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Everything posted by zoomzoom

  1. Panoramic.

    My concept was simpler. The whole, (much reduced in size) affair is located over a central ball joint. The stick as it extends down thru the floor actuates simple pulley and wires, much like a real planes controls, that are conected to a fixed frame that it can push and pull from. Its easier than it sounds really, but the only drawback for me, (or complexity) is getting the joystick buttons attached to the real flight yoke. Can be done....just a headache. The cable system is light years more simple yet effective than servos etc, as it operates on simple fulcrum type physics. All great in theory....now build it you say!!!! lol Wish I had the time. ZZ.
  2. Attn all DiD pilots.

    Lets all give Siggi a hand, he's doing alot of work for us all here. ZZ.
  3. Pickelhaube, to be precise.....and I always thought they should start using them in the NFL just to spice things up a bit!! ZZ. He was the father of RAP by the way!!
  4. Panoramic.

    Sorta like this, but with a computer screen inside. You dont really need the tail and such, it could be much more compact. But with a computer screen in the front window. Really it could simply be a compact enclosed seat, with the pivot point beneath contolled via cables and pulleys linked to the control stick.....extended of course for leverage. ZZ.
  5. Panoramic.

    Always thought it'd be cool to put an OFF setup, with trackir or multiple screens in one of those plywood boxes that they used to train pilots in in the military around WWII where when you move the stick the whole box moves...ie pitches forward/back/left/ right. This could be enough to give you that pit of the stomach motion movement that is the last missing link in a complete realism immersion feeling. Now to get to building it in my basement.....wait, perhaps I should finish the basement first!!! ZZ.
  6. OT - Amazing flying skills

    Very honed skills! Alot of practice. Huge control surfaces, and a reversible thrust electric engine, for those nose down hover maneuvers. Nice video. ZZ. I fly scale IC engines, but its always nice to watch someone who has taken the time to push the 3D flight envelope.
  7. Why Castor Oil?

    And here all this time I thought it was cuz it tastes sooooo good. ZZ.
  8. Nieuport 28 :

    Goergeous!!! Cant wait, cant wait, cant wait!!! ZZ.
  9. Full DiD Campaign - German

    So are we supposed to post stuff here Olham, or over at the Krauts n Strumpets thread? Just curious. If here, I'll get my stuff organized and post it soon. Argus Starke is up to 9 claims...none yet confirmed. ZZ.
  10. FA-A250 has taken the coup of First Blood upon the enemy! Ther rest may come out in the press later....but for now my mates in the most esteemed squadron will be the first to know the details. My gunner and I could not wait for our planes to be painted, we had to go up. But a squad of enemy machines came to us instead and we downed three in the scramble. Though as of yet unconfirmed, we are very happy withthe outcome. ZZ. Ahem,,....Argus Starke, Leutnant FA-A250.
  11. "But we landed next to a farm house, and a beautiful French girl came running out with a freshly baked pear tarte with almonds; she had black hair, and she said she liked Germans, for their country's poetry and music, and then she kissed me on the cheek and said, her parents where of to visit an uncle in Aix-en-Provence, which meant, they wouldn't be back until Sunday, and she asked me, if I would like to have a glass of wine with her..." Wow Olham, the "ground effects" in your version of OFF seem a whole hell of a lot better than they are in mine....has someone released a patch I wasn't aware of....I gotta get this one! ZZ.
  12. OT--Occupational Hazard

    Probably some pine sap. Let that stuff harden and it is like epoxy. ZZ.
  13. Hey guys. I have a really great sound byte for "wind in the wires" that I'm experimenting with. It sounds great, it simply has more "Highs" and whistle in it than the old one and doesn't come through as clearly. Is there a way to tweak the cockpit windnoise alone, (for instance by changing a value in a file with wordpad) or are these values unalterable? I guess I could always re-master the sound file and make it louder....that'd take a bit of studio work though, which I'd rather not do. Thanks! ZZ. PS. Why are there two files for cockpit windnoise? wind3 and wind4? Do they play in sequence to each other, because they both seem to be the same soundbyte?
  14. Dev's: sound info request.

    Excellent,....you guys are on top of things as always. Thanks Winder.....that'll be something else to look forward to. ZZ. PS. CheckSix......I see where you earned your title.
  15. MP personal skins pics

    Wow, excellent work pushing the envelope of progress guys. Wish I could play MP....but it won't happen till we get some faster internet out in the boonies where I live. It has its upsides though....most of you guys can't fire live ordnance off of your front porch or back decks.....so, there is somewhat of a balance. ZZ. Hey....it makes me fell better about it ok?
  16. appraiserfl, I have to agree with you, (and by the way apologize to whomever it was I dissagreed with on the forums earlier regarding this) that the flak is a bit too accurate. I turned mine to easy as well after losing most of my pilots from it. The only problem with this is, it makes the flak too sparse. A perfect combo would be flak just as thick as normal setting, just a bit less accurate. Guess you cant have everything though. ZZ.
  17. Well, having it scalable to the plane speed would be awesome as well, fine thought Scout77. Firstly though, I'd just like to try to make it more noticable in general. ZZ.
  18. Here is a good example of what I'm referring to. What you hear in this video is a fine example of the wind effect. Now granted, it shouldn't be THAT loud, (ie quite as loud as in the video) because what you are hearing is the microphone in the cam, accentuating it because it is being overloaded by the wind noise. In reality it would be audible though, just under the motor. A few steps down from the motor when running, and very distinct on an engine out moment. More so than it is currently. ZZ. PS. Getting this effect right adds immersion like you wouldn't believe.
  19. Thewoo, you just read my mind. In fact, I've been working on this myself a little. I have been using a modified sound file that I think (from my experience flying in an open cockpit, which is limited, but I do have some) replicates the wind in the wires a bit better. It works better than the original in my opinion, but like you, I can't seem to get the volume higher, relative to the volumes of the other elements, and this is when everything is set on realistic. Does anyone here know what file and where it is located that you can open with wordpad to adjust this one element? A simple value change would solve this. Woo is right however, the wind volume needs to be increased in general to be more realistic....even with engines on. You might not think it possible, but it has a roaring effect at these speeds in an open cockpit that should be just a few steps beneath the motor hum. Did I mention I am also a sound technician. Anyhoo, any advice on files and locations to adjust would further progress. TIA. ZZ.
  20. Had the distinct pleasure, and suprise yesterday, to shoot down and capture an enemy fighter in tact. Well, mostly in tact, as I had to shred a little of the outer right wing tip to keep him on the ground. "Vee can fix zat right?" ZZ.
  21. Thanks to you all. And thanks again to you Olham for the enlightening translation. It makes the movie even more poignant now that I know what he's saying. I always thought Erols' line "I took German in school but I cant understand the way these foreigners speak it." was hilarious. Not to mention they are drunk on top of it all...which certainly wouldn't help either. ZZ.
  22. Hmmmm. I'll give you a hint....one of them does...I think. Don't want to spoil it for you. By the way, what exactly was the captured German pilot talking about anyway...I've always wondered? I figured maybe you could make it out Olham. ZZ.
  23. I know the DFW-Floh is on the list....so I have no worries. ......................um..right? RIIGHTTT!!!!?? ZZ. Hehe...psych....who wants to fly that fat little thing?
  24. Olham, your post previous reminded me of this scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgVRu6j-hwA&feature=related ZZ.
  25. Lovely pics Olham. You never cease to amaze with the material you have at your disposal. They all seem like a bunch of kids at a soccer game you know...or a sporting match. Once they met face to face and weren't trying to kill each other anymore. A proud element, (the chivalry and good heartedness)...but poigniant and sad....because tomorrow they will be back trying to kill again. Reflects the whole war really....sad and unecessary. Well,....back to the hunt! ZZ. Bullet. The hill behind the shot I believe is where my current aerodrome is located. I forget the name of the place...I'll see if I can check. Its cool to fly out of there cause you simply fly off of the top of the hill. Good place for some Heavy Arty if you know what I means.....and I know you do. Great vantage point.

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