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Everything posted by zoomzoom

  1. drop in fps

    :yes: Thanks HPW! It says Service pack 2. So you're saying I need Service Pack 3? I tried to get my machine to auto-update at Microsofts' site, but it wouldn't? Any-body got a simple link to a genuine download of this thats easy and works? TIA ZZ. And how do you set theis precautionary "benchmark"? Can you tell I suck at this yet?
  2. drop in fps

  3. drop in fps

    Ok, here's the specs for the rig I'm using. Dell Dimentia E520 windows xp 2002 service pack 2 Pentium D Cpu 2.80 Ghz 2.79 ghz, 3.00 GB ram The graphics card is as follows: Nvidia GE Force 7300 LE Settings: Anisotropic filtering-off antialiasing-none antialiasing transparency-none Conformant texture clamp-use hardware Extension limit-off force mipmaps-none max pre rendered frames-8 display/mixed gpu acceleration-single display performance mode anisotropic mip filter-off anisotropic sample opt...-off negative LOD bias-allow texture filtering quality-high performance trilinear optimization-off triple buffering-off vertical sync-force off Thats it...any suggetions to squeeze some more FPS out of all this gibberish is most appreciated. And thanks again,cause I know you guys have better stuff to do than help me tweak my dated system! ZZ.
  4. That sounds exactly how it should be. :yes: I for one was thrilled that I could now spot otherwise invisible enemy craft by the AA fire. Excellent realism factor. ZZ.
  5. Haven't really strafed any balloons as of yet cause I'm busy dealing with some computer issues unrelated to OFF. But I find (so far) the amount of AA to be more realistic. As was mentioned here before, these targets were taken on with EXTREME trepidation by any pilot and was considered a feat for just these reasons. You are flying into a pre-prepared and vectored off murder hole. How did you attack? Did you go traipsing in like it was Sunday morning? Or dive from 5000 feet straight in in a single tearing pass and jink like mad to make your escape? Again, my experience so far is limited so once I have more time under my belt, I may be able to forward a more qualified response as to the Accuracy of the AA. The amount that I've seen looks right. The accuracy...I haven't determined yet. If however they are hitting your flights AC on normal flights more than once every blue moon, that may be a bit to good. Then again.......thats why the wonderful Dev's created selective options. Adjust to your hearts content....and enjoy. Shouldn't ruin anything for you. ZZ.
  6. drop in fps

    Thanks Winder. I'll check the GPU specs and let you know. Nothing like trying to fix an issue when you have no idea what you are working with huh? I apologize for my vagueness. I'm sure the issue is in my rig, and nowhere else. I have installed the Main and Mini-patch, so thats not in question. (Excellent work on the new splash screens and eye candy by the way...gives things a great new feel!) And even with all my sliders on 1 or 2, no dice. Close to playable, but still too choppy to even lead and hit a target without it jumping or halting. I did find that actually turning ON virtual memory (counter intuititve) and adding 1000 MB of it, as well as raising pre rendered frames to 8, helped. Don't ask me why...I was trying anything at the time. Be back with some specs. ZZ.
  7. Going on Vacation to Washington DC

    "Dude, I WILL touch 'em if I can get close enough!!" Hey Bark....just don't lick'em. The curators tend to get a little miffed. Don't ask me how I know. ZZ.
  8. drop in fps

    Hate to say it....but I'm looking at not playing for a while, or maybe till I can get a better machine, which might be quite a while. The FPS drop has made my rig unplayable as well. Its darn frustrating too, cause everything looks so great, and the handling of all the machines is so much improved. Nobody's fault but mine though, and my dated gear. But in a nutshell...YES...major FPS drop, taking the whole thing to an unplayable level. If anybody's got any suggestions (perhaps reinstalling everything as above mentioned) they are much appreciated. I've gone through all of the tweaking suggestions posted to date for various machines, some have helped...but not enough. ZZ. PS. The game and new patch are still awesome though! Excellent work guys.
  9. The new patch DM is

    Actually Mike, I think I have read something to that extent....now look what you've done. I'm compelled to go find it. I'll tell you what though, with an explosion,and or enough rounds slammed into an engine compartment, this result is quite possible. Not all the time though....but in extreme occaisions. ZZ.
  10. Biff Bam Boom Biff

    Where's that tennis ball size nose cannon through the spinner when you need it!!?? Would be a nice one pass solution for these blasted Bristols! A pity they found these airframes too light to handle the recoil. Oh wait...then there's the German aft flamethrower!! Yeah, we could fly over them, and when those damn accurate (can shoot me upside down and sideways with perefect accuracy while performing a barrel roll in fact!!!) Bristol gunners look up to nail you...piss a load of fire down into the blighters!! wakey wakey!! ZZ.
  11. The OFF Campaign PND Standard

    I've been attempting to become "unwarped" for quite some time now. ZZ. Oops...almost forgot. Ahem...Hide here in shame thou PND cravens!!! With my best scary voice and pointy accusatory finger of doom. Oh the shaaaaame. The Shaaaaaaaame! Whatever....actually does sound kinda fun. Not my cup-o-tea though.
  12. be2c

    Yeah, Hauk's right. And there are already sytems pre-made that you can buy that will do exactly that. http://www.blackwidowav.com/FlexWAV.html I have one ready to put in a 1/4 scale Fokker EV. Haven't gotten to it yet. ZZ. PS. in reference to ...also thought about mounting BB Guns, M80's. I've dropped some live ordnance from some of my birds, but I live out in the boonies, so I don't recommend this as a regular practice. If you live in a more urban environment though....eggs are always fun!!!
  13. be2c

    Great piece of free software to get you into flying RC is called FMS. Free model simulator I believe its called. Anyway, its free you can find it online and get familiar with the skillset needed. I fly and build WWI Rc birds from scratch. I took the plunge quite a few years ago,and had I had this sim I would'nt have torn up and rebuilt my trainer nearly so much....perhaps if at all. Here is a vid of a DV I scratch built. I also found a way to use Microsfit flight simulator FS9 as a much more detailed rc practice rig, so if you have that software I can show you how to do that too. Tou can even get an adapter if you are serious and use your Rc transmitter with it. ZZ.
  14. The new patch DM is

    I could've still landed that one. ZZ.
  15. Hunted down like a fox

    Pray. Haha....that and just keep your wheels kissing the ground, and keep jinking. As well as trying to fly towards and over any friendly balloon, ground, or airfield sites. This will often pull thier attentions away from you and back to dodging for thier own safety, and allow you to escape. ZZ.
  16. Hunted down like a fox

    Olham, I think you have it nailed as far as what to do in a German machine against Noops and Spads, I add a bit of rudder jinking as well to keep thier shots off. So when they start firing, hit as much left or right rudder as possible and still not spin in. It makes them re-calculate thier lead, as well as usually miss thier intended first firing point. Many is the time on a long escape run home, being harried by 4 or 5 enemy machines, that bullets intended for the backof my head, ended up in my wings instead, and I made it home ok. The terrain hopping you mentioned is excellent as well. ZZ.
  17. A Little Oddity

    Well, I did it again last night, "land in a river and sink that is", so it is reproduceable. Very cool Dev's....very cool. I made a temp pilot in an Albatros DV and put her down gently with engine ticking over at idle in a nice little river in Free Flight. And its a safe way to land in an emergency as I've never died doing it yet. Now.....where's my paddle? ZZ.
  18. Thats really cool Olham. Great detective work! And technological prowess. ZZ. PS. Its interesting when you ponder it a bit, "Ah what that little copse of trees has seen." And may well see after we are gone as well. Makes you feel a bit small.
  19. A Little Oddity

    Oh, and did I mention I was in an Albatros, simply the BEST plane in History. That might have made a difference too. ZZ. Hey. Now that I think about it, I believe I still had the engine running when I landed. damaged but idling. Perhaps this made some difference as well.....as opposed to a complete deadstick.
  20. A Little Oddity

    Yeah guys, it was really cool. Granted, I landed real slowly, because I was nursing it in and it was very damaged....very much like a good landing at the home Aerodrome though....you know, a good long flare before touchdown. AND I landed in the river lengthwise...ie. down its length...not crosswise. I was expecting the same thing as you Olham...like hitting ice and rolling over to shore...but no...the wheels went in making a little spray and a wake as they dissappeared under the surface. Then the belly of the fuse skidded into the water, throwing out wake and spray as it sank, then the bottom wing sunk in and dissappeared as I came to a full, and quite a nice gentle stop I must say. If I'm ever in trouble and near a good sized river again, I think thats where I'm heading!! Of course I couldn't get a screen shot cause almost immediately as soon as you come to a full stop, the game exits. I don't know if its certain rivers, all rivers, or only large rivers that this is possible with, but get your disposable pilots out and give it a try. Getting this on video (or a still) might be like getting the next shot of Sasquatch! Anyway, give it a try and let me know if you guys can re-produce it as well! ZZ.
  21. Having Some Success

    In essence, I agree with you Bark. Small calibre ammo will have essentially little or no effect on buildings etc on an airfiled, and the tactics outlined with the way the game is currently configured surely will work. My statement is however, that if this is the case, why are fighter aircraft then sent on so many airfield attacks in the Sim. I'm not complaining mind you, just contemplating a further tweak towards historical accuracy. From what I have read, and for the reasons outlined above, it seems that when these airfield attacks occur, they should focus on attacking AC on the ground, because as we just outlined, shooting up buildings, unless they are full of ammunition, will have little or no effect. Historically in WWI it seems that airfield attacks by fighters were mostly focused on the AC on the ground to disable them, and were done in low and brief passes to hit and be gone before a defense could be mounted. (I am not confusing this with WWII). The only thing that would change this tactic would be the ability to mount small bombs on the fighters, as WAS occaisonally done in WWI, and this would make a more extended attack, and one that focused on hangars and sheds as well more feasible. I'm not saying its bad the way it is......just could be made better. A combination of all of these tactics would be really neat, including the ones already in place...as you'd never know what to expect. ZZ.
  22. A Little Oddity

    Any of you guys ever try to land in a River yet? Well, up until last week I hadn't either....and I'm not gonna go into the details of WHY I had to perform this little maneuver. Lets just say my DV was a bit more ventilated at that point than when I took off. Anyhoo, this may have always been this way, perhaps nothing new, and I had simply never tried it, but when I put her down in the river, there was a suprising splashing and skidding into the water with a very realistic wake, and after a nice soft stop, a slow sinking. I was amazed....I knew flying over the ocean worked this way, but I didn't know they had included the rivers in this coding as well! Again....very cool OFF developer guys. And if any of you guys have a disposable pilot (just in case) give it a try! ZZ.
  23. Having Some Success

    sorry....oops redundant post...hit the wrong button. ZZ.
  24. Having Some Success

    An interesting point Rickety, and one which may bear some sort of patch and or upgrade in the future. This regarding your relative safety on the ground. This is really not particularly accurate, but I have experienced it as well, where once you land at home field, enemy Ac quit firing on you. Whereas if you were sitting in your AC during an airfield attack in reality, thats THE LAST PLACE you want to be, as the enemy AC should be strafing the hell out of the planes on the field, whether you are in them or not. The motto there should be take off early....or not at all....before they can get you under thier guns. Now this well may be due to the AA fire keeping them at bay....but it would be interesting, especially on scramble missionsor airfield attacks, to see enemy AC attempting to shoot up the AC on the field more, as they would have in real life. Also for them to come in low and fast as well(instead of always dropping in from on high), make a few passes..(historically correct) then leave as quickly...instead of just milling around there indefinately. ZZ.
  25. Godspeed Henry

    Amen. ZZ.

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