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Everything posted by Kashim019

  1. It just seems weird that nobody seems to want to do a B-2. Well,I'm not much of a modder, but maybe someone could take up the task? I mean,a stealth bomber would be cool,right?
  2. Hows this? Nukes are fun (In game,that is) (Best screenie i've taken,if i do say so myself ) And some bone beauty shots to wrap things up-
  3. Hey,are they gonna make a PATRIOT SAM anytime soon? Just asking.
  4. 'Bout time I threw my hat into the ring- Idolmasters-(Kei Nagase's skins for the F-15E/Su-27) Some carnage- (My plane is the smaller one,the bear got me with that rear gun) The bear I got before I got shot down(I was using klav's F-35 BTW) MiG having a very bad day- Bagging a MiG in a tornado ADV- Uh-oh.....(Wonder how you say that in russian ) (Oh,and did i mention that this sim is quite addictive?)
  5. Heya guys,first off let me just say that I love this sim and kudos to all who have contributed to make it so good. But I have a bit of a problem- This^^ I can't get any other weapons to show up,no matter what year I select. I tried everything,reading the knowledge base,adjusting start/end years,using the weapon editor,but nothings working.,So,I really could use some help.,I got it to work last time,but I can't do it again(Forgot how to).,luckily,all my other a/c work well,it's just the red air i have problems with.,what am i doing wrong/have missed? Correction:It's the flankers(Marcfighter's su-27 and lindr2(I believe it is?)'s su-35 that have the armament problem,the MF fulcrums that I have work fine.
  6. So,no one can help me? Well,I guess i can figure it out on my own....

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