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Everything posted by Wels

  1. AVSIM Hacked!

    Hello, i really wonder what people find in destroying sites that indeed help other people, and in case of AVsim offer thousands of planes for free download for all kinds of simulators ? My take is the good question "whom serves this best" ? Probably not the usual "hackers" that enter government sites to show "Hey look here ! I did it!". Greetings, Catfish
  2. Hello, not free for download (have to subscribe), but free to watch: e.g. http ://www.liketelevision.com/liketelevisi...;theme=history Main site: http ://www.liketelevision.com/liketelevisi...mp;theme=guide Greetings, Catfish
  3. Hello Olham, wow that's great ! Would you mind, i mean when the contest is finished, maybe a small pm, i really like this ... (hint, hint) Greetings and good luck for the contest ! Catfish
  4. Hello Cameljockey, it is the said 3 GHz Intel Dual core E8400 on a P5K "lifestyle" board (whatever THAT means), 2 x 1 Gigabyte dual channel Kingston Ram, a GeForce 8400 GS graphic card with 512 Mb DDR2 ram. There are no service programs or any additional processes running. My graphic settings via cfs3config.exe are the said 2 all over apart from clouds (1). Rest of the settings are like described in the OFF manual and FAQs, AA set to 2 (game and graphic card), resolution 1280x1024x32. I can set no higher resolution than that - it's the highest appearing in the dropdown menu. Frames are about 8 at aerodrome starts, can go up to 12, but go down to even 7 in rain with enemies around = slideshow. Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  5. Hello, thanks Godzilla, i had never heard of it before Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  6. Hello, i just upgraded to a new E8400 3 GHz dual core processor, but my stuttering in the game did not change at all after the former 2,33 GHz proc. I have to say after upgrading the sim has become almost unplayable, slide-show like. I have tweaked all kinds of settings, changed graphic card from a 7300LE with 512 Mb to a 8400 with same memory, but i really do not get it. I know the graphic card is not really good, but Phase 2 on an old single core proc. along with an old ATI 9600 AGP card behaved much better than the current system . There are also red rectangular fields on the ground, an even pushing all sliders to 2 (apart from clouds that are on 1) does not cure that. I have already heard from several people that CFS3 suddenly begins to run jumpy, jerky or however you'd call it, but there is no real reason to be found, it is somehow not reproducable. Sometimes i wish the dev team would have chosen another "engine" . Greetings, Catfish
  7. Hello, never heard of the japanese one - any photos ? There was also a german Autogyro from the company that built the Luftwaffe helicopter, Focke-Achgelis (Focke-Wulf). The Autogyro was called "Bachstelze" FA-330 (wagtail), and was pulled by U-boats to improve the radius of observation, so visibilty went up to 25 sea miles, from an altitude of 120 meters. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focke-Achgelis_Fa_330 Photo from the FA-223 helicopter "Dragon": http://www.hubschraubermuseum.de/archiv/he.../focke-achgelis Greetings, Catfish
  8. 7 kills in 1 mission :p

    Hello, 7 kills in one mission was MY record with Red Baron 1 . Yes, all settings set to "hard" lol Greetings, Catfish
  9. Hello, the Alb D.II and III were good planes, usable for almost every kind of action in 1916, and 1917, but the following series were not "up to the job" in their time anymore. You can read this in almost every war diary or report, german pilots were very disappointed with the D.V and the time it saw service. Even the Albatros D.II was no match for the then present Nieuport planes in dogfights, but their relative sturdyness and two guns were superior to almost anything else at this time. Additionally to the lame performance (or at least missing new features, or capabilities to cope with the enemy) of the D.V, the D.III and V/Va seem to have vibrated badly, so it must have been hard to aim. Jentsch writes when flying a captured SPAD that this plane was superior to the german designs when using it in a dive (what is nowadays called "boom and zoom" tactics), because inspite of the higher speed it was still possible to aim exactly, and hit the mark - which seems to have not been easy with the vibrating engine of the Albatros (guess it was a D.III he compared it with). He said something like "german pilots in french SPADS would instantly put an end to the Entente transgressions of the front". He was certainly not aware of the SPAD's crankshaft problems, but he preferred the SPAD above the SE5a, a plane he did not take serious - lots of SE5as were still shot down by Albatros planes in 1918 on a regular basis, if not SPADS and Camels. As i read the Entente was always scarce of pilots, so a relatively easy-to-learn-and-fly plane was the choice of the time. Oops seems i got carried away, Greetings, Catfish
  10. Hello, the time from 1914 on (and most probably before) is poisened by propaganda, from all sides. However even if in WW1 the british blockade was considered as a kind of war crime, or at least breaking international law, it did at least not kill any neutrals - which was not so with the U-boat war - if "unintentional". All sides had lost their innocence from day one on, and the truth is and will be the first victim in every war. Ahem, there are indeed some incidents that are NOT propaganda, like concentration camps and organized killing on a scale unheard of before. If there ever was a war that really dealt with "good" against "bad" it must have been WW2. I will never understand how this kind of barbary could have been possible in Germany. Greetings, Catfish
  11. OT-Big Fish

    Hello Bullethead, thanks, i know of some Catfish specimens even bigger than that .. biggest live in the Danube river (Donau), and are locally called "Waller", but it is just a bigger and well-fed species of Silurius. It can reach a lengh of 3 meters, and 250 kilograms of weight, and become a hundred years old. It feeds on smaller fish, crayfish, frogs and small mammals .. http://www.spinningista.eu/lust-auf-donauwaller.html http://www.clipfish.de/video/952639/riesen-wels-drill/ The biggest one i ever got was in Scotland, and it was only about 2 feet lol. Greetings, "Catfish" and no i'm not that heavy, or thick lol
  12. Hello, Jentsch speaks of some X-wires (called "Gitterschwaenze" in german, or "grid-tails") which attacked a neighboured "aerodrome" with big "pneumatic" cannons in the Vardar valley in Macedonia, must be 1916 (?) - maybe this 37mm gun is what he saw ? If yes they must have used this also against ground targets .. i will try to find the text. Greetings, Catfish
  13. Hello, yes, great feeling to see 'em all back safely ! And ... how do you like the Halberstadt's FM ? Greetings, Wels
  14. XP-pro or XP media edition

    Hello, get the post 2004 Media Edition ! Apart from some additional programs that are not coming with the XP Pro and Home edition, the Media center one indeed IS the pro edition - can be changed to pro with 2 minor adjustments, but you still have the benefits of the media center like automatic recording of TV, codecs etc. Greetings, Catfish
  15. Hello, best news this month, or year sim-wise !! Looking forward to all news ! Greetings, Catfish
  16. Hello UKW, I'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO SKIN CATS !! :angry2: (lol) But really isn't that a "sun" cat from California ? And b.t.w. there's certainly ONLY lozenge ... Greetings, Catfish
  17. HannCIII bomb run (video)

    Hello, nice video, thanks ! Looks really professional with the zoom sights Not to hijack the thread, but two questions: 1. I did not fly the Hannover yet, but i am heavy into Roland C.II "Walfisch" flying. This plane is a bit "bumpy" on the ground, this hopping looks a bit strange. As well its tail sometiimes sinks into the ground without apparent reason - maybe someone from the devs can have a look at this ? 2. How do you bomb ? I know it is a dumb question, but i seem to cannot trigger the bomb release mechanism while flying as a pilot - i have to switch to the bomb operator view or what's it called, and can even steer the plane this way, but i would like to release the bombs e.g. in a dive from the pilot's cockpit view without switching places. Is this possible at all, or am i doing somnething wrong ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  18. Hello, " ... If you had to pick your three all time favourite Aircraft, which three would they be? ... " there's a lot, much more than three - the Lébaudy airship, and much more modern aircraft like the Supermarine Spitfire - but for the early ones ... a) The Leva(va?)sseur Antoinette b) The Etrich Taube (?) ;-)) c) L59 Greetings, Catfish
  19. Spads

    Hello, this is astounding, since all AI-Spads are flying rings around all of my Albatros type planes - The difference of capabilities between AI and own plane of the same type is indeed strange .. as well AI planes can still dive vertically without losing wings, and have no problems in thick clouds - neither in manouevering nor in knowing perfectly my position. Grrr.. Greetings, Catfish
  20. Winston's tracers and smoke mod

    Hello, so ... will this one make its way into the next mini patch ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  21. Edit : problem solved

    Hello, hmm, problem solved ?? You have the CFS3 CDs - did you install CFS3 and fly a mission prior to installing OFF ? Is the 2nd CD in your tray - it needs the 2nd one. Or try what Pol said .. Good luck, Catfish
  22. Hello, do you have the CD (2CDs) or the DVD (1 DVD) version ? Is the Autostart feature activated with your drive ? Is it really a DVD drive you have (DVD in a CD drive won't work -sorry but have to ask). Does your PC recognize the disk without trying to install OFF ? Do other CDs and DVDs work in your drive ? If they do the only explanation i have would be your CFS3 disk(s) is/are damaged. Are there any scratches to be seen on the disk surface ? Can you give them back/exchange them. If you have the CFS3 CD disks i think you have to install CFS3 completely prior to the installation of OFF ! And you have to fly one mission in CFS3 before installing OFF (creates some subfolders important for OFF). Only if you have the CFS3 DVD version it is not necessary to install CFS3 completely. But if you try to install OFF with the CD version, and have not installed it before, it will refrain from installing when you are told to put the disk into the drive. God i can feel your anger ! Good luck, Catfish
  23. Hello, first thanks for the update. The points you made to be included in the next patch are 100 percent spot-on. You really listen to your customers ! OFF is the most accurate WW1 sim flying around, and it will even get better with more planes filling up some squadrons with the appropriate planes at the right times. I am certainly aware that there is some more work to do than designing a plane - lots of skins, changing with the time along with moving frontlines and shifting aerodromes .. but it would be great to have some more plane types. Hmm so no fireworks sales-wise ? Well since you even said it is more a work of historical interest and fascination (i can only agree 100 percent here) maybe the marketing aspect has been neglected a bit. Only some rough ideas .. Offering secure downloads (via Paypal paying) will probably win some more people. Malking the game accessible via direct buying from real shops also would boost the sales, however i do not know what has to be legally done to make this possible. Then advertising ! Advertising and again advertising. Make the sim known, to universities with interest in history as well as to the flight simming communtity. Talk abot the flight models and how accurate they are. Ask real pilots what they think of OFF. Maybe produce a book (or pdf?) that explain the planes in OFF, maybe with historical context, and sell this separately. I still think the main backdraw is a) it is necessary to have the MS CFS3 disk (cannot be changed without big further effort i know) b) You have to wait relatively long to get the sim, and the CFS3 disk - this online business is so "indirect" - no direct grabbing, paying, playing. c) The sim is still not well-known, ok some sim community websites have a short report, but there are still people around who love WW1 flight sims but never heard from OFF - spread the word - did i say advertising .. Make known, state and tell people other reasons why it is a good idea to buy the sim: support - care - development etc. etc. And be friendly even to the "worst demands" - stay friendly and keep calm. I know you have every right to be unnerved by impossible demands and the strangest accusations - but still keep calm and friendly. Reagading real issues or impossible features: Communicate WHY some features are not possible, or not at this moment. I will also try to spread the word, but it is clear i do not reach too much people. I wish you and us luck with the development, and the sim moving forward :yes: Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  24. Saved by a bug?

    Hello Pol, this has been sure asked before - is there really no possibility to NOT end the game at this point, to see what happens to the craft, and pilot ? Is this the same behaviour that ends the mission as soon as you land behind enemy lines / emergency land etc. ? Because in P2 if i remember right the game did NOT quit immediately, or at least only if the pilot was inded dead .. so .. no chance for this in P3 ? Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  25. Hello, no, i have also seen this. The enemy AI does not fiddle around when our flight approaches a balloon, and shoots everywhere, eventually the own balloon - mission accomplished No, i'd say it is a bug and - if possible - should be corrected. Greetings, Catfish

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