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Everything posted by Polecat0942

  1. Thanks alot PD!

    I sure am going to miss flying with the Boys and PD. I feel like I've met some nice people and even made some great friends through the Boys of 60 and thats all thanks to PD. Sadly, I wasn't able to participate for the last couple of months due to real life commitments but was looking forward to a return over winter and then found the news out on a routine stopby at the forum. Here's wishing PD and his family the best. Also if any of the boys are considering carrying on the Boys of 60 tradition in PD's absence please contact me some way. Cheers, John
  2. I don't think this is new. I had this happen to me quite often when I played the game straight out of the box. I reported this in the early days of bug reporting. I also think its the enemy ground fire firing haphazardly at you that causes this. just my .02, John
  3. Added immersion.

    In regards to the flight motion simulator here is a link: http://www.acesim.com/main.html I have purchased the plans for this though I have not found much time to work on them (we had a baby in January). It's relatively inexpensive and there are plenty ways to mod it if you look at the link on that site "See what our customers are building". Now if you are a little more technically inclined and have a little more cash, you can do what the guy in the next link did with the Joyrider as a beginning platform. http://ptyxiouxos.net//greekbotics/user_pr...t_simulator.htm I'm still looking forward to at least building the Joyrider though I am not ruling out the mechanized modification. Hope I may have inspired someone to try it. Talk about immersion. Cheers, John

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