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Everything posted by Nightshift82

  1. And stuck at work....11pm can't come any sooner!!!!!
  2. Going to make us some money Racing for that last MiG kill
  3. I would like to use other gunsights that I have for SF2 but they are in bmp format and I've tried to convert them to tga's using irfranview. The problem I have is that it brings in the background with the sights leaving me well....blind. I'm starting to think that irfranview is not the program for this or I'm I missing something? I am by far not skilled at all at graphics, but I like to take a stab from time to time. Sights.zip
  4. Anyone know if upgrading NF4+ to current (May2010-B) or at least past june09 standards on the back burner or any burner?
  5. September 18th 1965, Well I'm here in the Hanoi Hilton now.... On an escort sortie babysitting a four ship of F-105D's no MiG's were sighted anywhere near us. I took AAA hits rupturing my fuel tank just as the F-105's dropped their payload. I tried to gain as much altitude as I can to make it over the water but to no aval. I ejected about 20 miles from the coast at around 3,000 feet. I can't help but sit here thinking, what if I waited longer? Could have I rode it out and made rescue?
  6. 5 missions into the Rolling Thunder Campaign... (SF2:V Expansion Pack) VF-24 in F-8C's September 6, 1965 We were tasked with a MiGCAP/TARCAP over Noi Bai Number 1 (me) was damaged by ground fire and shot down one MiG-17 Number 3 shot down one MiG-17 Number 4 was shot down by ground fire It was the longest sortie yet, (seemed like hours weaving through almost endless flak) started off easy enough, number 3 bagging his MiG about seven minutes after dry feet. The second MiG was the trouble some type almost a five minute fight with this guy. I called for the flight to RTB (while fighting the MiG) after I had noticed that I was 1/4 through my main tank. After the MiG kill, I egressed to the East to at least get over water in case I needed to eject. Took heavy ground fire and took damage to the rear of aircraft. I successfully landed with a little more than 500 lbs. of fuel!
  7. I know it's in progress but..... 1. Korean 2. Air 3. War Mod
  8. File Name: Suez Prop Sounds File Submitter: Nightshift82 File Submitted: 16 May 2010 File Category: SF/WO* Sound Mods My first attempt at modding... Here are some sounds for the P-51 and Spitfire for the SF2:I expansion pack. Enjoy! -Nightshift82 Click here to download this file
  9. Suez Prop Sounds



    My first attempt at modding... Here are some sounds for the P-51 and Spitfire for the SF2:I expansion pack. Enjoy! -Nightshift82
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't the P-51 have a tighter turn at speed?
  11. You might want to take a peak at the SOUNDLIST.ini and make sure they are still there. Is it just one aircraft? Or all of them. If it's just specific aircraft, you might want to take a look at the aircraft's DATA.ini's (ex. P-51D_DATA.ini) should be under sounds in the text, not too far down from the top.
  12. Any word on the progress of the KAW mod? It just popped in my mind seeing that we now have a P-51 from TW.
  13. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    Wing Commander all the way. Wish there were updated versions out to play on today's computers.
  14. Server 2 worked for me. Don't know why the server 1 file was giving me a tude. Thanks for the help!
  15. Worked with the fixpack, but still no joy with the main. edit: going to try downloading from server 2, will post results
  16. I've just downloaded all the parts, my machine is telling me that the "main" and "fixpack" file is either unknown format or damaged. I'm using WinRar. The objects and aircraft ones open up just fine.
  17. It's always a good feeling to have a squadron full of killers
  18. What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

    Hey! I used to play Aces High!
  19. Back from the taxidermist

    I'm very pleased with the work done, now my biggest problem is where to hang him up.
  20. But honey, it just followed me home.......

    It's a Daewoo DR-200 (South Korean design, imported by Kimber in the mid 90's) .223 cal accepts AR mags. Almost like the child of an AR and an AK. I wanted something different in .223

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