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Everything posted by AGOSTINO

  1. Certainly ... I will work for them!!!!
  2. Trees renders wrongly in Enhanced SF2: Israel Terrain by CA_Stary !!! View down:
  3. Thank you infinitely ...... but this one, is not for heightmaps!!!
  4. Ho acquistato da poco "Strike Fighters 2", che gira alla perfezione su Vista, il problema è, che non sono riuscito a capire, quale procedura seguire, per installare nuovi aerei!!! Ho seguito varie discussioni in inglese ai seguenti link: 1) http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6075 2) http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=5959 senza capire cosa fare esattamente. Qualcuno di Voi, può aiutarmi gentilmente in merito?? Grazie mille anticipatamente!!!
  5. Could you kindly post, your ISRAELME_DATA.ini, for trees and heightmaps??
  6. I solved the problem!! The error is, in your data.ini: http://combatace.com...ry/page__st__20 A) corrected IsraelME_data for version with trees and trees+heightmaps and B) ISRAELME_DATA for use with trees and heightmaps In fact, if you use these, I have the problem!!!
  7. Okay, I'll try! Could you post a photo of your "renders perfectly fine" ??
  8. ....removed all the "tricky" buildings that were using the apha channel for transparency effects (some fake lame windmills etc).
  9. Sorry Stary, you maybe thought this update for: 1) Green Hell 3 2) Enhanced SF2: Israel Terrain by CA_Stary 3) Formosa tileset update -new seasons 4) Gepard's Formosa Strait visual update Would be great!!!
  10. I have all SF2 products. I have installed them, following this order: 1. Strike Fighters 2 2. Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam 3. Strike Fighters 2 Europe 4. Strike Fighters 2 Israel 5. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 6. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 Now, to get the game updated with the latest patch, which patch do I need??
  11. In the HR SF2E GermanyCE terrain update, have you noticed this?? mmmhhh???
  12. In the DESERT3_DATA.INI, this setting is wrong!!! [HeightOffset] NonTexturedMesh=-10.0 LowDetailMesh=-1.0 <<<<<<<<<<<< TexturedMesh=-5.0 DetailedMesh=0.1 LowDetailMesh=-1.5 <<<<<<<<<<<< WaterMesh=0.9 Should this be: [HeightOffset] NonTexturedMesh=-10.0 TexturedMesh=-5.0 DetailedMesh=0.1 LowDetailMesh=-1.5 <<<<<<<<<< WaterMesh=0.9 or this: [HeightOffset] NonTexturedMesh=-10.0 TexturedMesh=-5.0 DetailedMesh=0.1 LowDetailMesh=-1.0 <<<<<<<<< WaterMesh=0.9
  13. In the india-pakistan_terrain_readme file, there is written: "........However, it can be placed into any /Terrains folder. Just be advised you'll be missing a LOT of things!!!" Which of these things I'm missing??
  14. Controlling all the STOCKTERRAINS_DATA.ini (GermanyCE, Desert, IsraelME and VietnamSEA), I noticed that the settings for [TerrainMesh], are these: [TerrainMesh] TextureThreshold=0.80 LowDetailMeshThreshold=0.50 MedDetailMeshThreshold=0.30 TileToHeightGridRatio=4 RenderMeshVertexCount=4096 RenderMeshIndexCount=16384 SolidObjectVertexCount=12288 SolidObjectIndexCount=18432 AlphaObjectVertexCount=8192 AlphaObjectIndexCount=12288 Now, many different SF2 Series Add On Terrains, have these different settings!! Why these settings are different?? On the basis of what are assigned these values??
  15. Well, thanks to all of you!!! And with regard to: RenderMeshVertexCount = and RenderMeshIndexCount =
  16. What is the 27MM_BK27_data.ini more realistic for the 27mm Mauser BK27?? This: A) [GunData001] TypeName=27MM_BK27 FullName=Mauser BK 27 Caliber=27.000000 ROF=1700.000000 MuzzleVel=1025.000000 AmmoWt=0.260000 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=100.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.400000,0.320000,0.240000 GunFireEffect=30mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Cannon EffectClassName=30mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE or this: B) [GunData001] TypeName=27MM_BK27 FullName=27mm Mauser BK27 Caliber=27.000000 ROF=1800.000000 MuzzleVel=1025.000000 AmmoWt=0.180000 WarheadWt=0.018000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=75.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=23mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Cannon EffectClassName=23mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE
  17. Thank you both, I'll try and I'll let you know!!!
  18. Thank you infinitely for the reply! with DetailMeshSize = 15, which may be the optimal settings for: [backgroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance =??? NearClipDistance =??? [ForegroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance =??? NearClipDistance =??? [insideSceneClip] FarClipDistance =??? NearClipDistance =??? [FarSceneClip] FarClipDistance =??? NearClipDistance =??? [NormalSceneClip] FarClipDistance =??? NearClipDistance =??? [NearSceneClip] FarClipDistance =??? NearClipDistance =??? Whereas I have a good/strong system??
  19. What are the settings of your FLIGHTENGINE.INI???

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