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Everything posted by ExitiumMachina

  1. Alright, here I go. I can do basic maneuvers in flight, I can even evade other fighter planes...what I cannot for the life of me do is shoot them down. I've read into it and still cannot really understand it, I know about the cross path of the machine guns and what that has to do with the convergence. Now here is what I have for convergence: 300, which according to what I have read as soon as I hit .30 or so in distance to an enemy plane my guns should shred that plane to bits. However, in practice I have found it extremely difficult to do consistently...not to say I can't do it, I just can't do it often (1 out of 10 perhaps). I've seen diagrams over at ubi's forums and have seen videos of how it works, and it seems to work really well with those pilots. It does not however work very well with me. Any tips or advice as to what I am doing wrong here?
  2. I've found this method to only work in certain planes, mainly the Mig's. I'm going to tweak around my convergence and test different distances and see if any of them come out on top...so far though I'm liking the Mig as it has a pretty good takedown and agility.

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