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Everything posted by mig21deep

  1. File Name: HAL-MIG-21M File Submitter: mig21deep File Submitted: 25 Aug 2009 File Category: Mig-21 Fishbed This is my first work .this is a remodeling of mig-21MF . I made some changes, easy flight model, new hangar and loading screen ,can fire ASM, Semi active radar homing AA missiles . Some information about MIG-21M/MF Indian Air force-----MiG-21M/MF [Fishbed J] - Type 96 The MiG-21M/MF (Type 96) is a Multi-role version with one R-11-300 turbojet with 13,688 lbs. of thrust. The aircraft has 4 pylons which can carry external fuel tanks, air-to-air missiles or twin barrel guns. Has a zero speed, zero altitude ejection seat. The MF variant has a R-11F2S-300 turbojet, otherwise similar to the 'M' variant. Number Procured: 93+ ........................ 65 MF (Type 96) procured directly from the USSR ........................158 M variants manufactured by HAL Installation: unpack or unzip in aircraft folder … Thanks to COMBATE ACE & those who uploaded new aircraft, sound , weapon packs that help me verymuch. Click here to download this file
  2. HAL-MIG-21M



    This is my first work .this is a remodeling of mig-21MF . I made some changes, easy flight model, new hangar and loading screen ,can fire ASM, Semi active radar homing AA missiles . Some information about MIG-21M/MF Indian Air force-----MiG-21M/MF [Fishbed J] - Type 96 The MiG-21M/MF (Type 96) is a Multi-role version with one R-11-300 turbojet with 13,688 lbs. of thrust. The aircraft has 4 pylons which can carry external fuel tanks, air-to-air missiles or twin barrel guns. Has a zero speed, zero altitude ejection seat. The MF variant has a R-11F2S-300 turbojet, otherwise similar to the 'M' variant. Number Procured: 93+ ........................ 65 MF (Type 96) procured directly from the USSR ........................158 M variants manufactured by HAL Installation: unpack or unzip in aircraft folder … Thanks to COMBATE ACE & those who uploaded new aircraft, sound , weapon packs that help me verymuch.

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