82 bombs 1 300gal drop tank The target was a warehouse near the port of Haiphong. It was a beauitful day to fly in Southeast Asia dispite the kick off of Operation Rolling Thunder for Ens. Sekuterski. The ingress to the target was smooth as silk after everyone joined up. There were bandit calls all over the radio but nothing that were close enough to be a threat and triple A was light. One single pass by flight leader Ens. Sekuterski took out the warehouse, number 2 dropped his payload on a KS-19 destroying it. Number 3 and 4 held their ordnace and with out deviation could not find targets of opportunity. The flight formed up feet wet and returned home with out a scratch. A successful mission!
  17. 4 on 2 in favor of the MiG-21's while on a CAP mission in Nov '62...they lost with no RAF losses.
  18. I have a feeling (and hope) that the bonus will be Euro Skins for the F-4's.
  19. Finished the '62 Thud camp, now it's time for the Hunter F6. Boy what a difference in handling!

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