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Slick Wilhelm

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About Slick Wilhelm

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    Rochester, Minnesota USA


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  1. WOFF FM Thread

    LOL, my bad. I didn't realize they were just flat files.
  2. WOFF FM Thread

    Hi guys, What are you using to look at the FM data in WOFF? What software program would I need to be able to do the same? Does anyone else feel that there's something wrong with the Alb. D.III FM, specifically the "insty stall" when initiating a left hand bank/ turn? I haven't had the opportunity to fly the D.V as modeled by OBD, so I have no comments on that(yet).
  3. Hats off to OBD software!

    That's too funny, rayfer. I just bought "Forge of Freedom" from Matrix about two weeks ago myself, and I have yet to play it. So many great games, so little time. And that a very good thing! Btw guys, it was 93F yesterday in Rochester and 90F is expected today. Who says Minnesota is cold.
  4. Hats off to OBD software!

    Whoops, its OBD Software, not ODB! Sorry guys. Obviously caused by too much database work during the day. ;)
  5. I don't know who you are, but I wish the members of ODB software would stop by this thread to introduce yourselves and let me buy you a virtual beer. What you have produced is simply astounding! OFF phase three is what Red Baron 3D should have been upon it's release. You gentlemen(any ladies involved?) have produced what is for my money the best flight sim on the market...perhaps the best flight sim EVER! I've flown my very first patrol as a German unteroffizier, and I actually managed to find my way back to base and land successfully. Of course, I managed to lose my flight members because I have the radar turned off, and without tags it's very easy to lose vis on them. I took a two year sabbatical from the skies, and it sure feels good to have my hands on my CH Pro HOTAS and Track IR 4 pro again. I still have a little work to do on the key mappings for my HOTAS, but I was able to manage well enough with what little I do have configured. Well done, lads. Words cannot express my gratitude for the outstanding work you did and continue to do. :fans:
  6. You guys just cost me $1400 US!

    Yep, already have it. I tried out phase one of OFF a few years ago, so I bought CFS3 at that time.
  7. You guys just cost me $1400 US!

    I ended up going with WinXP Pro 32-bit, mainly because I already had a licensed copy. I've got it all built and ready for gaming, but work is busy this week and preventing me from doing any gaming yet. Also, I'm waiting for my DVD of BHaH to arrive. Boy, is that Antec Nine Hundred Two case a nice one! Best case I've ever owned.
  8. Membership question

    Thanks Rickitycrate. This is what I was wondering about. :)
  9. Membership question

    Hey guys, What are the different membership tiers, and how does one upgrade? What are the benefits of each tier? Thanks!
  10. You guys just cost me $1400 US!

    Well, all good points, sitting duck. What is this "RoF"? Is that a new mod or WW1 flight sim coming out? As far as "Buying for the moment"....back in the day I used to build myself a new gaming rig about every 18 months. But as I've grown, uh, more experienced , I've started doing more war gaming, which doesn't require much in the way of hardware. That's why it's been 5 years since I've built my last gaming rig. I was able to keep that one going by doing video card/power supply upgrades. And frankly, I've played just about every good flight sim on the market to death, including online like Warbirds, Aces High and WW2OL. OFF BHaH is the first sim to really get my blood going in many years. I think I'm just a wood & canvas guy at heart. Anyway, I splurged for this system because I'm hoping it will last me 5 years like my last one. With all the usual upgrades, of course! You're right, a RAID 0 config would be faster, but I've always wanted a 10,000 rpm drive just to compare the difference. Hey Lou, thanks for that! I'll give that serious consideration. Btw, I just noticed that there are three Minnesotans in this thread!
  11. You guys just cost me $1400 US!

    Aha, thanks for that, BirdDog! I was wondering if BHaH would support my TrackIR 4.
  12. You guys just cost me $1400 US!

    sitting duck, could you have been looking at the enormously over-priced "Extreme i7 965" cpu that comes in a nice black box? Sure, it's faster than my lowly "stock" i7 920, but it wasn't worth almost $800 more. I got the i7 for $229 American, and the 965 sitting right next to it was priced at $989! I realize that if I install WinXP Pro 32-bit on it, it won't be able to use the other 2 gigs of RAM...but really, if this is a gaming rig, so what? 4 gigs of RAM on XP should be smokin'. Also, it was a paltry $20 difference between the 3 gig set and the 6 gig set. Not to mention I'm already set if I decide to upgrade to Windows 7 whenever that shows up. I guess what I'm really interested in is if maklroy or anyone else knows of any real benefit in GAMING if I pony up for the 64-bit OS. In other words, this is strictly a gaming rig, and if the games(namely BHaH)can't use the 64-bit architexture of the i7...why bother? Fortiesboy, thanks for the heads up on the mic, but since I plan on using the onboard audio, I don't anticipate any issues. I'm actually excited about dusting off the CH Pro HOTAS that's been wimpering in the corner of the room. I sure hope BHaH is the second coming of the Red Baron superpatch, or even the original Red Baron from Dynamix in 1990 that I loved to death on my 386SX-16 with 2 MB of RAM. Yes, I said MB, not GB. Man, am I getting old or what!
  13. Thank you. I've been drooling over phase 3 for a long time, but my poor old Intel P4 gaming rig was just not up to playing it with decent frame rates. The last phase I tried was phase 1. Having landed a new job this week, I celebrated by buying the parts for my new gaming rig: Asus P6T motherboard Intel i7 920 Quad-core CPU OCZ Gold 6GB (3x2MB) 240-pin DDR3 1600 triple channel SDRAM WD Velociraptor 300GB 10,000 rpm SATA HD XFX ATI Radeon HD 4870 1GB video card Antec Nine Hundred Two case I'll be ordering my OFF phase 3 dvd soon! Btw, does anyone have any thoughts about whether I should load WinXP or spring for 64-bit Vista?

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