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Everything posted by hoongadoonga

  1. warping

    Thanks for the replies. Regardless of whether its 8 or 4 miles my question remains: Is there anything that I can edit to reduce the range at which the presence of enemy planes results in the disabling of my ability to warp?
  2. warping

    Thanks for the reply. However, that's not the results that I get. It will generally work as soon as they drop off the 8-mile TAC but sometimes I even have to wait a little longer. I generally fly German if that somehow matters, although I don't see why it would.
  3. flight density

    Thanks for the new super patch. I particularly enjoy the new damage effects. It even affected a hi res skin. I had a collision and the outer edge of the lower wing was broken off with the frame jutting out. I also like the improvements to flak. It gives me a clue as to the location of distant flights. Well done. On the down side it seems to have affected player flight density. I didn't see it mentioned in the features but it's definitely changed for me. I've been flying Jasta 11 in March and April 17 with flight density set to high. Before the patch I almost always had 8 in my flight, with a low of 6. Now it is 4 or 3, with an occasional 5 or 6.
  4. flight density

    Thanks Olham
  5. MiniPATCH V1.32C is now available!

    You must be referring to my post. I fly with hi res skins and after the superpatch I had a very minor collision. A small portion of the lower wing was gone and the frame was jutting out of the jagged edge. Very cool and unexpected.
  6. flight density

    Thanks for the replies. I'm catching on now. Sometimes I don't see the forest for the trees. I guess you would say that I'm impatient and want to get to the action so I cut some corners. Here are a few more questions just to make sure I understand. 1. The mission starts out with 4-5 small legs of 2 miles west, 1 mile north, 2 miles SE, etc. before moving on. I would shift + W (next waypoint) until the first distant waypoint appeared and then head straight for it. This means that I jumped ahead of flight 1, doesn't it? 2. I often choose "optional flight", frequently in order to get something shorter. Doesn't flight 1 follow my final choice here (instead of going to the original target)? 3. What about the new "air start" option? If I use that will flight 1 be nearby when my mission commences near the target area? 4. What's the difference between "optional flight" and "alternative/primary target"?
  7. flight density

    OK, now I am confused. Nothing new there. I've been flying Jasta 11 in March/April 17 for quite some time now - keep getting killed and starting over. Until very recently I flew at normal player flight density and was almost always outnumbered, frequently heavily outnumbered. I then switched to high density to even things out. I set player flight position to always lead. I don't understand the discussion of flying with flight 1 or 2. I've always been the leader of flight 2. I use the TAC to go from waypoint to waypoint. I don't generally see flight 1 anywhere around - it's just me and my 3 or 4 wingies. Is this because I generally select an optional flight in the briefing room before going to the field? While I'm at it, what is the difference between the optional flight and alternative/primary target choices in the briefing room? It sounds like you're saying that flights 1 and 2 should be going together on the same mission. How does this happen? Is flight 1 supposed to be following me, the flight 2 leader as I follow the TAC, or am I to follow flight 1? Sorry if I'm all over the board here.
  8. I've been flying with Jasta 11 in Feb. 17. The aerodrome is at Brayelles. However, it seems to me that it is in the wrong location. From what I've read it should be just west of Douai. It appears to be near Cambrai instead. Even if the map isn't accurate the mission itself suggests that I'm starting out near Cambrai. The airfield is very near the front, which generally runs from NW to SE. This would be accurate if starting near Cambrai. If I was starting from Douai the front would be well to the west and would basically run north and south. Also, when flying with Jasta 11, I get strange results from "review mission". Whenever it mentions that my shots hit an enemy the range is shown as negative 3.28 feet. If I'm hit by enemy fire it is always "at very close range". I didn't get these results when flying Jasta 2 in 1916. Many thanks.
  9. I stepped away from off for quite a while - too much going on. However, I'm back at it now. Congratulations on P3. It is an outstanding step up from P2. My favorite feature is the greatly improved AI. Many thanks to all involved. Here are some misc. topics I've either forgotten or am not clear on: 1. I fly as the lead. When I initiate an attack on the enemy or they jump us will my wingmen automatically attack them or do I need to direct them by using the A key? 2. If I must use the A key do I need to target an enemy plane first or can I just start hitting A without targeting? 3. When I'm in a fighter going up against a 2-seater does the workshop setting of rear guns-wide mean the rear gunner is less accurate (easier for me)? I want to make my own calls on whether I die or not so I'm going with easiest-pilot never dies. In my mind you can be killed in two different ways - what happens in the air (hit by bullets or collisions) and what happens when you land/crash. If I make a soft landing then I should still be alive - if it is a bad crash then I consider myself dead and retire the pilot. However, I want to make sure that this easiest outcome setting does not affect my vulnerability in the air. When playing dead is dead (in P2) I would be killed in mid-air - the screen would go black or red, I would lose all control of the plane, and dive into the ground. I want this to still be an option, which would of course would mean that I would consider the pilot to be dead and retire him. I want to make sure that I understand the difference between the invincible and outcomes settings. I'm guessing that the outcomes setting has no bearing on what happens during the flight - it comes into play only after the flight has terminated. So here's my question: 4. If I use invincible-off and outcomes-easiest-pilot never dies can I still be "killed" in the air and lose all control of the plane, even though I will be told after the mission that I am just hospitalized?
  10. gameplay questions

    Thanks for the help. Update 1.26 means that question 3 no longer applies. I can see now that AI gun fire setting-easy means easier for me (as evidenced by the lower realism score). 77scout - I too am not real clear on the main and rear gun settings (aka all gun power settings). These settings affect both me and the AI. My guess is that setting them to easy makes all shots more accurate and damaging. Easy means a lower realism score. A lower realism score generally means that things are unrealistically easy for the human pilots. However, in this case it may just mean that overall gameplay is less realistic because all pilots' accuracy and destructive power is better than it should be even though it results in no net advantage for me vs. the AI.

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