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Posts posted by oweng1980

  1. Hi sir its me again :biggrin: ,just get this weapon editor from thirdwire site..i think its intended to be for games before 2008...do you have sir any guide for using this editor,i try to add weapon for TornadoF3..theres only 1 type of armament(skyflash),theres a additional weapon for it..but you need to use the weapon editor...forgive for my ignorance but whta should i do first.Do i need to put the weapon editor program inside the game folder(Woe).Plase sir help me with this one...before i tried to save the item i added when i try to save the weapon editor just close i dont know whats the problem.Hope you can help me..Thank you :good:

  2. Hi guys...quite new in the forum :biggrin: ,just bought Wings Over Europe game....and im now trying to install new planes and weapons for the game..but i think there is still a need to use this "weapon editor", i tried to find a link suitable for my windows xp but i guess its not working especially when im trying to save the new weapon.Hope you can help me guys with this..where i can get a weapon editor suitable fot my windows xp..Thank You :yes:


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