Just had a look through the various Combat web sites and found several missions in Sim Outhouse for OFF.
However, after installing a couple in OFF I was unable to find any of them. Does Phase 3 accept 3rd party missions
and if so where do I locate them within the sim?
just ran a re-install and am now able to get to the "field". Stioll have a problem but this time with sound or rather the lack of it.
When flying in chase or spot - no engines or gunfire sounds. guess I`ll keep `fiddling around` for now
I have just installed W7 - 64bit and added OFF but I can`t get past the opening screen
Whatever I choose following the click on "Field", I get the "switch on voice" followed by
engine sound but nothing else.
Has anyone run OFF successfully on W7-64 ??
I have just installed "Bloody April 1917" and "Cambrai, November 1917" and have managed to locate most of the additional aircraft required but am stuck for the following three - can anyone help me find `em ??
Gotha GVI.........(unless this was an authors typo for Gotha GIV)
Pfalz DIII
Many thanks