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About JRA

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    I like playing Wings over Israel and Wings over Europe

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  1. I was wondering... Does your paint scheme/ camo affect your visibility to your enemies? Like, if you had a silver camo and flying at tree level, will it be easier for the bandits to spot you?
  2. I have a few questions 1.) What does Skill do? I get a lot of situations where a guy with a 70 or so skill kills more than a guy with something like 80. 2.) What does experience do for your guys? Give them a higher rank? (What's the highest Rank by the way?) 3.) How does Morale affect your guys? Do they attack more often? 4.) At what level of fatuige to you let your guys stay home?
  3. Flight stick makes things a hell of lot easier.
  4. Shrikes are used against radars and SAMs. If you're being tracked by a radar, you should start hearing a beeping sound from your RWR, and, if you look at it, there's a blinking dot in it somewhere. Point your plane towards the dot, fly closer to the radar, point you nose up a little bit, and then fire. The Shrike will the track the radar source and blast it. P.S. Shrikes won't hit all the time especially if the radar turns off after you've fired I suggest bringing an ECM and turn it on to attract radars (Just don't balme me if you get shot down because of it ) Hope this helps.. Cheers mate
  5. Very realistic sims can be annoying. I have Falcon 4AF, and it takes me maybe 10 minutes just to turn on the aircraft (nifty term) Flying straigh can be fixed with a SHIFT+A or the Wing Leveler
  6. Okay.. I find it a real pain in ass going after bombers that's got a tail gun.. Missiles just won't take care of them sometimes, and damn... I can't even get get close because of their rear guns... And I won't even think chasing a tightly packed bomber squadron unless me and my grunts gut tons of birds for them... Any tips? My only tip is that bring a lot of birds when you're going after them... And attack them from above too...
  7. Hmmm... A few things that might help you... :yes: Try to keep your speed above 300 knots even if you're all alone and just moving around because you'll never know when those bandits will pop out. -Another thing.. Speed keeps you in the air.. The faster you go, the less likely you are to stall or crash... Of course, with the condition you're not diving WATCH your fuel (drop tanks should help you out, but be warned they cause drag (not to mention make your plane heavier). Also, don't even think of flying around on full afterburner all the time because you burn fuel a lot faster that way. Use them in bursts or for a few seconds) For combat, stay high and fast (preferably above 10000ft and 450 or so knots), don't engage Migs if you don't have to, command your squadron using the TAB key and don't bother a Mig for too long because that's one good way to die (other Migs might be chasing you too, or, the other Migs just wiped your entire squadron leaving you exposed), and, RETREAT when you don't a stand a chance (like in my case, a 4 vs. 10 Migs and a few Hunters ). Last but not least... READ the MANUAL... :yes: Hope this helps.. Cheers mate
  8. What setting do you have for flight model? That happens to me sometimes, but not as often as you. My best bet for it is that the wind is heading towards the direction your plane's being pushed to. I'm not sure though. If it helps, try using the rudder with your flight stick or arrow keys to get your plane where you want to be. That works for me.
  9. I recently downloaded a weapons pack today. I forgot the name, but the file size was maybe 150Mb, and it contained (according to it at least) every weapon out there (maybe it did... Got tons to load up with)... Well, in it was a leaflet bomb. In the net it said that it was used for propaganda purposes like demorilizing the enemy or something like that. Is this smulated in the games? And another thing... What targets are Fuel air explosives for?
  10. Hmmm... You got a good point... Anyhow, I just lost 2 of my aces today... Maybe because I had to post it on the net... LOL
  11. Uh, what do you mean by 'take care'? Is it send them home after the run in? Yeah... My No.69 Hammers Squadron has 8 aces including myself. The lowest scoring having 9 kills A2A.
  12. I was wondering if there's a way of modding Wo* games so that you're not limitted to 16 guys per mission. What do think? Also, is there a way of making the AI smarter? It's annoying when they attack targets that's not a primary and get shot down or even crash in the process.
  13. Nope... I pop the parked ones... Nice penguin by the way...
  14. I don't know.. Just wanted to comment.. That's hella fast

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