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Posts posted by new2009

  1. It's not really a top-notch system that I have here at home. Q6600@2.4GHz, HD 4870 1GB 780MHz/3.6GHz, Windows Vista Ultimate 64bits, 4GB XMS2 Cosair DDR2@1066MHz with other standard peripherals.


    What are the patches which I need to obtain the best enemy AI?


    I also gather that there are weapon editors and weapon packs which supply additional weapons, what are the weapon packs and where might I find them?


    Does WoV support Beyond Visual Range air combat just like other modern flight simulations do?

  2. dumb question, what do I lose if I don't patch the game to the latest patch? I read some of the threads up here that the frame rates are pretty low. I just installed the vanilla version without applying any patches and frame rates are good, holding at 60 FPS everything just smooth as silk!


    If I install any one of those addons and mission packs you folks mentioned above, will it kill some of my frame rates?


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