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Everything posted by cosmos33

  1. Thats it

    Dixie flyer, you brings nothing new to this discussion. My point was that i was wondering why it wasn't available for download. Recently I bought Empire total war over the net. 15 gig download. Every game I buy is from the net. Its fast, right now in 2009 it's reliable. If i buy another computer, i can re-download the game if i lost the cd on which I transferred it as a copy. Seriously I love the principle. Now i understand that they had issues or reliability with the other versions as far a download goes. Going DVD is probably the best way to go in this case. As far as not wanting to play it. Look, I don't know you , neither do you. Ive been playing flight sim since microsoft flight sim 1.0. Thats right for more than 25 years. I played red baron1 -2 -3d, all the major combat flight sim, remember secret weapon of the luftwaffe ? I think I can say I love combat sim and I do want this one just as much as you wanted it. This was not to bash the developpers. I wanted to know why from a business side of the story it wasn't available, and im sure alot of folks who have, and want this sim have asked this same question too. They answered, case is closed. End of story
  2. Thats it

    ok the cost makes sense , and im sure that will be one of the best games i played in ages, just can't wait to get it.
  3. Thats it

    Yep I remember, lol, but seriously, it should be downloadable, im serious, il give a hand for free.
  4. Thats it

    no faster than this ;)
  5. Here is my pc, Am I good to go ? ADM Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600 2.41 Ghz, 3,5 Go Ram GForce GTX 260 896 Mb
  6. Will my system be ok ?

    If i upgrade my mobo and CPU, will i need to reinstall windows ? and everything on my hard drive ?
  7. Will my system be ok ?

    So i wonder if i can buy a faster cpu for not to much $$$ and put it on my actual motherboard, or id i need to upgrade motherboard and CPu ...
  8. I know it says 10-14 days, but im all excited, i bought it yester day, i would do backflips to get it by next friday :p
  9. Just bought the game

    Yep this one is full of very interresting stuff : http://www.raindesert.com/great_war/great_war_index.htm
  10. Just bought the game

    ah ! thanks a million ! Ive been reading alot in the last few days :p Ive been interrested in ww1 for 15-20 years now. I bought RB1 RB2, Rb3d, dawn patrol, and all the sims about ww1. fascinating this period. some other sims rocks, like falcon 4. But in my opinon one of the sim with the best gameplay was actually rb1. I miss the aces challenging you to a duel. That was brilliant. I hope a game someday will let you land your plane next to a ennemy reck and cut some piece of the aircraft as a souvenir and as a proof of the kill :p
  11. I think the absence of parachute for the most part of ww1 is the reason so many pilots always carried a hand gun with em. In case they lost control of the plane, or wouldn't wat to die burning from a engine fire. Must have been quite horrible.
  12. Just bought the game

    Cool, can't wait to get my hands on this game. I can't understand why they are not distributing on the web ?? Would be so much easier.

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