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Posts posted by acknar

  1. Don't want to come off as rude or anything. :no:


    I'm also new to First Eagles (I have FE and I have the Expansion Pack 1). I've done a few missions started a campaign and so on.


    I've found it very difficult to find the addons. Would it be ok if you guys posted links to the downloads? In other communities I've been involved in usually on a thread like this they link essential mods either as a sticky or on the thread.


    Some of the items mentioned, for example the Phalz III, you can't just "get it". In fact you can't download it anywhere except for a specific website that requires you to send in your personal information (name, city, state) before you are approved to download that aircraft. The Phalz III you find on Combat Ace are only skins for the aboved mentioned model.


    Also, we're not told whether the aircraft we download has a cockpit or not, specific sounds, and so on. Finally some folks should know that there is a daily limit to how much you can download from the Combat Ace download section. This limit is very low, it's been the lowest I've experienced ever (Mbrepository for Mount & Blade has a much higher limit, and other sites use Megaupload). But that's beside the point.


    Just make sure you've decided on what you want to download before you go crazy downloading and have to wait a day before you can download something again. I believe I downloaded two items (Flanders Fields terrain, a campaign (less than 2mb), and the real gunsounds mod, and then I was locked out for 24 hours.


    Please don't take this as complaints, just wishing to warn other new guys out there like me.


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