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Everything posted by SirMike1983

  1. Going on Vacation to Washington DC

    If you will be commuting much in DC itself, use the metro rail trains. I use them everyday. They're VERY crowded, but still easier than finding parking at these places (and driving there too). If you're in the suburbs, you can drive more. College Park, MD also has an air museum.
  2. Flying the "new" SPAD XIII

    I plan on flying some more missions with my favored pilots in 94th Aero. I like what I've heard about the new FM.
  3. The Last Change for P3....

    I prefer the more historical, busier activity-- I voted no. I'd rather move on to the new planes and add-ons at this point.
  4. Fokker E.V. / D.VIII

    Sounds good-- I'll keep an eye out.
  5. Fokker E.V. / D.VIII

    These look great! Any news on the N.24 too?
  6. Current Status - Super Patch

    Is there any plan to modify the N.17 Lewis so that it uses some kind of basic iron ring sight instead of the Aldis, to make the plane more usable?
  7. How did the Entente ever win the war?

    Try the N.17 with the Vickers gun-- the one the French use. I've taken down as many as 8 Eindeckers in a single flight with the hardcore damage model. I gave up on the N.17 Lewis because it's more a hindrance than a help. Try the Vickers version-- more ammo and an iron sight.
  8. Are you a hunter or a shooter ?

    I stay out of the fight unless I'm confident. It depends on the planes, the altitude, weather, etc. When the fight begins my tactic is to get inhumanly close up behind enemy aircraft and open fire.
  9. Harry Patch dies

    The unending march of time makes this inevitable. The war ended over 90 years ago, so these men werre of extremely advanced age. Although it is essential to remember the war, it is also only proper that they be given some rest from it at last. There were some who never had real peace until they died because their memories would not allow it. I think it is perhaps a good thing in the end that they be given repose from the horrors and the wastes of the war, and at that a repose from the horrors of all war that we all should gain eventually.
  10. Ok..Whats going on with the DR1?

    Certain times the AI does this "fluttering" behavior when it gets near the ground. This is how I've escaped from D.VIIs many times in the Spad XIII. If you get low enough in certain situations they'll dance all over the sky while trying to chase you. I haven't seen them crash doing it, but I have noticed AI behavior is very aggressive and dangerous higher up. Closer to the ground they seem to not want to get below a certain level. They'll strafe if they get the chance, but they do have a "fluttering" they do close to the ground.
  11. I assign to a joystick button and then use the "repeater" slide in the controls menu to allow me to hold down the buttons to lean and enrich as I need. At that height your mixture will be very lean-- perhaps only a couple steps above cut.
  12. Post a pic of your town

    I think they've turned into something else now, though it's still a Mexican place if I recall. I ate a couple times at La Tienda a very long time ago. It was pretty decent. I haven't eaten down in that area in a long time (there's also a Chinese Buffet called 'Ming's' in that plaza). When I'm up in CT on vacation I usually end up going to places in Torrington or eating at home.
  13. Recent RoF postings

    I agree about the bad behavior being senseless in this case. They're computer games, so you can have both if you want. I'm not sure why people turn it into a "religious issue" where one HAS to triumph over the other. At this point they're different experiences and each worth trying. I am flying a little of both at the moment (though not a lot of free time overall of late) and enjoying both.
  14. Post a pic of your town

    La Tienda perhaps? It had a big Cactus light in the window.
  15. Recent RoF postings

    I will say that while I disagreed above with the policy, I will add that in all the different fora in which OvS and I have participated (going all the way back to the Hells Angels Patch days), I've never felt he was biased or unfair in regards to his duties. I've always thought he's done a good job. I think some of the accusations of bias or unfairness bound on being baseless. OFF needs a forum home somewhere, and if these are the rules of their house, so be it. I disagree somewhat with the policy, but I don't think they were unfairly enacted.
  16. Post a pic of your town

    I grew up about 25 minutes northwest of Southington, near Litchfield. It's a nice area. As of right now I live in Maryland just outside of: Here's a place in Bethesda proper:
  17. Well I'll be doggone!

    They did a really nice job on the N.28 in terms of having to work the engine and fight the torque and all. I'll also be buying their Nieuport 17 when it comes out this next week. I'm a bit Nieuport fan. RoF has done a stellar job on the airplanes and having to really work to get the most from them when fighting. The graphics are also quite good. The problem is that these great planes get introduced into a somewhat sterile world that isn't terribly immersive. OFF just is so much more comprehensive at this point, and the landscape really feels more immersive. Things are so much more dynamic and deep in the OFF experience. Even if the CFS3 engine is inferior to the new RoF one (I'll admit it is), RoF is so much more limited in the overall fighting experience at this point. It's new though, so we shall see. I think my recommendation is that RoF is more fun for quick scenarios and fly-around because the planes are just wonderful and the flight model very challenging. But for a full career or a full-length single mission, OFF is the pick. History-wise OFF is much sounder too. I tend to think of RoF as a very specialized, limited simulator, and OFF as the spiritual successor to Red Baron 3d-- a wide ranging, historically-oriented sim that nails down the big picture wonderfully. RoF has the trees, but OFF has the entire forest.
  18. New Noop anyone?

    Needless to say this is the most anxiously awaited new feature for me.
  19. New Noop anyone?

    That looks great-- incidentally I believe there was a repro aircraft like that one in New Zealand that go traded up to the Rhinebeck Aerodrome in New York. I believe this particular plane eventually crashed, killing the pilot during an airshow at the Aerodrome.
  20. Do you have any reports about V-strut Nieuports?
  21. I'd throw it in and leave it up to the user if he wants to fly it. It was in RB1, missing from the other RB games out of the box. I thought it was a cool late war addition along with the Siemens in RB1. That said it should probably represent E.V type performance in terms it having the lower power engine rather than the "what if" high power rotaries that were proposed.
  22. Maybe it would be possible to do a single campaign with a squad or two on each side simulating a "what if" type of thing spanning into early 1919. You could use Snipes and Fokker D.VIIIs in the hands of a couple elite squadrons. The other aircraft around you'd just use a continuation of Oct-Nov 1918. The what if campaign might only last a month or two and be more a minor afterthought sort of thing. Maybe throw the N.29 and Siemens D series in too if that ever appears.
  23. I think he overestimates the potential speed performance of the D.VIII. The French N.29 was concurrently on the way to the front in late 1918 and capable reaching speeds well over 140 mph, with very fast and robust dives surpassing the Spad 13 even. I wonder as to whether a D.VIII could match that speed and robustness. Though certainly the D.VIII would have been a formidable opponent on the whole. I think his views are generally right, though I am not so sure about performance speculation. As for whether they actually saw true service, I don't know.
  24. jsut haveing some fun

    http://www.theaerodrome.com/aircraft/france/spad_xii.php Actually a cannon in the prop would be a Spad XII.
  25. Was your mixture proper?

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