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Posts posted by Deadmeat1971

  1. Sorry Deadmeat, multiplayer has been confirmed dead in this sim. It was wonderful while it lasted but interest has faded away plus the old Microsoft multiplayer engine cannot handle the improvements that the OFF team have put into this game, not to mention other multiplayer issues that exist in OFF.


    Still it's the best single player WW1 sim ever, and Phase 4 might add a new dimension to that if and when it ever gets released.


    For multiplayer I suggest you download Rise of Flight. The full version is free now with 2 aircraft to fly, you'll have to buy other aircraft as you see fit. It works very well in multiplayer and many squadrons currently fly it and are always looking for new members. I've had my eye on Phase 4 for the last 1-1/2 years. If it gets released and people here report that multiplayer still works, and some people here want to try it again, I'll buy it and give it a go again. But I'm not holding my breath anymore!



    Thanks for you response. It's a shame it has faded away... I have been out of the loop for so long (busy travelling for work and such) that I was still curious the playability for this game. My friend and I had played it last night for a short time other than the fact his gamepad was giving him trouble...


    I have thought about Rise of Flight but I think my computer isn't faster enough to play it---I can't play "Cliffs of Dover" either.


    Anyway, I was glad I have kept this old patch for OFF anyway, which was version 1.30c, and I was wondering if some of you had this version still to play. Oh well, thanks for the short fun with you guys. Take care.

  2. I have just loaded OFF Phase 3 again. My friend and his dad are in the process of playing multiplaying and we will be using the 'old' patch that works still (which is v.1.30c) plus the OFF Essential Multiplaying Files installed which you kind folks have put together. My question is that there's any other good folks still playing OFF at all anymore here. I'm just curious. By the way, we are using Windows 7 operating systems which seems to work great by tweaking a few things...

  3. 1.28a is the latest and final patch for Over Flanders Fields - Between Heaven and Hell. The Devs have said after that patch, which is now available, OFF P3 is finished except for minor database tweaking now and then.





    Roger, Hellshade. I will probabably wait until the final patch is finally initialized before getting back to multiplaying. I just hate taking the time installing each patch to avoid that ghastly 'mismatched aircraft error' and so fore. Thanks.

  4. PATCH 1.28 is now available!


    Please see the downloads section on our website for details.




    This will update any version of BH&H to V1.28.


    Wow!! You guys never give up. The last time I was on. I was still under the latest patch of 1.25! Now, you are up to 1.28 (1.28a now!)..


    My question is: What would be the last and final patch anyway (if this has been determined yet)?

    I am busy working on my new desktop computer which runs XP operating system (I have been playing around with FSX for the time being). However, I will be getting back to OFF soon (multiplaying perhaps) for both VISTA Laptop and XP Desktop... The reason why I have asked this question...


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