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Everything posted by Wels

  1. Next airplane for OFF?

    Hello, i certainly voted for early planes, and the Zeppelin ! Would there be any chance one would be able to control the Zep non-dynamical ? I mean venting hydrogen or dropping water to change altitude vertically at full stop ? I am sure the ROF team has a close look at this, for their pay-per-plane online marketing project lol Greetings, Catfish
  2. Ou sont les Boches?

    Hello, vee arr still lying arround the barracks, still suffering from ze bad hangover caused by drinking all this champagne and beer at New year's eve. Wait until february ... Greetings, Catfish
  3. Hello, " ...Hahaha! Great report, Creaghorn. ..." Yes, i second that, i even am aware of it, however it is also true that there was no scout with a m.g at that time, only some more or less helpless X-wires along with a few N-type bullets. This was all the scourge was about, the E WAS heavily over-estimated by the Entente, however it ruled the skies still until may 1916. After this it was used at the eastern fronts like Macedonia, and Russia, along with the already obsolete Pfalz Eindeckers. " ...Perhaps zee Dshermanns invented zee psycholodgik warfare?! ..." Ahh, goot idea, i vill dropp proppaganda posters over ze brritish errordromes !! Then they vill fear ze mighty Wels (see avatar) ent fall down ass zoon assey zee mee ! Maybe i should paint this cat at the cowling lol ! Greetings, Catfish
  4. Hello, well the AI is as good as in 1.26 or so it seems to me. If you are up for a real challenge try to start a campaign with the Fokker Eindecker in 1915, or 16, and try to shoot down anything. Provided you fly at hard settings, that is. Seems in 1915 the ammunition is tuned down to 550 bullets due to simulate the E.I that flew in 1915 ? Don't know, never reached 1916 yet lol. Trying to fly the E. in OFF every plane is better than yours already in 1915. I use the HUD, and the target circle but meanwhile i was still shot down 20 times during the first mission. 20+ campaigns ended with this "sadly you have died in combat" right after the first sortie lol. Encounter a flight of any other plane type other than the BE2 and you're toast. The one time i downed a BE2 i was instantly killed by AA fire, at 6000 feet *grrr*. And it seems i alway meet flights of 4 or so Bristol scouts, and the E is no match. Seemed the E was also suffering from some flight model problem, but it seems this has been slightly changed since the last patch (this unrecoverable "banking slide") - if so, great ! What is also nice in patch 1.28 (among some other great details) is the rotary planes on the ground now turn on the spot, which is as it should be (light tail and heavy engine) and as seen in the historical footage. Some rotary planes even had to be held fast at the wings edges, until their nose pointed to the direction to which it was intended to start. The patches seem to do a lot more in details, than is mentioned in the official patch history (?) Anyway the Fokker E-type does not seem right to me, in 1915, and up to april 1916 there was no allied plane that would compare to the E or so i thought ? The Morane parasol and N/Bullet planes, and X-wire Farmans are not included in OFF - yet . Those and the early two-seaters were what this Fokker scourge was made of at all. B.t.w.: Is there any AI difference in single mission or quick combat, against the AI in the campaign ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  5. Hello, well this has been dicussed before. I really do not know which axe this "Stealth Hunter" has or had to grind, but then the same is true for simouthouse. As SH wrote somewhere he did not want to pay for a mod. Well it'sb his decision, there are a lot of other games' mods for free, however i do not believe he ever tried Phase3, so his opinion isn't much worth in that respect. Dowley is a very young IL2 and WW2 sim fan, so he will bash anything else lol. But at least he can be quite funny (if you read the pirate post in the thread posted by Rabu), and he has been "in the brig" (temporary ban) at subsim numerous times . However it is hard not to somehow like him lol. Although being a member at subsim since the early beginnings around 2000 i do not know every member, and due to time restrictions i did not post too much there recently. Apart from some ranters and bashers that might be present in every forum the "rest" of the subsim community is a great bunch. I am still "learning the ropes" with P3, and announced to write some kind of review for subsim sooner or later. I have not contacted Neal (subsim owner) yet, not enough time in the moment. What is a bit surprising is that i heard from OFF by "mistake", i wanted to know which improvements had been made for the Red Baron some years ago, and stumbled about OFF. I had to throughly search for it back then ... Greetings, Catfish
  6. Hello Jarhead, thanks, will try "I think you can get extra points toward credit if you list the aircraft type, squadron, and location of the kill. " Hmm, i would like to see one claim accepted at all, without extra points lol. Shot down in flames, well to be honest most of the BE2s just begin to smoke and circle - i did write "out of control" after it suddenly began spinning, but since i mostly die before any claim will be accepted it may be due to this lol. When i shot down this Bristol scout i was 300 feet above the ground, straight and level at 125 km/h (~ 80-90 mph), when this light right bank sent me to the dirt - and "sadly i died in combat" again. Anyway good info, from the reports above i take it i will have to write 2000 feet (no . or , and not in meter units), and the time should be like 8h20 instead of 8:20 o'clock, a.m. or whatever. Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  7. Hello, well the confirmation bureau sure has at least something against me. I just do not know what has to enter those reports, sometimes i write BE2c, or should it be B.E.2, or even better B.E.2b ?? Then the altitudes, 6000 feet ? or 2000 meters ? Should it be Bris scout, Or Bristol scout, or Bris scout 15m ? 6.000 feet with a point, or better 6,000 with a komma without feet ? Time with 8.00, or 8,00 or maybe 8 a.m. or 8:00 o'clock to get it accepted ? Then how will i ever know from what squadron the enemy was with labels turned off. Learn the squadrons by heart, sure. Problem is the claim will be accepted by a pre-written check, and if you do not enter the demanded exact data, it will never accept it. I think this is unnecessarily hard. Problem is you have to write it freely, not enter numbers and words into some kind of form, so it is hard to say what will work at all, and why. The report will not be read by a human being. Seems entering german words or units will not work at all, so beware. After some 30 tries I freely admit this sim is too hard for me. Starting careers again and again already in 1915 with FA62 in Eindeckers (should be E.I), i will be dead after my second patrol, if not during the first. Following BEcs I would either be killed by my own AA fire at 2000+ feet (happened 7 times out of 10, i wrote it down), or i would not be able to roll the Eindecker back to a horizontal position. At some point the controls for the ailerons to roll left from a right light bank will not work any more, and the plane will slowly bank more and more until the unavoidable crash. Happens from 100 to 150 kilometers/hour. Raising the nose will worsen the bank, lowering it will remain the same as it was. Strange is it seems to be worse at lower altitudes ! Checked two different joysticks, no idea. At least those hords of SPADS have disappeared, good, instead there are now hords of 6+ Bristol scout patrols in 1915. In one campaign i managed to survive 3 sorties !! I did not encounter one enemy, and was NOT shot down by my own AA - i guess this is a an improvement When i encounter a flight of anything else than a helpless BE2 in an Eindecker i will be instantly shot to pieces - so running away is the option, if i still can - in 1915. I am waiting for 1916 and the Fokker scourge, i take it most enemies will fall from the sky when this time is near. Greetings, Catfish
  8. Hello, again starting my umpteenth campaign in the german air service with a Fokker E.III Eindecker and dying every time usually during the first patrol, this time i encountered flights of SPADS, hords of them (certainly died again). Hm i really wonder how any german airman could have ever shot down any plane apart from a BE2b/c with an Eindecker in 1916. B.t.w. didn't the BE had some defence to the rear - observer in the front standing up and using the rear m.g. ? If they do not even evade an inch while someone shoots at them, i would at least expect some defensive gunnery ? I do not know too much about the real behaviour of this E.III bird (apart from being nimble, needing constant rudder input etc.), but you will get not even one shot at any allied plane in june 1916 (yes, apart from BE...). The manouevering is so outright bad and sluggish, mostly you cannot even roll back into neutral position after having once banked slightly to the right. If the E.III stalls (and the whole flight is some kind of fighting against stalls) it does it in a real strange way. Allied superiority is enormous in 1916, i am sure the US must have already joined the war. Anyone who speaks of a "Fokker scourge" surely has not experienced reality in OFF lol. I wonder if such dogfights with 15+ SPADS and 6 additional Nieuports really reflect what was going on in the skies of june 1916 ? Flying for the allies held no peril at all up to now, i shoot down imperial german planes all the time, only thing is my claims are never accepted. This claim report is a bit strange. Do i have to be a native english speaker to fill anything in, or are there some certain words you have to use ? Is there an OFF manual where this claiming procedure is described ? Sorry, just had to vent, reading Olhams's post i can exactly imagine how he feels - and i thought things might get a bit better with an Albatros lol. Greetings, Catfish I am using XP pro with SP3, on a dual core pc with 2 Gb of Ram
  9. Hello, thanks all for the valuable information, and certainly to Winder intending to correct this - i was not quite sure, from the "invention" date of the SPAD VII it would have been possible to appear in mid-1916, if not in those numbers. My regrets to Winder, i did not play again until today, but it seems Geier already provided the file you asked for. Concerning the Eindecker - do you guys think i should auto-trim it for better controlling ? I usually do not use auto-trim at all, or any trim at all - takes away some special features of certain planes - i think the dev team knew what it did regarding flight models. Only this rolling to the left with the E.III seems impossible sometimes .. Thanks a lot, also for the claim report info - so i should generally enter the altitude in feet, not meter, or 0,6 kilometer or so it seems. I take it the time provided by the "Z" button is correct if you enter this in the claim report. Do i have to use . or , for altitude ? Greetings, Catfish
  10. Game Locking Up

    Need the system specs, and which OS HGreetings, Catfish
  11. Whoa, patch again ? Must be the first time i downoladed the first patch before i even had the game, and now the 6th one in a row ? Hard to keep up lol - just a question: Will applying the patch "kill" my current campaign, or pilots ? ALready with patch 125 this is beginning to feel like the real thing. Never would have thought i'd say this but compared to the new AI the old RedBaron begins to look a bit easy ! Thanks (really !! ) and greetings Catfish P.S. the "Thumbs -up" emoticon looks a bit depressed
  12. Hello, i do not find the old forum, since they turned it off - but there was still a direct link working, so if anyone still has the direct link ... i edleted mine when switching the OFF forum link to Combatace.com. In the sticky section of the old Phase 1+2 forum there was a post how to setup Phase 2 - i know it since i wrote it. Would be fine to have this here ... anyone ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  13. ... i have already died 5 times, my first death happend while ramming the only windsock pole around some 50 miles, just in front of the hangars. I was a bit slow for dying, but "accepted" it - D.I.D. lol. The 1 1/2 strutter exploded like running over a mine, maybe a bit less Hollywood ? But i did not want to go into details yet. I only flew the Sop 1 1/2 strutter, and then immediately went to the Fokker E.III, in the KEK which was to become Jasta (or Jagdstaffel=Hunting Squadron) 11 later in the war. Guess it was june 1st, 1916. Having already flown this one in phase 2 i knew i would be an ace soon, hehe. So battery on, magnetoes on, and cranking the starter. The usual coughing, and uneven revving until all cylinders fired, and then oops, off to the right i went, engine revving full, who put the throttle lever to full, and the rudder, where is !"§$%&!! ?? (ahh, replugged the joystick without centering) So i introduced myself, making some my silly dance in front of my squadron mates, who politely waited until i regained control, and had lined up with them again. We took off, and the E gained enough altitude to get over the houes and slope at the end of this field. The plane seemed to hop around more on the uneven ground, than in P2. This "dance" will sure cost me some bottles of champagne .. I usually have all warnings, chat, targeting cone etc, disabled, however this time i switched the HUD and target display "radar thing" to on. While still climbing there were two blips appearing, and cheating (switching to exterior view, and then to target view) i saw those were 3 Sopwith 1 1/2 strutters. ehe easy prey, so i immediately left my flight, wondering if my wingmen did not see them, and headed right for the enemy. Since i did not have to climb i indeed managed to cross their flight path, and they did not evade. Much too easy i thought, when i heard a strange sound from my engine - one of the observers had shot at me and there was something beginning to turn loose in the engine. reat sound b.t.w. - turned it to "realistic" in the workshop settings, you will only hear your very loud engine, and the wind at times, with some faint MG or other engine's sounds. Hrrmph I did hear the wind better now, but ignoring the engine i began firing at the last plane. Hmm, again i was hit, but not only from this observer ... there was someone behind me ?! One of the Sopwiths had managed to get on my tail, while the rest was flying on straight, observers firing at me, and i had not seen it. Ok, bank hard right, but hard banking is not a good idea in the "E", as well its warp wings do not react really fast, and the control cables also seemed to be damaged somehow. Losing condiderable altitude I managed to get away from the flight, and the bored attacker rejoined them without further firing at me. Meanwhile the engine sounded really bad, and i was looking for my aerodrome. Well, lesson learned, but at least the bird was in the air and i lived to fight another day. I throttled down a bit, and between the misfiring and grinding sounds the wind became louder. Strange, there also was another very faint noise, almost like a sewing machine - ah my own flight had found me, or so i thought when bullets started to whistle past me, again damaging my already shot-up bird. What the ...?! A flight of 5 Nieuports appearing from nowhere were going for me ?! Gun jammed, engine almost out, controls almost shot away, i swung the E to vertical and dove to the ground, one of the Nieuports following me. I managed to level the plane out before crashing (do not exceed 220 km/h, the plane will become a falling brick), still received some hits, but made an emergency landing between some trees. Pheww .. Then the OFF manager came to my rescue and brought me straight to my aerodrome. I had survived, but my shiny new E.III was declared destroyed. I was able to fill out a report, but it was neglected due to absent witnesses, and to be true i do not believe this 1 1/2 strutter went down before an intended soft landing at its aerodrome. After 4 more missions (pilot still alive) in the E.III i am now happy to survive - there is no chance against Nieuports or DH.2s, and running away is all that saves my life, don't know what my wingmates think about that. The only plane that can be shot down with the "E" is the BE2c, and maybe a 1 1/2 strutter, if you are lucky. There is some strange behaviour by the "E", sometimes i am not able to roll to the left, as if someone blocks the controls - not only when being damaged, but ... it is no always, and not reproducable (for me, that is). Throttling back or lifting the nose (or lowering it) does not change anything, but it will work again after some 10-20 seconds. If this happens during an escape (i would not call my behaviour a "dogfight" lol) you havethe chance of a snowball in hell - really scary. Well, i am am still learning the ropes, seems P3 is something entirely else - after those missions i have to realize i would most probably suck in a real fight, let alone becoming an ace , oh the shock ! Thanks and greetings, Catfish, Err Wels P.S: Who stole my name ? lol
  14. Hello, i do not find the old forum, since they turned it off - but there was still a direct link working, so if anyone still has the direct link ... i deleted mine when switching the OFF forum link to Combatace.com. In the sticky section of the old Phase 1+2 forum there was a post how to setup Phase 2 - i know it since i wrote it. Would be fine to have this here ... in the P1+2 forum - anyone ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  15. Hello Gimpyguy err Uncleal , and Gremlin ! Thanks a lot, post is now in the combatace Phase 1+2 sub forum. Greetings, Catfish
  16. Hello, sorry for OT, however since you guys (and girls) also have some technical understanding, which printer/copier would you buy now ? It is for home purposes, and should be able to both scan and print - fax not really necessary. my old HP 1315 has a cracked glass, and some other problems, too. I have looked around and found some from: Canon: Canon MX310, or PM 620 Hewlett-P.: Officejet J4689 So the price should appx. match with those - maybe someone has one of those, or another, and can recommend it - or not ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  17. "No CD" Problem with P2

    Hello, some P2 setup info now here at Combatace: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=37679 Older posts from Sim0uthouse can be still found here - at least as long as it's up .. see stickies, phase 1+2 http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/forumdisplay.php?f=8 Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  18. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=37679 Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  19. Hello Shredward, thanks for the link, much appreciated - saves me a lot of typing and remembering :yes: Greetings, Catfish
  20. Nice new forum

    Hello BaronMyBuns/Underdog, glad to see you here, another one found the new aerodrome :yes: Greetings, Catfish/Wels
  21. Hello, only a correction, i tried to change it in the original post, but too late : "The tides of the air war went to and fro, until september 1918, when the german air force began to have real problems due to the shortage of all kinds of material. ..." Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  22. Hello, thanks, i just saw this Pub forum part, i should have posted there .. However thanks, Amazon as a trader for PC stuff is new to me. But you are right, short and precise info, along with reasonable prices. Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  23. Hello Geier, you have a good point there, i will probably also do it that way. I usually have all help turned to off, that is: target cone, simulator warnings, general warnings, sim warnings, as well the TAC along with labels and brackets are off. I only switch on the labels at the beginning, to see my wingmen's names (for getting the credits, naming them as witnesses), and then switch it off again. I have come to using the TAC, because i just do not see anything in time, and since there is a definite lack of sight and situational awareness due to this monitor i accept this - not always, but mostly. As well all settings are set to real, apart from "Death on die roll", which is on, and decreases overall difficulty to 80 percent. I have also switched the MG firing spread to "wide", otherwise it is too easy to shoot planes from far distances or so i think. The firing "Bullett cone" is a bit too wide, but the other "normal" one is alreayd too laser-like. Thus you have to really go in to the target, which sometimes looks as hairy as it must have been. Flying that way life is hard in an E.III, i tell you - at least in june 1916 lol. You are also right in that german fighters seldomly flew over enemy territory - reconnaissance, bombers and Zeppelins are the exception here. It was common practice for single seater scouts, to patrol the front and shoot down two-seaters that would observe german troops movements here, or in the own backyard, like troop build-ups far from the front. It was definitely prohibited to fly over enemy territory in the early Fokkers, for not giving away the interruptor gear secret. The tides of the air war went to and fro, until spetember 1917, when the german air force began to have real problems due to the shortage of all kinds of material. At the same time the first DH4s began to systematically bomb locations in-land far from the front, and it became almost impossible to stop them. Maybe this could be reflected in the missions in OFF, for either side ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  24. there he is - landed to have a closer look The wreck ... good job modeling the remnants, thanks to the dev team ! Then i was jumped by the Nieuports - sorry no pics, i had to survive and forget all else lol .. VERY close escape, they followed, but broke off when i had made it over my own lines .. engine held until ... This does not look good .. No, out of here, quick ! Well at least i survived, plane was written off. Now my new mount, finally a Halberstadt again - after more than 15 years !! Thanks for looking, greetings, Catfish
  25. Hello, some evidence (seems to be vital to get a "kill" accepted .. ) Follow me or get shot ! So you won't .. he will go down, i am sure .. seems so .. the BE flew on at that angle !? continued in next reply ..

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