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Posts posted by Davy TASB

  1. I see, you guys are having fun!


    Soon will be the match Germany - Australia.

    Now, the Australians are clearly outsiders here - but we know from OFF, that the Aussies can fight!

    So I can only hope, our boys won't take it too easy.


    Shouldn't have any problems if the Middlesbrough goalie plays for Australia.

    His name is Brad Jones... he is crap!

    Stop Tim Cahill and you will win easily.


    I think it will be an easy 4-0 win for Deutschland :grin:

  2. Yesterday was my birthday. So i got myself a second ATI Radeon 5970 to crossfire X my PC.


    Maybe one day OFF will be having a new engine in P5 or P10. Who knows but ill be ready for the developers.


    Ps. my pretty little wife does not no anything about this.....rofl.gif


    Could probably afford to buy me one of those PC rigs but I doubt if I could afford the electricity bill from using it. :no:

  3. Still getting the odd annoying rof.exe error and the loading times are a bit of a pain but otherwise RoF is starting to show its promise big time now in my not so humble opinion.

    Mind you, as good as it is getting to be, it wont stop me playing OFF.

  4. One of the very few things that pisses me off about OFF is that sometimes if you need to re-install the game, you lose your pilot records and stats. I tried saving them last time but after I needed to re-install I couldn't get them to work again. (Awwww, all me medals went missing)


    I was just wondering if it was possible to implement a pilot "save and restore stats files" feature into the game through the Workshop options menu, something that we can regularly use to save our stats and retrieve them again easily should it be necessary, especially after a clean install.


    Only askin'..... :salute::crutch:





  5. I've just bought Wings Of Prey and had a couple of hours fannying around with it.

    Setting the controls up for my Logitech Joysick have been a nightmare and the game/sim is only playable for me if I use (wait for it)............ a fookin' gamepad. :heat:



    Otherwise this seems to be a very good flight sim with lots of different options but until they sort the controls out its going to the back of the queue in my must play list.

  6. Aother game I play that is also having trouble with Windows 7 is Links 2003.


    This game (also a Microsoft product like CFS3) appears to work fine for those with ATI cards but not at all for NVidia Users on the new Windows OS.



    I am just wondering if the problem with OFFis specifically related to Nvidia cards/drivers like Links seems to be?


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