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Everything posted by DoctorWho

  1. File Name: Turkish 112 Filo skin for F-35A File Submitter: wishmaster1110 File Submitted: 16 July 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins This is my first mod. It's an F-35A skin, representing the aircraft that could be used by Turkish Air Force. Credits: - Klavs81 (his excellent Lightnings and skin template) - Dave and ace888 (turkish decals taken from F-4ETM and F-4E 2020) Installation instructions provided in readme file. Happy flying! wishmaster1110 Chris Click here to download this file
  2. TuAF skin released, now i'm working on Aeronautica Militare Italiana skin for F-35A. Be patient
  3. Version


    This is my first mod. It's an F-35A skin, representing the aircraft that could be used by Turkish Air Force. Credits: - Klavs81 (his excellent Lightnings and skin template) - Dave and ace888 (turkish decals taken from F-4ETM and F-4E 2020) Installation instructions provided in readme file. Happy flying! wishmaster1110 Chris
  4. Ta dah! Turkish 112 Filo skin for F-35A
  5. What do you think about this one?
  6. I deleted the file. Works fine
  7. It's because of flightengine.ini in OPN Hydra mod. Just don't put it to your flight folder and you will be OK. I had the same issue until I deleted this file.
  8. OK, actually I am only looking for a 3d model (.lod). I can do all the .ini work by myself.
  9. Hi! Is it possible to have subtitles back after installing SF2I March 2010 patch? I guess that it has something to do with the huddata.ini
  10. Problem's solved. Thanks guys:)
  11. Over Russia? Are you making a new map? Or is it some from SF1?
  12. Ok, thanks. I'll try.
  13. Do I have to install exp2 to be able to install the latest patch?
  14. combatace.com/topic/54497-sf2-strike-fighters-2-israel-mar-2010-patch-is-out/page__st__20 It's MARCH '10 patch. Is it possible to uninstall a patch?
  15. I've only added the RWR display. I've read somewhere in CA that march 2010 patch disables subtitles. Is there a way to have them back?
  16. This is obvious, Stary. Subtitles are set on in options menu but they still don't show up.
  17. OK, I did it. With some help from Google Translate, of course! :)
  18. How can I download PAK-FA beta? That site is in Chinese!
  19. LOTR "The Evil Ones" MiGs SkinPak

    Now we're waitin' for the good ones!
  20. Hi everybody! I have this issue with SA-10/HQ-18 launcher included in MW Korea pack. Anyone can help?
  21. Hmm... I didn't expected that it will be such a helluva fun for you guys. Anyway, the problem is fixed. I switched the weapon LOD with the one from SA-10B model. Works fine.
  22. Nothing is missing. The SA-10L_data.ini file is alright as far as I'm concerned
  23. Hi! Is there any chance of having the newest french PGMs in game? Is there anyone working on AASM bombs?
  24. Nice to know it. Thanks for a reply.

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