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About JJacobs

  1. Video card help

    yes sir, u need to first figure out exactly what kind of slot you are working with AGP, PCI, PCIe...secondly do not consider an ATI board. Traditionally the ATI cards/drivers have not faired too well with OFF. Mileage may very but take a look at the FAQ under the graphics section. I have an ATI 4670 IceT 1 gig. right so as Uncleal says, after the card consider the PSU, don't want a lame PSU with high demand on a new flashy card, could end up inducing system instability. and as Tamper says, don't want to be the bearer of bad news either but buying a card, then a PSU, then considering RAM...see the downward slope? Once you figure out what type of slot let us know. JJ
  2. 8 kill flight Lost !

    hmmm... that's intersting. I have to admit, my old puter vid and MB crashed awhile back and the neighbor had a hand me down, which was this HP tower with the 3.3 celeron in it I'm speaking about...(Just hate Dells and HP's, etc) thought stick an extra stick of RAM and vid card in and call it good till I can get back to work...I never researched anything bout the CPU, because it was sitting on my door step. Ok, well thanks all for chiming in and confirming that, don't know that I could fix anything without a purchase. JJ
  3. 8 kill flight Lost !

    Hey Pol, well it is a 3.3Ghz celeron, 2GB Ram, 74GB raptor HD, Win XP, 32 bit and then it is the HIS 4670 iceT 1 GB vid card. comes overclocked from the factory, not me manually setting it with Bios or software. I know better then that, nor do I have the experience/knowledge to know what's safe. I will jump over and again run through the FAQ and see if i can pick some more tips up. Do you have a best guess as to where I probably could be with those sliders?...won't hold you responsible for the guess :yes: Don't mean to hijack your thread Speedski... JJ
  4. Coolit Domino

    I have been browsing around looking at water cooling systems for a new build in the near future trying to educate myself as to whether this makes sense for me when I build. One thing that was pointed out to me is CPU liquid coolers are great but don't forget about your video card, another huge heat source and problematic area. Not sure what your running for a Vid card but a lot of the places are also making specifc water blocks for vid cards now. Koolance, swiftech, thermaltake etc. However, the system that drives them can be expensive. it seems that if your having trouble with CPU temp prob's and not heat issues with your Vid card this seems to be a relatively inexpensive solution. JJ
  5. 8 kill flight Lost !

    Ya know, I've heard that here and there in the forum. Somehow the architecture of the game is favored with the NVIDIA cards. I had a 7600GS a couple months ago that would do circles around this card, in this game. tried several amd drivers old/new with my new 4670 and nothing works. Over on Toms hardware page they have the new ATI 4770 crossfired with a review. retailing for $109ish each, you can crossfire it and be below cost of some of the GT(X) 2XX boards with nearly same or greater performance. However in there test they never compare a flight sim... So while you might be running great graphics for some of the games for a relatively low price, when you come over here to OFF or maybe ROF, you can't even get the card to perform. Guess I'm back to looking at nvidia cards again... JJ
  6. 8 kill flight Lost !

    hhhhmmm, not sure about that. I have a 1 gig 4670 overclocked.... and I am having the issue. I also can't have the sliders passed 11111 if there are any more then 3 or 4 planes around in a furball. otherwise, my framerate suffers terribly. fighting in a slideshow furball is not the way to go. JJ
  7. 8 kill flight Lost !

    "sounds like you need to lower memory overheads - you are running out of video memory" ahhh... is that what is going on. I've had the same issue. JJ

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