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Everything posted by SirMike1983

  1. Tricky Camels

    Rickenbacker was a quality race car driver prior to the war, so he was right at home in the Spad with the high speed attacks that the Spad utilized.
  2. OFF Current Status

    Looks really nice-- I've always been a big fan of the Aluminum dope schemes. I tend to think that bright silver was a defining feature of the v-strut Nieuports. The 24 has a nice, sleek look to it.
  3. A little reminder

    Nothing wrong with a good rumpus every so often though.
  4. Tricky Camels

    Then you turn left the nose will rise, to the right the nose will drop. If you get an accelerated stall, the plane will IMMIEDATELY attempt to flip over or even spin. Do NOT force the plane to turn faster than it wants to. Keep the plane turning less than the accelerated stall point. Remember that this plane WILL turn more than fast enough even if you don't max out the turn. The right turn is quicker than the left simply because the plane will try to rise and slow to the left. Turn fighting should be employed against the vast majority of opponents, perhaps except the Dr.1. When in a tight turn, especially to the right, remember that your rudder has now become a de facto temporary elevator in the sense that the rudder now helps to keep the nose level (or whatever you want the nose to do up and down). Fighting a Dr.1 is a special case where you CAN try boom and zoom tactics. The Dr.1 is noticeably slower than you are. But do NOT try this if you're below him or he's close behind you-- you can't put him to pace fast enough to do it in that case. You CAN turn fight a Dr.1 using RIGHT hand turns. Avoid playing a left-hand circle against the Dr.1, rather keep pulling to the right, mindful that the rudder is now being used to point the nose up and down. Keep the throttle pegged to the max in the turns to prevent a stall-spin. If you get in trouble, try a split-s. The Camel's extremely fast roll rate will allow you to quickly roll from turn mode into a split-S dive. Those are some starting points. Give them a try.
  5. A little reminder

    I think he's referring to the thread where CJ got banned from Sim HQ and there was some negative talk about the environment at Sim HQ and an incident that happened there. That's my guess at least.
  6. OFF Current Status

    Ah sounds good, I'm looking forward to the N.24-- takes me back to the days of RB3d where you could fly it against some tough late war opponents.
  7. OFF Current Status

    Maybe I missed this-- is P4 the same thing as the airplane add-on pack where we saw pictures of the Fokker D.VIII and the Nieuport 24?
  8. To my American Friends

    This is one of my favorite holidays of all. I really like fireworks (my girlfriend seems to think it's a "boys like stuff that shines and blows up" sort of thing), and I like the history of the holiday. I'm a New Englander originally, from rural western CT. There's a very rich history and heritage there. The wind is a bit out of the sails this year since the bar exam is the last week in July. I only wish she'd let me get a flintlock...
  9. Aldis Sight

    Does anyone else here dislike the Aldis sight in the Se5a and the British Nieuport? I seem to have much better luck with ironsights, or even open sights (like N.11).
  10. Aldis Sight

    Alright-- that sounds like a fair assessment. I don't recall anything in CFS3 even providing for optics in sights (probably not in the engine at ell even?). I'll give getting really close a try and see how it goes.
  11. Aldis Sight

    Hmmm the N.17 version is very difficult to use in the game. I'll gladly take any tips from people who successfully use the Aldis in the 17-- my only thought at this point, given how it behaves in the game, is to get VERY close to the enemy until he totally fills the Aldis and then open up.
  12. Aldis Sight

    Likewise on the N.17 I'd dump it and replace with ironsight, or even none at all. I want to fly the British N.17, but simply can't because just as I go to line up, the enemy disappears, obscured by the Aldis. Ths French version with the iron sight and Vickers-- a different story.
  13. Your longest lasting pilot

    During periods of aerial dominance of the plane I'm using, I've had pilots go until the next release of OFF came out. This was the case where I had a pilot start in N.11, move up to N.17, then into Spad VII. Then OFF 3 came out and he naturally retired with Phase 2. This is partly because those allied planes were facing Eindeckers and Alb. D.IIs, which I beat up on (especially E.III vs N.17). It's a lot harder to last in a Spad XIII vs. D.VIIs in OFF 3. The AI is better in OFF 3 too. So I guess to really answer this, you'd have to limit it to OFF 3 pilots.
  14. Aldis Sight

    How do you get around the Aldis in the British N.17? Thankfully the SE5 has the iron sight and I can just slide over to that by F6 or the TrackIR. But the British 17 seems to have no way around it.
  15. Aldis Sight

    Which is why I don't like the Aldis-- it has a blind spot around the frame so that the target is obscured just as the moment you're sighting in.
  16. Duck MiA

    I haven't seen Pilotsden here either-- he was a founding OFF online member. I think Buckner was here awhile back, but haven't seen him recently either.
  17. Albatros production pics ?

    Their husbands were at war, which is fortunate because your wife sure gets pissed off when you visit her at work but can't tell her apart from the others.
  18. Nieuport 28

    Stringer city.
  19. Question about Lewis Gun on top wing

    All hail the Foster Mount-- a friend to the pilot who wants to reload his Lewis.
  20. OFF aircraft web page

    Regarding the Hispano-Suiza (at least what I saw in the Se5a): that's not an inline motor, but a V-8.
  21. RoF First Impressions

    Yes- I've seen towns and buildings in the game, but the scenery seems to be either town with many buildings, or very open, buildingless landscape. That said, the graphics of what is there are pretty decent.
  22. RoF First Impressions

    It's hard to believe that anyone has been able to get that CFS3 engine to look so good. Considering RoF is all new graphics and a new engine, while OFF is running on a CFS3 limitation and looking almost as good is really amazing to me.
  23. Nieuport 28

    http://ark.com/~mdf/N_28.html Profiles in link. And for good measure: this is the N.29 that narrowly missed service: http://ark.com/~mdf/N_29.html
  24. RoF First Impressions

    I played RoF a bit tonight, no problems loading it up. The graphics on the planes are great, ground graphics are decent. There aren't enough airplanes yet, it feels like a demo in that regard. I'm interested in seeing more of them. The interface is cumbersome and has dead ends. Flight control assignments are cumbersome too. The flight model is ok, but it feels very jerky, similar to PAW Gold was back in the day. It just doesn't feel smooth-- the flight model makes it feel like a hand is randomly push and pulling and jerking everything about. I understand instability is part of an advanced flight model, but this feels like someone is shaking the screen to try to get you to have a seizure. Sounds are good, I think. I love the smooth graphics of the instruments-- cockpits are nice too. Overall it's a game with potential, but it's still sort of like a cumbersome demo right now, not a full commercial release. I give the nod to OFF for sure-- it just has a more comprehensive feel. RoF has a ways to go-- hopefully they'll get it together.
  25. Ever tried a one mile glide ?

    Suit yourself, but feel free to drop by anytime!

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