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Everything posted by DoctorWho

  1. I have a request for the modders. Can anyone convert the great A-stan terrain by Gepard available in SF1 download section to SF2 standards? I've tried to do it but all the tiles turned black. I followed the instructions from Knowledge Base. The .cat file was set to desert.cat. There's also another issue. When I wanted to take off from Bagram my FA-18F exploded. I noticed that all the aircrafts from my flight were standing in the same place. They were also facing a wrong direction. I had this terrain with targets upgrade available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/10486-afghanistan-terrain-new-targets-v15/ If you can't help me by converting this terrain can you simply tell me what to do?
  2. I understand you Wrench but the problem is that I don't have a full-4 merged install. I only have SF2 and SF2E.
  3. Thanks for help. I downloaded Stary's Israel tiles an they work fine. I think they're a bit too green but they're better than pure black.
  4. Ale Ducat, could you please inform us about the progress of the work?
  5. I' ve got a question. In my WOE i can't see any ground objects (SAMs, tanks, etc.) from a distance longer than 40 - 50 km. Is it possible to make objects visible from longer distances?
  6. I mean that there are no SAM launchers or fuel trucks around the airbase (or factory, or city, or whatever) until i get close to it for less than 50 km.
  7. Hi everybody! I have a roblem with aircraft carriers. When the mission starts, my aircraft falls through the deck of the carrier and crashes on the water. Can anybody tell me what's wrong and help me fix it? I use Digital-Overload's CVN-75 or Womb Raider's Nimitz carriers, EricJ's Super Hornets or usafmtl's F-35C.
  8. The thimgis that I don't have a GROUNDOBJECTDATA.INI file
  9. I have a problem with anti-ship missions. When I want to fly an anti-shipsingle mission, the target waypoint is set at the end of the map and there are noships to destroy. Can anybody help me? I'm using WoE with oct 2008 patch
  10. For example Israel2, Lybia, Kamchatka Peninsula
  11. I remember that there was a new nations.ini file with decals set. I can't find it anywhere so maybe someone can give me a link? Please, help!
  12. Thank you very much!
  13. Ok! Thanks, Eric. I'll try to solve it this way.
  14. I balanced the aircraft and it happens anyway
  15. I tried to make a screenshot but the whole thing happens too fast. Recently, when i was trying to fly a Super Hornet i' ve used a standard anti-ship loadout. I'm using a Hard FM setting.
  16. I've made another carrier mission with Israel 2 terrain and everything works.
  17. It's not a campaign. I create missions with LeMissionneur 2006. I use WoE with oct 2008 patch. I use different terrains but recently I've used Greece v1.1 terrain by ansons2.
  18. Hi everybody! I have a little request for the modders: can you make some modern trucks like US FMTVs or HEMTTs and soviet/russian Kamaz, Kraz and so on? I hope that somebody can do it. I will be very gratefull for it.
  19. Ok.I have some info about HEMTT and LMTV. I also have some drawings. Should I post all the stuff here or there: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/51485-wip-o-trabajos-en-progreso/page__st__240 ?
  20. Thanks for you advice Wrench. I'll search for something.
  21. Sorry, i don't speak Spanish. I'm not a 3d modder so i can't help with 3d stuff but I can find some data and specifications of these trucks. Who should I ask then
  22. I have a problem with weapon editor. It crashes when i click "open" button. Can you help me?
  23. Weapon Data Editor v02.20.08

    It crashes when i click "open"

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