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Posts posted by Nightshift82

  1. 5 missions into the Rolling Thunder Campaign...

    (SF2:V Expansion Pack)


    VF-24 in F-8C's


    September 6, 1965


    We were tasked with a MiGCAP/TARCAP over Noi Bai

    Number 1 (me) was damaged by ground fire and shot down one MiG-17

    Number 3 shot down one MiG-17

    Number 4 was shot down by ground fire


    It was the longest sortie yet, (seemed like hours weaving through almost endless flak)

    started off easy enough, number 3 bagging his MiG about seven minutes after dry feet.

    The second MiG was the trouble some type almost a five minute fight with this guy.

    I called for the flight to RTB (while fighting the MiG) after I had noticed that I was 1/4 through my main tank.

    After the MiG kill, I egressed to the East to at least get over water in case I needed to eject.

    Took heavy ground fire and took damage to the rear of aircraft. I successfully landed with a little more

    than 500 lbs. of fuel!



  2. Campaign: Operation Quick Sand


    Squadron: VF-161 "Chargers"

    Aircraft Assigned: F-4B Phantom II

    Callsign: CRAB

    Loadout: 4 AIM-9D, 4 AIM-7E full internal Fuel (Both Aircraft)

    Assignment: Intercept enemy flight inbound D1 Airfield

    Scheduled Take off Time: 19:53:51

    Estimated Time on Target:19:55:06

    Scheduled Landing time: 20:0005

    Remarks: 2 MiG-17's sighted and engaged by Crab one appraoching D1 Airfield. Crab one orders Crab two to engage MiG #2. (Crab one Guncam 1.)Crab one shoots 2 AIM-9D's at MiG #1 2nd AIM-9D hits and kill confirmed. Shortly after missile is lauched (Crab one guncam 2.&3.)Crab 1 witnesses both MiG's jettison external stores. Crab 2 is shot down by a MiG-17, pilot and RIO ejected safely. (Crab one guncam 4.)Crab 1 preforms defensive maneuvers over D1 Airfield visual confirmation on 3 MiG-17's (no guncam photo's to confirm). Due to darkness Crab one was unable to to get positive identification on the MiG-17 that shot down Crab two. Crab 1 was ordered to return to base.Mission was a failure, missiles were ineffective due to the close range and darkness made it difficult to confirm targets. Due to heavy Allied losses, VF-161 is being reassigned to D4 Airfield for frontline operations.










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