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About HowlinWolf

  1. Yes there is in the Config/Views/Snapviews you will find a long list.. no 8 is the F-15, the views are no 1 - 13, no 7 is the A-10.. the default view is iSu_27 = 1, iSu_33 = 2, iSu_25 = 3, iSu_39 = 4, -- Su-39 or Su-25T iMiG_29 = 5, iMiG_29K = 6, iA_10 = 7, iF_15 = 8, } Snap[8][13]["viewAngle"] = 52.727844238281 (F-15 default view)(my values) Snap[8][13]["vAngle"] = -13.6784505844116 Snap[8][13]["hAngle"] = 0 Snap[7][13] = {} ( A-10 default view) Snap[7][13]["viewAngle"] = 59.737544213773 (not the original value, I changed it) Snap[7][13]["vAngle"] = -12.5 Snap[7][13]["hAngle"] = 0 View angle is how close you are to the Hud vangle is verticle angle... h angle is horizontal angle. you can play with these.....no need to make a copy.. they are in defaultsnapview folder. If you use Track IR, changing these values will not change anything.

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