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Posts posted by fubar45

  1. Hi all


    Thank you all very much for the kind words, and a big thank you to the combatace guys and of course all the guys of the OFF team (WHAT A GREAT SIM THIS IS).

    I have enjoyed making these skins and the standard from everyone was very high,

    its been a great contest of which I happen to be the very lucky winner.


    I must say what a great forum this is there's a real good vibe about the place

    With helpful and friendly people.


    One last word about why theres no elavator marking on the upper side surface,


    there was a small texture repeat problem on the elavator so I desided to leave it out.


    thanks again guys for all the nice words now I must go and get myself shot down :biggrin: .

  2. thanks for the kind words guys


    RAF_Louvert I've almost finished a custom skin of a camel called bulldog

    which I will be uploading soon.

    I'm also doing a skin of a sopwith tripe which is proving to be a bit of a pig

    because of the way the wing ribs are stretched on the 3d model.


    I also do not wish to step on anyone's toes here :good:



    Thanks again guys

  3. Hi all


    I've made two Se5 skins one is a skin of mannocks Se5 and one of Lt Rhys Davids of 56 sqn. I wanted to reskin the exaust pipe on the Se5 but the exaust was in the cockpit file so I thought in for a penny in for a pound so I also reskined the cockpit heres some pics




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