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Tonyo - legion

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Everything posted by Tonyo - legion

  1. My first Train in WOFF

    Hi Olham, i've recently upgraded from an old 440 card to an GTX 760 card, i must admit that i havent done any tweaks in workshop as yet, so i'll give that a try - many thanks.
  2. My first Train in WOFF

    Not seen any any trains as yet, just one of my colleagues going down & landing on our side of the lines (crew ok) - shot down by mg fire from the ground - he was way too low when he went over the lines, I also went too low at one point & got a few bullet holes for my troubles, and the other A/ c missing - crew killed due to AA - didn't even see them go down!! and I returned home alone after the mission.
  3. Keep this Airfield alive and going

    I recently upgraded my CPU to an i7 quad core with new motherboard & 16 Gb of ram. My hard drives didn't recognise any of the new hardware & came up with the "blue screen of Death" so I also had to do a total re-install - it took me over 3 days off & on, to get my system back to as it was before with all the software, hardware etc... i was sooo glad when it was back to normal!! thankfully this was a month before WOFF was released, so at least i was ready for it! I'm thinking of getting some ssd's to replace my hard drives, but as i have over 2 terabytes of storage, to get the equivalent in ssd's would cost an arm & a leg so I'll wait til the price drops ( a lot) before getting them. unless, it's a brand new pc being setup - i totally sympathise with people who have to do a re-install...
  4. Bought a GTX 760 graphics card with 2gb Vram -- made a major difference against my old Gt 440 card!! Flew and completed my first mission flying the be2 - a recon mission which i actually survived puzzled as to why i had to loiter over the recon area for 30 mins - especially as it was over two enemy aerodromes & they were popping off the archie like nobody's business!!! fortunately they missed, but one or two did get uncomfortably close. saw a total of 3 enemy aircraft, but they were too far away to identify and fortunately they let us alone. I was so relieved when I taxied over to the hangars & switched off the engine. big smile - first mission under my belt. Back to the mess for tea & medals old boy what?!
  5. I've started mine in the usual way from the start of the airwar flying a be2 with the gunner standing up in front of me, have flown 2 recon missions stalled & crashed in the first & survived the 2nd one by the skin of my teeth!! I have 3 days off from work over new years so i will be putting in a lot more flying time I was very lucky to be upgrade my processor, motherboard & ram just before christmas im now running a quad core i7 with 8gb of corsair vengeance ram, still have to get a graphics card thats a bit faster though!!
  6. OT: You Play The Hand You Are Dealt

    Hi Tony So sorry to hear your news, I wish you the best of luck
  7. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    Blackadder, sorry mate, but its just you.... the creators of this outstanding & magnificent flight sim have taken THREE years to create it, in their spare time after doing their normal jobs and having family commitments also. Personally i hope that they sell as many copies of this as possible to justify all of that hard work & dedication - how many ww1 flight sims are out there of this quality & realism with such attention to detail??? ONLY THIS ONE!!! IMHO you'd be a fool not to get it - I daresay that with the new year being the 100th anniversary of the start of the first world war, there may be a few more WW1 sims of varying descriptions released by companies to hop on the bandwagon, but they wont have the commitment given by the developers of WOFF.
  8. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    I dont get the chance to visit much these days due to thoise dreaded work commitments, but i still do pop in from time to time to keep up with the news..
  9. More WOFF Screenshots

    It certainly looks sweet, roll on the release day!!
  10. Hi guys, just thought that you might like to see some of the aircraft that were at the shuttleworth uncovered airshow yesterday....a few more to follow
  11. Shuttleworth uncovered 2013

    Thanks guys, I had to resize them as I'd set my camera up to do A2 size prints which blew the file size well over the limit for each one. Its the first time that I've been to a shuttleworth uncovered airshow. its a fantastic idea to be able to get up close to the aircraft & ask the mechanics & pilots any questions you want about them from how they handle in the air to how to get or make spares for the engines. they have the oldest original aircraft still flying ( bleriot 1909 and the blackburn monoplane 1912 vintage as well as a deperdussin around 1910 they didnt fly yesterday there was a bit of wind and they ran out of time to fly them) with near perfect weather and a beautiful summers/autumn evening that was nice and warm and sunny as well it made for a beautiful day.
  12. Shuttleworth uncovered 2013

    additional aircraft from yesterdays show....the weather was good enough for them to fly two of the Edwardians as well - you may remember them from the movie those magnificent men in their flying machines
  13. WWI in Colour; Blood In The Air

    I remember this series, it was part of a six episode series called world war 1 in colour, 1. Catastrophe 2. slaughter in the trenches 3. blood in the air 4. killers of the sea 5. Mayhem on the western front 6. Victory and despair It was once released as a free dvd with a news paper a while back when they used to do that sort of thing. i bought mine as a boxed set, & It wasn't cheap when i got it some time ago, perhaps they'll knock the price down on the next release.
  14. My computers at a 90 degree angle to the light from the window, and i initially had problems with it until i put a small greenhouse outside in the garden - thats reduced the glare although the result wasnt intentional!! excellent news on the beta test - now where did i put my cheque book .....
  15. Short film "The Jockstrap Raiders"

    LOL That was brilliant!! well done all concerned
  16. Fly with the Caudron

    That's come from the 3 DVD box set "4 years of thunder " its a really good set of Dvds showing the Air war in ww1 I would recommend it to anyone. I was unable to get it from the UK so my copy came from australia! its also got some great footage of the germans making the albatros fighter as well
  17. I went to Hendon before Christmas, and saw that the replica Aircraft that were made in new Zealand were already there. The RE8 and the albatross had been flying at shuttleworth during last seasons air-shows ( missed them due to work dammit!!!!) As they're now at Hendon it means that i wont get a chance to see them fly as the RE8 & albatross are both airworthy, the albatross is powered by an original Mercedes engine from the RAF museums collection. As you can see, they still had to put the wings on the "Harry Tate" The snipe was in the wings of flight part of the museum separate from the Grahaeme White building. the Snipe also had the strange attachment on both of its wings - not sure what thats for though?? the photos were taken with my I-pad mini and they didn't come out too bad. Thought that you might like to see the pics as a matter of interest Regards one & all TonyO.
  18. OT- Gives new meaning to go fly a kite

    Excellent - I wonder how long it took him to learn how to do that ?
  19. Most Excellent Flight Sim, Most Excellent sounds and Most Excellent Music!! The graphics are making me drool all over my keyboard, the music score is simply awesome & I love the sounds of the machine guns as well as the blipping engine when the Eindecker crashes into the BE2 towards the end - my favourite part - BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
  20. WW1 Armor

    They have a MK IV male tank at the imperial war museum lambeth too...
  21. Bad news

    How Sad.. Rest in peace
  22. Hi guys, Went to the Graham white building at the RAF museum hendon & saw that they have a new addition, so i thought that I would share it with all of you
  23. Did Werner Voss have a brother?

    Has anyone here read the book "September Evening" - the life & final combat of Werner Voss by Barry Diggens? I can recommend it, its a good read. Heres a picture of Voss with his Mum & Dad on either side of him with other members of his family around.
  24. Your nicest Christmas present?

    Was working over xmas this year, but I bought myself a new canon 35x superzoom camera for this seasons airshows. looks like theres only about 3 airshows at duxford but tons at Shuttleworth I'll post the pics & vids when the time comes
  25. OT-Imagine one of these....

    We're meant to be getting them in the RAF at some time in the future too.

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