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Posts posted by andqui

  1. I might be wrong, but weren't IFF beacons in common use during the Vietnam war? I'm wondering because I'm having an extremely difficult time ID'ing a target with a long-range radar lock, and I've come very close to shooting down some friendly aircraft with BVR AIM7 shots, only saving the situation by shutting the radar off at the last second. I only have WOV, so I don't know how the F-15 in SF is, but in Lock On friendly contacts show up on the radar screen as a double line as opposed to a single line. Was technology like this availiable/used during the Vietnam War, and if so, is there a mod that enables it.



  2. Thanks for the advice.


    As to the fact that "it forces the player to take out the target themselves," that really needs to be looked at. Why would I be playing this sim if I didn't want to take out targets? And nothing is more frustrating than scoring a perfect hit on an installation and not getting credit because you destroyed every building but the trigger one, while your AI flight is unable to figure out the primary target while it could easily mop up what you left behind. I don't think it an "attack priority target" command would be that hard to add.

  3. Sorry guys, I'm still having trouble with this.


    As I've tried more and more complex missions, like Linebacker ones, where there are multiple targets in the same area, I have trouble getting my flight to hit the right one. When I'm about 6 nm out I hit the "attack ground targets" option for flight one. Aboult half of the time, 3 and 4 go and bomb the right target, but for the rest of the time they seem to go off and bomb some random AA gun or other nearby target that is not the primary one.


    How are others ordering their flight to attack during the run in? Any suggestions?



  4. 1. Can anybody give me a rough guide on the RWR on the phantom in WOV? What sound does it make whem someone has a lock as opposed to just a search pattern? How to I tell signal strength to estimate distance?


    2. At the bottom of http://forum.combatace.com/topic/52493-recon-mission-tactics/page__p__382527__hl__rwr__fromsearch__1&?do=findComment&comment=382527, Viper6 mentions and ini tweak that will let the AI get low to the ground. Does anyone have any more information?



  5. I can't get my wingman to engage any ground targets at all. Even when It's just me and my wingman, I can't get him to attack, even If I go in first and then say attack my target. He just says negative. I'm playing with realistic settings


    EDIT: @ serverandenforcer, posted at the same time, how do I tell the game which target I am attacking?

  6. I'm flying an F100 campagin in SF2 WOV, and I have a question regarding ordering my AI wingmen around. If I hit "flight 1 ---> attack ground targets" after the initial, they engage and hit the primary ground target for the mission, except for my no 2 wingman. The only option I can give him is "attack my target," to which he replies negative. How do I choose which target I want him to attack?



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  7. I'm running Vista 32, with an Intel Q660 processor @ 2.4gHz, 3 gb of ram, and a 512 mb GTS 250 vid card. My frame rates in this sim are much lower than I would expect.


    My settings are:

    Object Detail: High

    Object Textures: High

    Cockpit Textures: High

    Mirrors: on

    Cockpit Reflections: off

    Shadows: unlimited

    Effects: unlimited

    Terrain Detail: High

    Terrain Texture: High

    Horizon Distance: very far

    Ground Objects: High

    Water Detail: medium.


    AA and AF are set to 8x by the driver program, regardless of program settings


    These settings give me accectable frame rates in the cockpit, with minor stuttering, but when I hit F6 and go to the exterior camera I get horrible stuttering.


    Do these results sound about right for my system, or is something else going on? Any suggestions?



  8. I would just like to say that I think the most immersive thing in this game is to have a dogfight, stay alive, maybe get a kill, and return to base with my wingmen. As it is now on standard P3, I return alone on the deck 1/2 of the time there is a fight because the AI doesn't know when to call it quits and fights to the death. I don't have HITR yet, but when people say that in a dogfight they spend their time circling, and there's occasionally one or two kills, that's fairly realistic. Now I realize that there were many furious, bloody dogfights that happened, but the majority of them did happen like this. Very rarely did a whole unit of planes get shot down with no survivors, but that's the norm in p3 now whenever an engagement takes place.


    Now, what I can't say anything about is the lack of evasive reaction and the other issues. That is, as many others have pointed out, wrong, and is in the process of being fixed. But I would just like to point out that the behavior mentioned above was how a typical small-scale ww1 dogfight/skirmish took place, and that that number of casualties sounds about right for realism. If the dev's could keep this in mind, that would be great. I'm planning to get the addon as soon as finances allow.



  9. Goto workshops and increase your flight altitude...


    The penalty is a longer time to make alt before going over...







    That's the problem. Altitude is allready set for the highest, but for most of the flight, the AI flight leader uses a "transit altitude" of 8000 feet, and only climbs to the right height for the patrol waypoints. It would be much better if the whole flight was made at the correct altitude, instead of just the patrol area waypoints.

  10. If the briefing says the mission is going to be at 12000 feet, then the AI flight leader should fly the mission at 12000 feet. The way it is now, we fly the 20 nm to the target area at 7000 feet, and then pop up the the correct height for around 10 minutes before we drop back down to 7000 feet to return to base. This leads to almost every enemy flight encountered being at a higher altitude. Instead of flying at the correct height, the flight spends 85% of the time a good 5-6000 feet lower than what it's supposed to be at.



    any thoughts?

  11. I was looking at the other thread about the recon pic's, and I realized that would not be that hard at all to do in OFF. All that would be necessary is a type of "bombsight" view that looks straight down, during which the player just needs to hit print screen. I mean, the Be2c all ready has the camera on the external 3d model, so adding in a simple downward view so we could use it shouldn't be that hard.


    This would make there be much more of a point to the two-seater recon missions, by giving the player something to do. After that, all that we're missing for some realistic 2-seater ops would be some way to implement artillery spotting.

  12. ...do you think it might be possible to take a quick look at the altitude settings in the OFF manager?


    What I mean is that when the flight altitude says 13000 feet, what that actually means is that the AI flight leader will take-off and then head to the front at 7-8000 feet, and then climbs up to altitude when reaching the patrol waypoint. After the patrol, they go back down to 7000 feet or so. So the effect is that, in 1918, when we need to be at 15000 feet to avoid getting bounced, we are really just strolling along at 8000 feet, except for a short climb, turn, descend at the patrol area. Why not just keep the altitude constant?



  13. I have an idea for two-seaters acting like fighters-


    the game already has copies of the plane model's to use different skins, so why not make more copies of the two-seaters, and assign the ones in fighter squadrons to a "fighter" AI. The game would see two separate planes, each with their own AI, so the ones in the fighter squads would fight like the Brisfits and the observer/ground attack would do their own thing. The game already copies planes to use different skins, so why not copy the planes to use different AI?

  14. yes, I've found that works sometimes too. Whenever I'm flying two-seaters and I see an enemy, the first thing I do is start to turn while hitting rejoing, trying to get my wingies into somekind of defensive formation. Then I can decide if I'm going to dive out or fight.


    but it would be nice if they did this themselves in p4.


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