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Posts posted by matzeb

  1. I'll have to feel guilty about bombing cities. There's civilians down there!!! Women and children!!! Oh the humanity!


    You are right!

    There should be a new type of mission, there you should to throw some leaflets to warn these people before bombing them. :rofl::frantic:



    Time for beeing serious!


    Jan, I like the uptade very much and i´m looking forward for your terrain! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

    And please take as much time as you need! ( For this fantastic result i´m willing to wait longer)


    Best regards!




  2. @Quack74:

    I totally agree with you! :yes:

    I´m also getting angree when i have to fight against this always identical-looking planes. When the enemy squadrons would use all different skins, I would get the feeling to fight against a "more realistic Flying Circus".

    For the first time it would be a nice improvement, when the skins for the AI-planes would be choosen randomly by the game. (this wouldn´t be more realistic, but better-looking)



  3. "Hunting Snake" skin for Fokker D8

    This is a skin for the fokker D8.

    My template was a picture of a modelplane which I´ve found in the internet. As base for my skin I´ve used the Stock-skin.

    Unfortaintly I don´t know the Jasta or the pilot. Mabey someone can help?


    Please read the readme for the instalation!


    I hope you like the Skin!

    Enjoy it!



  4. He Saltfiskur!

    :notworthy: Your skins are looking very very good :notworthy:


    Nice Job. I especially like the wood of the fuselage.

    So the Halberstadt will get more and more skins! Thanks a lot!



    I´ve found this picture too.

    And I thought that this was the inspiration for Latons skin, because it looks like the stock-skin.

    So thank you anyhow for searching!




  5. Thank you!

    I´m pleased that you like it!


    Surely I´d like to make another skin for this plane! Because I also would like to fly with a squadron of halberstadts which look all different.

    But my problem is that I have not found a lot of nice photographs with paintshemes for the CL.IV.


    So it would be great if someone of you could post some pictures and links with your favourite paintings.

    But i cant guarantee that i can manage it to create the skin, but i will try my best! :yes:


    If we can´t find anything I also would create some non-100%-realistic skins. So you also could post some nice-loking paintings, which aren´t been seen on a Cl.IV in the war.





  6. At first I want to say: Thank you!!! :notworthy:

    This is a realy nice plane. :good: Thanks Laton!



    I liked the plane so much, that I´ve tried to make my first real skin.

    This are my first steeps on making skins.

    I think it looks not too bad for the first time.

    My inspiration for the skin was this picture which I´ve found on the internet.

    I dont have any more information. So i cant say if this painting was used in the war.

    My skin uses the same decals (red numbers) as the stock skin.



    I hope you like it.

    Here is the download-link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9546



    (Please excuse my english!)




  7. Black-Stripes skin for Halberstadt CL.IV

    This is my first skin.

    Its for the fantastic Halberstadt CL.IV which was made by Laton.


    I hope you will like it!


    I´ve got no information if this skin was used in the war. My inspiration was apicture of a plane in a museum, which I´ve found in the internet.


    It uses the same decals as the stock-skin.



    Enjoy it!



  8. ...

    The supply wagon and wagen will show on recon missions.

    The infantry will show on CAS missions.



    One stupid question: :deadhorse:


    What is a CAS mission? Is it a army co-operation?

    (sorry, but english isn´t my mothertongue and so it is sometimes like a quiz for me to understand these shortcuts:oops:)

    If my suggestion is right and this means army-co-operation, i have an other question:

    Is it possible to see tanks and these troops together at the same time? Or only the tanks or the troops can be seen in a "CAS-Mission"?


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