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About Bobby

  1. Hi All, First came Flying Corps, then Red Baron 1 & 2, and CFS1. Followed by EAW, CFS2 & 3 + MAW + OFF, Battle of Britain II, and Il2 in all its incarnations up to 1946. Still got all of them except MAW (trashed in a computer crash), and CFS2 (I lost it). But the first two don't play so well on XP. Shame. I loved Flying Corps. Cheers Bobby
  2. Hi all, I used to have CFS3 MAW installed but a computer crash destroyed it, and corrupted the installation files I had saved. Really miss it. I've downloaded the whole lot again from the Aussie link at SOH, but I've hit a problem. First part of the install goes fine, but about 3% into the second stage I get an installation failed message with the following: "the following file is unreadable or corrupt: "aircraft\DR_BF110E_G4_5z76\texture\Hires\DR_BF110E_G4_5z76_t.dd_" I've tried re-downloading but keep hitting the same problem. Anyone know a way around this? Or does anyone know an alternative download site where i could get a fresh copy of MAW? I can't ask at SOH until they allow me to post messages! Any help appreciated. Bobby

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