(Sorry, I'm not good at English, I am Vietnamese )
It's too hard to play LOMAC with keyboard. I don't have a joystick therefore I tried to find if there is a way to use mouse instead of joystick.
And I think I found it, I don't know if there was someone who had found before I did. I still post it here, hope it helps.
I don't find anything which mentions to playing with mouse on the internet, too.
Choose "MOUSE" in DEVICE drop down list.
Choose "AXES" in the switch on the right of DEVICE section.
In the ACTIONS MAP section (below)
Click "Pitch" in the first line
Click "CHANGE" button
Choose "Axis1" in the list > OK.
Choose "AXIS" in the switch above the "DEFAULT" button
Move the pointer from the CENTER to the LEFT side of the "SHIFT" slider,
Note: The further you move the pointer, the more sensitive your mouse in gamewill be.
My mouse = mitsumi ~~> Move the pointer to the second tick from the left of the "SHIFT" slider.
It looks like this
This step depends on your type of mouse which you use, feel free to adjust the pointer, but be always on the left side of the slider.
Do the same thing at step 3 and 4 for the "ROLL" line in the ACTIONS MAP but choose "Axis0" in the dropdown list.
The final thing is Rudder, you choose "Asix2" for it, this is the axis of your mouse's scroll wheel.
Just assign the axis for it and let the switch = "SLIDER" (don't need to change it to "AXIS" and adjust the SHIFT pointer as the Roll and Pitch action)
Click OK and now you can use mouse to control your air plane.
You can not move or zoom the camera in the external view by using mouse anymore, but you can use keyboard instead (numpad buttons)
In game, move the mouse to change roll and pitch, scroll the wheel up and down for rudder.
You can assign the Left mouse button to the "Fire" action and the Right mouse button to the "Release Weapon" action. Before that, remember to choose BUTTON in the switch on the right of the DEVICE section, choose FLIGHT in the KEY COMMAND section. All Flight actions will be listed below, Find the "Fire" and "Release Weapon" actions in the list.
Have fun, I don't need to buy JOYSTICK anymore. ^o^